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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. Its a SNES pad or a Gamecube pad??
  2. What game is that from?
  3. First off, welcome to the forum. I run the Mario Kart league on here, so send me a PM or post in the league thread. We are always on the look out for newcomers to the league. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26491 We have a good group of 9-10 regulars who play every week on a Thursday at 8.15pm GMT
  4. Not sure where the best place is, to post this but Capcom have announced Street Fighter 4 for the iPhone iPhone over a Wii version, thats makes a lot of sense Capcom. http://uk.wireless.ign.com/articles/106/1069286p1.html
  5. That is absolutely brilliant. Anyways, it could be a new... wait for it... GAMEBOY?? The Third pillar resurrected. I can't see Nintendo announcing a successor to the Wii or the DS at all this year. The Wii has 4 huge AAA games on the way this year (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, DQ10) plus whatever Nintendo is holding back from announcing (Pikmin 3, Starfox, F-Zero) I honestly think they will do a double reveal at E3 2011, Wii's Successor and the DS2. We'll get an early 2011 announcment for the DS2 but E3 will be where all is revealed (specs, games etc)
  6. New Toy Story 3 Trailer
  7. Wii Motion Plus Exclusive Zelda Playable At E3 Source http://news.vgchartz.com/news.php?id=6862
  8. Its very similar to Phantasy Star Online isn't it?
  9. True, it used to be very clear on that. Not played it since I got the 360 , didn't help that the online community died.
  10. Wii Speak news is great, 4 people shouldn't produce too much echo. Hopefully we'll have quite a few N-E groups.
  11. No chance at all of them releasing a major Pokemon release as DSi exclusive.
  12. With just over a week to go til Series 6 starts, I just found this on Youtube Lost, 24 style That last scene was new to me, how the hell did I miss that.
  13. Damn, if this becomes another popular N-E online game, I'm gonna have to buy it.
  14. JESUS CHRIST!!! Impressive... most impressive
  15. There is, it won't let me order unless its shipped to my home address for first two orders. Can't be having that as last time I had a package delivered he couldn't fit it through the letterbox so thought it be smart to leave it on the front door step ALL DAY.
  16. lostmario

    Fifa 10

    360, I'll set up the team, add me and I'll send you an invite to the team.
  17. Doesn't look too bad now and we all know Wii games look better in motion than as screenshots.
  18. lostmario

    Fifa 10

    Is anyone interested in making and joining a N-E team? I'm fed up of playing with people who don't pass.
  19. I don't think it will go our way next year, once the Kart GP / Bike GP became the norm each week, our averages dropped. I hope its a really competitive league.

  20. lostmario

    Fifa 10

    Great games nando, you kept possession really well. The 3rd game was brilliant, back and forth with some good chances at both ends when at 3-3 and later 4-4.
  21. lostmario

    Fifa 10

    Sure, I can play for about an hour.
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