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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. Did you get my PM about the games for sale?

  2. I stand Standing and using the nunchuck is the way to play, so sais the world number 15!
  3. Eurogamer withdraw review!! http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/editors-blog-grand-slam-tennis-to-be-re-reviewed-blog-entry
  4. You have to use a .... Wii Wheel.. pfft
  5. Were you a fan of the original series? I think the big deal with the movie was how they killed off most of the original Autobots and Decepticons, oh and introduced Unicron of course. I was a massive fan as a kid, had all the toys (still do, stored away adding value each year) so it was the best thing ever for me. Still watch the movie once a year or so, for nostalgia. Apparently if they do a third movie, they want to have Unicron in it. Probably go the way of Fantastic Four 2 with Galactus and show him as one big massive cloud.
  6. The first Transformers film was good, ROTF will be alot better, seems to be focusing on the Tranformers a lot more from the trailers i've seen. But nothing can touch the animated movie, specially this scene.
  7. Maybe you have to break the top 200 or 100 before it cuts out low players. Come on guys, we need more N-E members in the top 100
  8. It does, well for me anyway. I must have played all of the current top 10, with the only one I beat being the current No.1. 45 points max you can get for winning. Annoyingly he didn't want a rematch.
  9. Impressive RedShell. I havent played the grand slam mode much, been busy plotting world domination, was 19th in the World last time I checked.
  10. I'll have a match in 20 minutes
  11. There are two different packs of the game, 1 with motionplus included, one without. I havent played it without so can't help you there.
  12. Ready to play now

  13. Might be 1.30 now, got to get something to eat first. Will let you know.

  14. I prefer Classic Controller to be honest.


    When did you add me, I checked the other night and you were down as not added me

  15. Maybe later on, 1-2ish? Got a few things to do this morning.

  16. Just beat the current world number 1, 45 points gained, thankyou very much! Currently world number 24. I am loving this game, so much better than I thought it would be.
  17. I've downloaded it, requested login details and am still waiting for the email...
  18. Please do, did the same with Dazzy and were both showing up now. I want to play a 5 setter with you sometime.
  19. These buddy requests are doing my head in, both dazzy and redshell still not showing up. Anyone wanna game, dazzy, darksnowman?
  20. I'll give it a go too.
  21. Absolute bargain, Shenmue 2 is worth £30+
  22. 12 player online FPS, Wii Speak compatible, very Goldeneye in terms of multiplayer levels
  23. Yeah, you need to play with the nunchuck, its all about positioning. I'm World number 76 at the moment, woo!
  24. I'll play you later if you want, say 9.30ish?
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