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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. What WHAT WHAT!!! I didn't know that those 2 classic games were unlockables, going to have to keep an eye on ebay for those two games.
  2. No problem, if you are interested in any of the N64 games, just offer me a price. CFBD has such a high price on Ebay I can't really offer it any lower, plus its such a good game I wouldn't want to give it away.
  3. Nando, that is one hell of a collection of N64 games. I have Conkers Bad Fur Day for sale Nicktendo if interested? Expensive though. Oh and I have a excellent condition boxed F-Zero x for sale if you are can't find yours flameboy.
  4. Shenmue £25 including P&P Conkers Bad Fur Day £43 including P&P Rest of the N64 games different prices. I had Shenmue 2 excellent condition, sold it to Ryan last month for £33.
  5. Few things here http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24146 Car boots are good for picking up bargains, specially if its parents selling the stuff. I picked up a unboxed megadrive with 8 games for £3 at a carboot last year. I've been after a NES and SNES for ages. I missed out on a excellent condition boxed NES with zapper bundle at a car boot few years ago, bloke who picked it up before me got it for £5. I was gutted.
  6. You have way too much money, give me some!! Excellent collection, I am very impressed. Are there any games you are still after? I have a few dreamcast, megadrive and N64 games I am looking to sell.
  7. What is in that metal case on the beach? The promo shows it being opened. "What lies in the Shadow of the Statue?" Are they the present day Dharma Initiative?
  8. I have got this message as well, only when starting up MK so far. Think I'll follow everyone else in getting my saves backed up.
  9. StarFox with an updated Rogue Squadron game engine would be good. Chances of it happening though are slim.
  10. Does play.com usually deliver before the release date?
  11. Thats funny, I had no problem playing and completing Metroid Prime 3.
  12. Yeah, Sega stopped making consoles and went Third Party. Wheres my Dreamcast 2 Sega? where is it!!!
  13. Funnily enough i'm looking forward to doing the same to you. Forget everyone else, I'll just go for you, like I have been doing with great success on MK balloon battles.
  14. Is this price correct? http://www.game.co.uk/Wii/RolePlaying/~r338424/Animal-Crossing-Lets-Go-to-the-City-with-Wii-Speak/?recommended=SEARCH
  15. How much for you to repair both my gamegears Stallion?
  16. Turtles in Time remake looks brilliant. It better come out on WiiWare.
  17. If this plays as well as XIII I'm happy. I really enjoyed Red Steel, just found the sword fighting parts very repetitive.
  18. Shame the rumoured WiiWare NoMercy with updated roster was in the end just a rumour
  19. No Mercy was immense, I eventually got a copy with the erasing memory bug fixed and still have it till this day. Nothing can match WCW vs NWO Revenge though, in terms of DDP's Diamond Cutter, there must have been 5 different ways to land that move.
  20. Well it looks like we have the game Cammie will playthrough at the the E3 Conference for 15 minutes.
  21. This is a game on a Nintendo console, remember...
  22. Go out and buy XIII now, I picked it up for £2 brand new at WHSmiths just after I got my Wii. Amazing game, great story too.
  23. 32 is fine. I'm assuming you can pick who is on your team right for team deathmatches? So we can create N-E clans and face off against each other.
  24. I still use it occassionally, mainly for Fire Pro Wrestling Returns and just recently completing both God of War 1 & 2.
  25. * Proximity voice only applies for Free-for-All games. Team chat is used for Team Reaper and Team Objective game types. You can't, however, talk to members on the opposing team in team games. Excellent, thats the one thing Ive been waiting for confirmation on.
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