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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Yep. And yet time still goes on when you're doing other things. I actually came on to send my PM but found the day beginning. 4:30 is a bit early to end a night I say dammit!
  2. That was too quick a night phase for me. I didn't get chance to send a PM.
  3. Now I feel more Godly for my sneaky Johann Sebastian Joust wins.
  4. I don't think I'd live long enough to see a second game come to fruition.
  5. VELMA?!
  6. That's all the attack system ever was really. Wait for the A button to flash, and away you go. I've never played Master Quest, anyone comment on how that went? Nah, that's just you being lazy
  7. How many LEGO bricks were pressed to make that ring? :P
  8. Yep. Plus the 50 (was it?) level "dungeon" to get a Triforce shard?
  9. Don't worry @Rummy, I get what you mean by legal tender in this context.
  10. I get that they weren't too far along with them to put them in, but I don't see the point that is being made that just because the original idea was used in Twilight Princess that a similarly inspired dungeon can never be made. Why no middle ground with the other point? You could apply that to almost every gameplay addition put in a remake/sequel. Don't see why not. The difference with that is that it wasn't so blatently obvious that it was missing. Yes, Zora's Domain didn't unfreeze over ever but that's far more subtle than having the third dungeon ripped out in a Zelda game.
  11. He seemed rather calm about the issue really. He got the monies, asked if they took cash. They said yes so he gave them the cash. In this regard he isn't at fault.
  12. I don't get the giant Diageo, is it saying that he was glowing with the light, or was cursed?
  13. No no no no. All you'd have to do is not shave and stick on some rat ears :p. If you're going to go hardcore costume you can put in as much effort as the rest of the group.
  14. And based on that to be honest they shouldn't have bothered with this game at all. If they're not going to do this sort of thing properly then they shouldn't bother at all. Before we begin, no I don't think adding some Miiverse things, the ability to tap tap tap on the gamepad and "fast" sailing is enough by a long stretch. The latter by its creation shows that Nintendo have realised the sailing was boring as fuck. So apart from making it look shinier all they've done is make it quicker to complete the game. And they want more money for this? Many people think this was the greatest Zelda since sliced bread, personally I think it's way off. But if people are willing to piss money away on this when they could just whip out their Wii and put the 'Cube disc in, that's fine. I hope they enjoy themselves, I shan't be getting it as I'd like a newer, decent game. Hugs all round.
  15. I'm sure they could rustle up something else.
  16. ... And? It's not as if they couldn't design more.
  17. I call bullshit. Congrats. I expect an invite. Congrats again. I expect personalised hand drawn dongs/clits on everyone's invitation.
  18. I sure hope that box was glossy too. Otherwise I'd send it back claiming false advertising. EEVILMURRAY. Fashion Baron.
  19. I have wank luck with headphones. Probably because I don't want to spend anything above fifteen quid. Last ones I bought now seem to pause music on my phone constantly and bring up S Voice even though it's been disabled to do so. Now I'm using the big headphones with the approx 3 metre wire.
  20. Although I like chess I don't think I'd have the patience playing someone who is that bettererererer than me. Because they take too long. I've got travel Connect 4. I'll bring that to the next meet.
  21. It won't. It's a cardigan. They suit nothing, noone. That's because you're nicely skinny, it drapes nicely. On us chubbies it makes us look pregnant True story.
  22. Got really excited about going for a chat about a legal secretaries diploma today at local college. Whilst they were checking to see if the course was right for me, I revealed to them I had an AS Lebel and A Lebel in law as well as me OI qualification. Apparantly this made me over qualified for this course because the level of law learning was level 2 and I'm at level 3. It wasn't really the "getting bored" I was bothered with, it was the fact that I could get some proper office experience which would naturally extend beyond just Word skills as there will be specific programs for us to use, as all positions out there require experience with all this shit... Coupled with the fact that the times weren't that great for me (I'd miss a portion of the lessons due to work) she recommended I make an appointment with a course advisor. Which I ahve but can the best case scenario I can see is being recommended some form of business course. Back to the fucking drawing board.
  23. Keep it. Winter is Coming.
  24. I agree, I especially like the rear view mirrors on the sides, so that people talking to you can see behind them in case someone is trying to creep up on them.
  25. ... Glad you're dead as I would've pushed for a lynch based on this cheesey post.
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