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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. There's nothing stopping you having Chalke in your potential new set.
  2. The alternative election shizzle was fun, but I couldn't stay up and watch it all, it was meant to finish at 1 but surely went on for longer than that. Wanted to catch the last Fonejacker bit.
  3. Very true, but it's better than nothing. T'was bullshit saying goodbye to everyone at uni, Facebook is all we have!
  4. Well there are a few pisstake ideas. Not much substance though.
  5. Just focus on the Brooker, although his new hairstyle is weird. I too am stuck who to vote for. Although I was thinking of keeping Labour in, give Brown a chance [since he's been left with what Blair left him, which is mighty unfair] Or this chance shit the Tories go on about, which word on the street is that it doesn't really do much good for us lower working class gringos [true?] Monsheet, I'm torn.
  6. Only Charlie Sheen seems able to pull it off.
  7. Ah the Dame Edna 2099 set. Classy :p Just had a delightful "conversation" with someone who has had his msn fucked up for ages, the kind of thing where a window would open and they'd say "Is this you?! *link*" or "I lost 99st in 2 minutes *link*" This time it went into a nice remix:
  8. This almost relates to the pisstake I keep telling myself I will make.
  9. Someone has to.
  10. Pokémon has advanced muchos since the old days, plus it's not been done by Wizards of the Coast for 7 years.
  11. Word, but it's looking like they're putting all focus on Amy with the whole "You're the Chosen One" bullshit at the end of the last ep.
  12. Pokémon TCG is better. Pre-release event on Saturday!
  13. Just noticed the Facebook message: "Episode 11 is up! And its funny!" You might as well tell me I'm a secret agent from Mars. It'd be more believable.
  14. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Fuck it, have it going on any rollercoaster would be pr0. Have it right at the top of Oblivion. Soon as it cuts out. Whoosh.
  15. Subliminal: I do hope that location is yours, because I'm going to be sending you some of my shit. "I don't know if you've heard": Terrible. Guess the sound: I see the smug "This was funny, laugh here" pose has made an [un]welcome return: Rabbi: Once the punchline [which admittedly was clever] was delivered you just warbled on which decreased its entertainment value. Plus the weird screaming afterwards? WHY? Foods that benefit from salt: ... What. Pizza oven: Please explain* Fun with a pun: Just like how it wouldn't be Comedy Rainbow without Phil getting his kit off, it wouldn't be the same without you drawing a veiny cock. Looks more Bill Clinton than Gordon Brown[?] Jonnys: The ending was good. But I was desensitized by the flaming queen-esque dancing. Although the shit pattern looks different from where I thought the arsehole was. Foods that don't benefit from salt: ... What. Hemp bag: Please explain* Scare Claire: Nice to see Claire with her hair up. But as Jimbobmon said, seemed a little fixed. Scare Claire Extra: It is good to see you catering for the heterosexual community by getting a bit of female flesh on show: Top draw. Syringes: Shit. Nein: These are sadly too predictable, as you see it coming after a wave of irrelevant bullshit. Irish: Is this a potential series? [internationally speaking] Phils Greatest Hits: No words to say. Was that you perving on him? Google Translate: Could've been so much better if you hadn't cut to a screenshot. Shitter: Just no. Outtakes: I do like how you're getting worked up over Claire. Imagine her anger when you "scare" her. *If it's a simple case of remixing the punchlines, this takes that facepalm thing to a whole new level.
  16. I don't remember that bit, was it not meant to go forwards?
  17. Definitely your worst Mike. Detailed Breakdown in progress.
  18. I've not watched it yet, but seeing this shot: Doesn't inspire much confidence. Time to watch...
  19. You want them pulled up like a football player?
  20. You can tell this crack in the wall thing is going to be another "Bad Wolf" thing which'll pan out over the whole series. [Note: I didn't watch the Eccleston era, I caught the end bullshit about opening the Tardis core or something]
  21. Now we're talking. This makes me want to actually watch it.
  22. The map book lies. It said you would be enjoying Sonic ch00nz during the ride. That's bullshit. The only thing related to Sonic you heard was the ring noise in the queue, and Sonic giving you "instructions" at the end of the queue. What would've been awesome if they played the drowing music as you were dragged up then went into Casino Night Zone or something.
  23. Noticing the taster for the vampire episode. It looks like they can survive in daylight, but can't stand UV/black light?
  24. I mentioned in my initial post it wasn't that great. You had a bitchfit.
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