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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. You must've misunderstood when they assigned you this "companion". Silliness aside, what mission-esque stuff did you have to do?
  2. I want to see all sketches involving my footage before publication. I can tell you're plotting something.
  3. So how many separate threads would be acceptable?
  4. Good, this is just what I wanted to hear, I salute you.
  5. C'mahn, give us some evidence.
  6. I'm willing to put money on the fact that you'd rarely wear that in public.
  7. If you were a new member, would you feel less intimidated?
  8. Assuming I can afford it, which hopefully I shall, I'll be able to go to Germany and represent England in the European Mega Drive Championships in September. Fuck yeah.
  9. I was meaning more along the lines of when people pay into my account. Will Paypal slam an email my way? All I've done is given the lucky winner my Paypal ID, is that enough?
  10. So is your face. That'll teach him.
  11. The main thing I'm not sure about is recieving payment with Paypal. I think I connected it all together before I put this item up. Got this email: You have set up a Payment Agreement to automatically pay your eBay seller fees with PayPal. The description of your agreement is shown below If not, how do I go about it?
  12. Intergration isn't the future anymore. I noticed my Total Recall topic's title was changed. Is this another change where we can't have a bit of mystique in our titles? I assume this new regime means every birthday thread from now on will just have the title "Happy Birthday "
  13. I'm not entirely sure I'm doing it right.
  14. Viva la future.
  15. Buy the official Richter t-shirt. http://www.redbubble.com/people/eevilmurray/t-shirts/4294826-1-richter-made-it-to-the-party-after-all-dark-text
  16. I can only imagine they expect us to make our own image topics.
  17. So much for trying to kill two birds with one stone.
  18. Original and cover.
  19. It's a scam?
  20. Who was it who had the avatar of Cohagen [?] going Mars style?
  21. Simply Red? Pfft. Getting our ass to Mars is where the action lies. A movie which is one about 364 days of the year [may not be on Christmas Day] Give Quaid your love. Or Hauser, his name isn't Quaid apparently.
  22. At the moment I live.
  23. So people can talk about Simply Red.
  24. Some of their material isn't bad.
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