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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Just think of it as a smoker but half the attitude. As they're not [assuming] full blown alcoholics. Whereas smokers are just twats.
  2. I'd like to know too. I always intend to get one, but will probably never use it.
  3. Either way it's nothing compared to the magic of David Copperfield. I love the music on this, especially on the tram scene. It fits so well.
  4. I shall remember this if I ever get interviewed for a relevant job. This shit is gold.
  5. How did you answer? "How would you maintain client confidentiality?" "I'd shred the shit out of it." Please tell me you said that.
  6. It should say why you got them, at least my pr0 ones do.
  7. Expand like the box ticking issue? "I put the paper in the shredder lengthways, and make sure it's cut in nice vertical lines, exactly 23 pieces, then I jumble it up and sell it to tombola's for their lucky dip" ? [side note: Lucky Dips were fucking awesome] So pretty much what I said? True, but I still wouldn't feel comfortable with saying "So I was talking to this lass who got bumraped..." just because I left the names out.
  8. Just curious what people here think about the amazing advice I gave my friend regarding her application to a school. This is what the "specification" apparently was:
  9. Now we're talking. Pimpsmacked the Grapple Guardian last night. Still not sure these days where I'm meant to be going next. Key hunts give me such an erection, they're that much fun.
  10. I think it was setting the scene for the rest of the season. Mark job hunting, Sophie looking like a lesbian, Jez and Super Hans doing more crazy random shit.
  11. This has to be one of the biggest piles of bullshit I've ever heard.
  12. Serious question, is that ok?
  13. It was all about his street magic. Especially the way he looks at the camera.
  14. Mr. FishPansyman already settled the age old debate between Pirates and Ninjas, by beating the shit out of them both.
  15. I imagine he'll say he will in a later programme, but instead talk bullshit and we'll have to find out his "method" on Yahoo! News. I'm just too pretty... Seriously! [/Zelos] EDIT: We're not first anymore. This is bollocks. Pretty much the same as Quiz Call really, except you could win monies! Like how Jedi Mind Tricks only work on the weak minded?
  16. Just obtained the Gravity Boost thingy, not entirely sure what I've got to do next, fuck around looking for keys I guess.
  17. And I bet they say the others do more work? Tis bullshit. But feel a little better since minimum wage is going up in October by a rocking 7p. £5.73 Digivolve To?! FIVE POUND EIGHTYMON! Count those savings. What would you do if you won't be?
  18. I'll have to watch this sometime, see the context the quotes posted. Because they're just not funny.
  19. Never did know when to quit huh?
  20. It's not that we're attacking what he did. It's the fact he said he would explain how and spewed bullshit instead.
  21. Riddle me this. Featuring Maddox. Congrats on your job digivolution though .
  22. It's not in Derby, it's in Ripley in Derbyshire.
  23. Who the hell are those clowns?
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