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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. But you're making it sound that he's trying to get erect cocks onto television that exceed the angle the landmass that the Mull of Kintyre rests on.
  2. I can do better for you. Sounds like Yoko would be right at home. I don't think she felt so secluded about the matter as you say. Although I would like to know her reactions, and answers to these questions.
  3. What does that have to do with ReZ featuring pictures of places?
  4. It's an alright film, it just didn't feel like a Die Hard film to me. Too much computer shizzle, not enough guns.
  5. Die Hard is a classic. I hear the British one is good.
  6. Anya and Xander piss on prick Riley. Anya is amazing later on. Especially with her shop skills and knowledge of The Game Of Life, known as Life by lazy Yanks. Like Cluedo.
  7. I am yet to see all three films you've mentioned. Oh well. And the fans are bitching? Christ. It's not as if they didn't win anything.
  8. The missus and I have been considering filming ourselves watching Comedy Rainbow. If you make another one, we may do it.
  9. With the male in: Ish. With the male taken out: pr0.
  10. pr0 day. My former boss' accountants to cough up the monies they owe me. The boss told me they've had the monies ready for 4 months and not got their shit together. I think my leaving finally got their arses into gear and provide the funds. I thought it was in the region of £126, but through some error of either my calculations or theirs... I get just under £300. Either way I'm happy.
  11. I also know someone who can help you
  12. Bad films he doesn't post about would be my guess.
  13. I really should get around to watching the first...
  14. Chair!? Word Ashmon. Also based on their logic, if Avatar is so great it will be remembered forever, the fact it didn't win an Oscar is irrelevant. Yeah, it was a well known fact Obama wasn't a fan of Avatar. Taken from someones' signature: Number of times I've seen Avatar: 25. I really hope they're joking.
  15. Got a link for this prize winning video? The secret is to get drunk. It evens it out amazingly.
  16. I misinformed you when I said Sam knew it was Arnie, she knew it was lines from Kindgarten Cop [some were], but couldn't think of his name, or say 'soundboard', all she could remember was that he did something in California. I'll upload it tomorrow. One of those people who likes to play it pr0 slow, waiting to see if the lady is interested first methinks. Were you?
  17. Just reviewed the footage, Sam could tell it was Arnie. How comes? Was he someone who thought he was 'in' with ye?
  18. It's been a slight topic of discussion for some of us here with regards to one friends commitment to a recent relationship. Slight History lesson in this rant, I'm sure I've posted this bit before, but can't be bothered to check: A few weeks ago, former co-worker Aiden strted going out with friend-of-a-friend Sam, after a conversation which lasted a few hours. Sam and I almost went out after a similar encounter awhile back since I knew her from Sainsbury's. Aiden was rather happy with himself, after obtaining himself a girlfriend... but all was not as it seemed. Sam had previously gone out with Aiden's friend Martin [not sure on the timeframe of going out/being single between them] Aiden, for some foolish reason, left Sam and Martin alone in his flat whilst he went to work... When he returned after work with my girlfriend and friend Tonto, apparently it smelt like hardcore BO/sweat, and Sam and Martin acted suspiciously. There was some altercation and the pair apparently split up. It was in common agreement [i don't recall Aiden agreeing though, not sure if he even knows] Sam should recieve a call from Arnie, which she had a few of. Recorded them at the time, but they weren't anything special... Somehow they recently got back together, many close friends weren't happy with this, I put it down to his most obvious desparation for a girl. But in the pursuit of some glorious Arnie Magic, to try and calm my burning rage over deleting the truly awesome ReZ encounter... After a few good Arnie encounters, Sam has assumed that Aiden has given her number to his friend Liam, who has in turn been pranking her in a funny accent, Aiden phoned my girlfriend to tell her this. We are astounded that Aiden hasn't figured this out, since whilst working with him I've told him no end of tales of my adventures with Arnie. I'm about to watch the footage properly, after watching it on my camera it sounded like she was telling someone that someone [Me] was saying lines from Kindergarten Cop. It's clear this detail wasn't released to Aiden, otherwise he [hopefully] would realise the truth in an instant. Either way, under her current delusion, Sam has broken up with Aiden and gone to see Martin. You can feel the trust. I shall reveal myself soon, but I know that many of the crowd will commend me for this result.
  19. Pretty much sounds the same as the migrating feature from the GBA Pokémon games. Does a Pal Park exist in Johto/Kanto?
  20. So your logic here is that they dress up like complete tools because they're making up for lost time? Bullshit.
  21. Started looking for a property now. I'm not even sure why, mainly just because someone mentioned they were getting a flat and it seems like a good step forward since I could probably stay with my current job. But I would need someone to live with...
  22. Proper Trainers pick fire. Only they can pimpsmack Brock and Misty in Red/Blue and be proud of it. Grass is for cowards. Christ... It's not even out in America yet.
  23. BUT I LOVE YOU!! However. This: Could've been anyone, if someone asked me if I dropped a tenner I would lie to have it. Plus it would've been mighty awkward if I suddenly pulled the money out of my pocket a few minutes later when they started looking down.
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