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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Happy Birthday Dantemon! You must go down a storm at parties.
  2. Another one of your self made Facebook accounts again ReZ? :p I got a snooker cue for my birthday and I'm torn between what to name it. I have a few ideas, but what do the pr0 people of the N-E Massive suggest? Should be going to Alton Towers on Thursday, haven't had a proper day out in years.
  3. I don't recall, but I'm sure it was delicious.
  4. Wish me a Happy Birthday. Please.
  5. The fact that fuck all happened. I can't remember how long into the film I gave up, but it didn't exactly fill me with promise of something decent happening.
  6. It is entertaining, but I would really like to see an episode where Mercedes doesn't finish every sentence with "HEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAAAAYYYYAAAAAY" Whilst looking like she's having a really painful shit.
  7. "Karl, schieß auf das fenster." "SHOOT the GLASS."
  8. I would recommend it. But it's hard to explain/decribe anything without giving things away. Just get the first book [Mister Monday] and see what you think. You put faith in Invincible. ...That's nice. Recent purchase: Jumbo Slinky, taller than a DS.
  9. I honestly can't remember without looking at the footage. It felt alot longer than six minutes Dannyboy.
  10. I know, Nix was able to pump out the rest in a decent time gap, then he takes the piss with this. I haven't read it yet, since, as you mentioned it's been awhile since the previous books, I'm going through them again. Read Mister Monday yesterday. Quite impressed as to how quick I read it, but it's only a quick refresher.
  11. Best bit of sense I've seen chair give. Bring him round mate, get it over and done with.
  12. The dream is always alive within my heart. It's just the lack of commitment in those who have pledged their allegiance to the project. When the opportunity arises they are quick to volunteer, but when it comes to delivery they buckle.
  13. How did you manage to watch it? It says it's being processed and can't be watched. They may have been sniggers, but they weren't the kind you were going for. Here's the vid anyways for when it's done.
  14. Uploading the goods now. The episode of Comedy Rainbow may be scripted, but the reactions here are real. For the quiet sections, it might be better if you have the episode playing at the same time. My girlfriend and I had more laughs watching the footage back than actually watching the episode itself. Video is being processed now, will post shortly.
  15. Are you saying you dis/agree with me?
  16. Even worse... "Boo", not sure whether the Nelly song came before or after it was used, it certainly didn't help matters. Unless they were singing about this, that would be acceptable:
  17. Some of us we think it's the stats not working out for some things. One we think got let go because he revealed the secret behind the Ring to win scheme at New Look. But they claim to have hired us temps because they have got new clients, which equals more work, but now they're saying other clients are processing their applications in-store...
  18. I think I might lose my job too. But quite a few of us temps have been dropping like flies.
  19. Russell Howards' Good News. OOOIII TITS. HERE. NOW. Awesome.
  20. Wasn't what I was expecting. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting, but this wasn't it. Not a bad film, but it's not something I'll be going out of my way to watch again anytime soon. Was my first 3D film experience, which was nice, but as it's been mentioned earlier, once you get used to it you hardly notice. I saw a trailer for Toy Story 3, which has got me confused on the time period between the 2nd and 3rd films, as Andy is apparently going to college/university in the third instalment. Also a trailer for the film Legend of the Guardians. Awesome 3D visuals, but it consisted of 99% footage of owls flying.
  21. One is an underbite, the other an overbite.
  22. Right... I'm wondering whether to watch it now, give you the breakdown and film myself and my girlfriend watching it... Or wait until I can film us both watching it for the first time. Answers on a postcard please.
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