With Christmas on the horizon and all the toy adverts now appearing none stop on tv, what were your favourite set of toys as a kid?
I've recently been selling all my old toys that were in my parents loft but found one set of toys in a box that I couldn't part with, I had too many memories playing with them, I had to get them out of the loft and put them on display.
Let the nostalgia wars begin!
We'll see, last year I got Modern Warfare 2 for £20 on release.
If I could somehow get that kind of deal again, I'll buy 360 version, finish single player and trade it for the wii version. Chances of that are slim though.
How much is the Wii version going to be on release?
I have no idea what to do regarding this, get the 360 version and play with annoying people but enjoy the single player as it was meant to be played (HD graphics n all) or get the wii version and play online with a group of people who I can have a good banter with (ala the conduit & MH Tri)