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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Oh Yeah.
  2. Plenty of time to think of something methinks.
  3. Point proven :p
  4. Perhaps. We'll have to see what he pumps out in the meantime. Going on that angle, it would be better if you had the canned laughter/applause at the end as you were going for the camera, the small laughter you hear at the time is almost non-existant. But your face... I'm sorry I can't handle it in that pose. It incites anger within me. And I'm afraid...
  5. Buggered if I know. But The Shadow knows...

  6. I prefer my clothes comfortable and affordable. I'm not saying branded stuff isn't comfortable mind. I just don't go out of my way to buy expensive clothes just because some bell end has his name in little letters somewhere on the garment. Plus those who brag about the label need shooting. I'm not saying you're bragging Goron, someone who comes straight to mind is my step-sister: "Check out my new bag!" "Nice." "It's Gucci!" "Nice. How much did that set you back?" "£2500" "You spend £2500 on a bag." "But it's Gucci!" I have to walk out the room at that point.
  7. I gathered that. I was referring to the mannerisms also. Also, did that bloke by the pool tell Holmes to fuck off?
  8. Just watched the first two on iPlayer. About to watch the third. To be fair Holmes came before the Doctor (None of that timey whimey shit please) They just made him younger and more relaxed.
  9. Kiss away, my ass enjoys it. Someone please! I'm not sure, I don't want to cheapen it. There's only so much pisstaking I can do of certain shizzle.
  10. Depends how many pairs of britchers/thingys she wears.
  11. Red Dwarf when they went Back to Earth and met the real Craig Charles.
  12. Bugger, thought that would be the case.
  13. Not just painful. Window painful.
  14. After reading Caris' distraught post, then seeing your cheesy grin makes me wonder :p Truly scary story though chap. Glad ye be alright. I had a similar experience. We were driving somewhere down some motorway (I have an eye for the details here) and the back tire just blew out. Dad was driving and we were skidding around the lanes. Luckily there wasn't much traffic so we didn't hit any cars and at one point was going down the motorway backwards. And at the time I couldn't stop smiling, like I was on a rollercoaster or something.
  15. Both a blessing and a curse methinks. Sounds good though.
  16. I've not noticed the birds around my area being bright at night and leaving a light trail as they burn their way through the cosmos. The chavs here must not have thought of setting fire to pidgeons yet. The fuck? Watch someone jump out of a window (assuming added suicide) and your heart pangs when you see a window?
  17. Apologies. I didn't mean to say that people dislike change for the sake of weariness of the unknown, naturally people will not be a fan of certain aspects for different reasons. Like you said, you're not a fan of some threads going because you believe things were fine as they were with regards to whatever threads you refer to? I hope I read that right.
  18. That's not in dispute. It's just that some members like to have kept certain threads. It may go against whatever the master plan is, but what can I say? People fear (some) change.
  19. Tis Mummy's birthday on the 13th. I shall pretend to create this as her present.
  20. It's true. Many films try to go with some clever angle for whatever reason, which is fine in some cases. We can't forget the old school style of good honest clean killing fun. Hopefully the killing won't be too clean, otherwise it wouldn't be that fun.
  21. I didn't even know who you were on this forum. If I did I forgot.
  22. The lack of demanding. As mentioned before. Nothing but happy thoughts. Nah not really. But I won't lie to ye, almost for a second the moment I read it.
  23. What?! Mouse Trap is nothing without "Add a piece"! Tis good. Tis what introduced me/my family to the delightful world of Warhammer. Rummikub is amazing. But its rarity is true and disappointing.
  24. Tis a bullshit feeling no matter the pet. Keep strong mate.
  25. Make sure the angle is right so it's always at an angle.
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