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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. Just added you, saw you show up on online.

    Ok, when I open the room, my name will go purple, so click and join the room, thats all you need to do.


    Make sure you pick the correct themes, character & vehicle and courses, all details in my latest post in league thread.


    I print it off, some people write it down.


    Oh and one more thing, don't press anything at the end of the GP (4 courses), I need to take a photo of the screen for the league scoring.


    Good luck.

  2. MSR - Dreamcast - 2000 GTI Club Supermini Festa - Wii - 2010
  3. If we get the online service free over here & Wii Speak, bye bye Conduit & Mario Kart! (big statement coming from me). I spent hundreds of hours on PSO on the DC during my college days, if we can get regular N-E groups this will be the ultimate Wii online game.
  4. Wii Zapper box with Wi-Fi connection logo Online highscores please. http://news.vgchartz.com/news.php?id=4940
  5. Yeah, I miss the old Miyamoto. Saying that, I think he probably had a lot of input for SMG.
  6. 16 players online, this has me interested.
  7. We've got the different boots from PES6 back instead of the bland black ones for every player and the graphics have improved slightly. Any news on online options? Do we get the brilliant online rankings system that was used on PES5 for the PC? Oh and another request (its only a small one), how about letting me play / Nando / online.
  8. I don't think these have been posted already
  9. White Chicks sequel in the works... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/14916/a-white-chicks-sequel-in-the-works WHY???
  10. The gamecube dlc?? I loaded it up this afternoon and it was delivered to me straight away.
  11. canand, its fake. Just accept it.
  12. Without Items, all 3 of us are pretty much equal.


    Dynamo seems to be the master of using his items at just the right time.

  13. It got cancelled, last one was in 2001.
  14. Doubtful, with Nights: Journey of Dreams bombing saleswise.
  15. It doesn't look that bad. We don't exactly have a lot of rally games on the Wii. No online. boooo!
  16. Really?! Thanks Canand, will load it up later today. I take it you play it alot still?
  17. Updating the MK league table tonight.

    Its going to be oh so close between me and you for the elusive 2nd place.

  18. A couple of questions: What is the online mode like in previous COD Wii games? What are the chances of this having Wii Speak compatibility?
  19. It looks very poorly photoshopped to me. Saying that, I would definitely buy one. I'm still baffled why Nintendo didn't incorporate balance board compatibility into Wii Sports Resort. Using the balance board for cycling with remote on side for steering seems a better option than moving the remote and nunchuck up and down
  20. Conduit tonight at 8, see 12 player weekly conduit thread.

  21. Had a quick go on Starfox 64 (Lylat Wars) last night, can't believe its now a 12 year old game. I remember spending £60 on the american version week after it came out.


    Nintendo better announce StarFox Wii in the next 2 years, the console is begging for it, with wii motion plus, it would work perfectly.

  22. He sure is. By the way, why did you want me to go on N-europe chat the other day?

  23. tick my name on wii speak channel

  24. You are not, its such a relaxing & enjoyable part of the game.
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