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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Depends on the other guy. If it was a good friend of mine I could appreciate the joint love. A complete stranger however... alarm bells would be ringing.
  2. So what you're complaining about is, they say that the catalogue will be out on the 28th, and you're bitching that you don't get it end of business on 27th? No.
  3. Make them Admins then. They seem to have their heads on straight.
  4. Has everyone got theirs? And those who have, done what we all did in our youth, which was to flip straight to the toy section at the back.
  5. What's paper telephone? New ghetto slang. Can't be much worse than "peng" I hope. Word. I best better get this job I missed the meet to have the interview for. Only seeing a few of the photos, I noticed ReZ is wearing a conventional hat. Did he not bring/wear one of his more profound headgears?
  6. Both pictures look rather fruity.
  7. It's always the good ones who leave so early.
  8. Oh yes, watching Bale walk really slowly is Oscar worthy.
  9. Because I'm a curious guy.
  10. I know what you were trying to say.
  11. If you paste it with salt it explodes into little balls which cut through everything. Harass it with water and it'll grow, filling the screen and jumps around cutting through everything in its path. That's why I encase it in walls from the beginning.
  12. The "third leg" ?
  13. I don't see what's so inane about knowing the current results of this "experiment" you're running. Just because more topics have been made doesn't mean more posts have been posted. There's no need to keep blackballing with pictures of massive bowls. If you don't know then just say, I'm only asking out of curiousity. I'm merely living up to the inquisitive title you bestowed upon me. Certainly possible! We shall see.
  14. No shit? You closed the rest. This does sound interesting, are there any stats we can see?
  15. They both look like ReZ, and they'd both make wank Dredd's. "You're under arrest, I am the - PAY-NUS"
  16. He hasn't got the mouth or chin for this.
  17. No. Just no.
  18. Something I came across by chance, this is weirdly addicitive: http://chir.ag/stuff/sand/ "The game involves four different particles falling from the top of the screen, which all look and move similar to sand. The particles resemble sand, water, salt, and oil in color. Along with these four, additional elements can be placed on the screen with the mouse, some that are solid and stationary instead of flowing. By mixing the different elements together, many colorful designs, complex structures, and systems can be created." I mainly find myself growing plants to hold sand, splash it all with oil and watch it burn. Good times. TRY IT YESELF.
  19. So what they're saying is that this push [unnecessary as it was] killed him. No doubt they're going to claim whatever "natural causes" that did the job were triggered by this forced meeting with the ground. But it does seem clutching at straws.
  20. Phew, there I was thinking it was someone else. Thanks for clearing that up. Apology accepted.
  21. Tried Invincible after all the hype here. Bought volumes 1 & 2. Pretty much regret it.
  22. On the night before my 17th birthday I fell asleep on the bus going home and missed my stop, ending up in Derby. After throwing up twice [i don't do things by halves] they rang my parents to come pick me up. I woke up nice and refreshed the next morning, just as Pokémon Fire Red arrived.
  23. Fucking epilepsy. Medical conditions love to make us angry. Give me more meds! See if that works! Give me their details. Douglas Quaid wants a word.
  24. Where is that? Please tell me that's not photoshopped.
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