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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. What's caught your eye? All you ladies seem to be looking with shock at something.
  2. It looks almost as sexy as the bruise I got from the last N-E Meet.
  3. I wish I could reply positively, but alas, I cannot. MA BRUVVA! You wanna take this outside?! Tis very true, I've had my input recordedings. As mentioned before, people are quick to claim bits but are slow to make good on their promises.
  4. That looks pathetic, probably the flash but that looks [besides the size] tame.
  5. Yesterday just as I started I was given a slight bollocking by one manager for not noticing something, fair enough, then I get told by another manager that I was going back to the department I started at [making the previous discussion pointless] The scandal is concerning my hours, I started on Applications and Authorisations, doing 1-9 having Sunday and Thursday off, then went to Collections and worked 12-8 with Saturday and Monday off, which is a fuckload better. Yet after being shunted back to A&A they haven't told me anything about my hours/shifts changing. And I have a feeling they'll try ringing me tomorrow asking me where I am. If they try putting me back on my former hours I'm considering quitting. Those shifts were fucking awful.
  6. No no no, at work I mentioned I watched and my amazing observation, he suggested Tom Selleck. Stark's toughest challenge ever.
  7. Not bad superhero films, but I feel too much time was spent on origins and other shit than on action, which is felt weird after reading: The script was not completely prepared when filming began, since the filmmakers were more focused on the story and the action, so the dialogue was mostly ad-libbed throughout filming; The action and the story seemed shadows by the script. Only in the last half hour is there some proper pimpsmacking action. Hopefully if a third film comes along everything will be set up so much that there can be more shooty bad guys etc. For the first time I've properly found Johansson attractive, kicking some ass like a female Jason Statham. All in all, good viewing. Which ages actor will we have next? Jeff Bridges, Mickey Rourke... Burt Reynolds?
  8. The starters look well dodgy. Here's hoping they turn into something more sexier.
  9. Which season is where it runs out of steam? I'm only on the 3rd episode of season 1.
  10. Time has been going funs. Remixing a new pr0 Pokémon deck, I think. My former deck is still being sexy, but with new sets, tweaks may be needed. But as my MSN name says, I've finally started watching 24. Never watched a single episode before, even managed to resist all the Bauer Love spread across the 'net. But now it comes to fruition.
  11. When does the true PM'ing begin, so we can see these bad boys in action?
  12. It's been about a week. Where's the next gripping instalment?
  13. Went halves on a booster box of the Pokémon TCG Heart Gold Soul Silver Unleased set with my girlfriend, couldn't find a pic of the box, so here's some images of the cards: Fantastic Four 1 & 2 for a fiver:
  14. How can you not remember? It was the pinnacle of him sacrificing his life, courtesy of a few barrels of gunpowder! Do they have to kick a black dude down a hole as well? I was thinking the exact same thing. When the Doctor snuck into the palace[?] having used the daddy as a diversion, I was thinking "I've done that!"
  15. I am most surprised no one has commented on the 300 tribute.
  16. I felt that, but it seemed they deliberately forgot this at times. Not a bad episode, but now you've got the fiance fapping around.
  17. Possibly, but I think "Official" Photographer would get more success.
  18. You silly boy, she's obviously using a strap on. Couldn't agree more.
  19. You must've made some kind of good impression if she's tracked you down a week later.
  20. Damn right. I have the purple Classics one, monies well spent.
  21. Hot girl alert. Flink... They are books... Would've been a shit costume no matter the occasion.
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