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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I feel that. But I'm going to get the potential crap out of the way first. Although I know I won't be able to stop being reminded of Frasier when reading Archie.
  2. FREE COMICS! Some look less appealing than others, but fuck it. They were free.
  3. White ties are sexy, but they must be shimmering.
  4. Suits. These can be reused for alot more things thereafter.
  5. Nipple tassles! Genius idea Stancemon.
  6. Man slams his gran: http://nz.lifestyle.yahoo.com/new-idea/real-life/article/-/7124792/im-in-love-with-my-grandson-were-having-a-baby/
  7. To keep the dream that is Arnie prank calls alive. These people are the fucking masters. This is one where they call an "irate black man", awesome watching these people get angry: http://www.realmofdarkness.net/pranks/arnold-irateblack.htm Then they use him on a redneck family, remixed with Arnie: http://www.realmofdarkness.net/pranks/arnold-redneckfam.htm
  8. Just heard about free comic day. A nice selection is on offer.
  9. How did they take it the first time? OR DID YOU LIE?
  10. How big is the Civil War series? I've been considering going back and giving it a go.
  11. Now that looks sexy. I personally wouldn't wear it though.
  12. Is she a vegetable? That's 30 minutes of Comedy Rainbow gold gone. You fool.
  13. What channel? Anything other than UK Gold?
  14. I agree it is a shame, as a result that design looks wank.
  15. Dannyboy broke it down. The moral of the story is:
  16. I can't imagine that, do you use butter/etc as well?
  17. POSTED BEFORE?! Don't know. But for those who dig Maddoxs' humour: http://maddox.xmission.com/ I shall be recommending the phrase "shit it before you hit it." to some acquaintances.
  18. Doesn't make it any less of a fucking stupid idea.
  19. My Infernape wasn't that bad. But the D/P/Pl starters were just fucking stupid in the idea of making them all dual types.
  20. Splendid! Moving on. The fire starter will automatically be the best, as normal.
  21. So technically a no then. Just curious is all.
  22. The titles could have been derived from the colours of the logos. It was a simple question, has there been a fucking official announcement or not?
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