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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Aside from your man in bowl concept, it looks like you're trying to have a piss. Which I think is genius, especially the forced staring at the roses to keep your concentration. Much better than this wave of macro shots on jigsaw pieces* we see these days. *or whatever
  2. I'm still waiting for the blue-topped cans of Fosters I tried a few months ago.
  3. No, it's not. It's short and shit.
  4. I can assure you it does. You're obviously not playing it right. I was going to get the original images, but it seems I've overloaded the site. HOWEVER! These we the ones I "meant to get" What happened to Samus Magical cure for Samus which wasn't mentioned at all.
  5. Rebecca Black wins. Fatality Being Preparedality.
  6. If I can find someway of transporting my Beystadium I'd bring mine, but I think it'd get fucked up on the train to/from. ReZ, give us a lift.
  7. Despite not really being a Bjork fan I commend you for finding love for her. Because it seems it's led to the creation of this topic which means no more spamming of her videos in every fucking topic. dr4kon. I salute you.
  8. I'm willing to give it a chance, despite Stella Artois being generally shite.
  9. If you had lime with the Corona, subtract 20.
  10. Baxter the Fly, awesome. Bring some for the meet.
  11. All except Beta House and Book of Love*, although I think I may have watched Beta House. *Jim's Dad created The Bible, shocking.
  12. Really? All I saw was her colour changing to resemble the Varia suit. Nowhere seems to mention that it actually came off. Unless you complete the game "properly" does it show so: Collect enough items quick enough and suddenly she's fully cured with no explaination given.
  13. An American Pie with the original cast... Does sound promising. Although the quick change in Stifler between 3 and 4 (Band Camp) always concerns me. He went from his normal form into "love mode" due to falling for Michelles sister, that I can believe, it's like him maturing. But in band camp a postcard arrives from Stifler in normal form. Would be interesting to see them explain what happened between Cadence and Stifler.
  14. Not seen it, but it is awesome.
  15. I am surprised Cadbury's haven't gotten Rebecca to advertise Crunchies.
  16. Awesome! He really must be looking forward to the weekend. Managed to snipe in a Friday reference at work today. *Dave serving customer* Dave: Do you have a Clubcard?/or something. Customer: Nah, but it's a good thing it's Friday. EEVIL: You've gotta get down on Friday. Dave had a hard time keeping a straight face for the next five minutes. It's always more fun when they're oblivious to what's going on.
  17. Counted down to this bad boy. http://www.aperturescience.com/glados@home/ S'almost like the same stunt chair pulled with his charity absence.
  18. Resist the urge to assbang achievements and cancel!
  19. Facepaint, although I might've grown out of it.
  20. Why don't you?
  21. I want to see the next chapter take place after Fusion, where she has to be in the fusion "suit", which is practically her skin now. How will they try and explain its removal... Hopefully quickly without countless dry-vagina-angst filled cutscenes a lá Other M.
  22. Perhaps, but try to imagine a screen that dark condensed onto a tiny screen. I am surprised how looking forward to this I am. Most happy I haven't bought a 3DS just yet. Now we need A Link To The Past 3D. Then put that on the 3DS a few years into the future.
  23. I sent her an email yesterday morning and impatient as I am still haven't recieved a reply. Another co-student who has a different tutor recommended switching, which I must say is tempting. Depends on the reply/how bloody quick I get it.
  24. They did it with Deathly Hallows, all they need to do is extend a few scenes where they go to bed/wake up* for a couple of hours and they're golden. *get fresh, bowl, cereal etc.
  25. I would like to hope so, Steam still has it down for the 19th.
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