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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. £33.99 from Argos.
  2. No need for me to post any of my favourite intros, I'll just redirect you guys here.
  3. With Christmas on the horizon and all the toy adverts now appearing none stop on tv, what were your favourite set of toys as a kid? I've recently been selling all my old toys that were in my parents loft but found one set of toys in a box that I couldn't part with, I had too many memories playing with them, I had to get them out of the loft and put them on display. Let the nostalgia wars begin!
  4. What are you saying? They don't have any ideas / innovations of their own? I. I.. I don't believe it!!
  5. So who has this for the 360? Interested in forming an N-E pro team?
  6. Announcement trailer here http://kotaku.com/5659811/konamis-x+men-arcade-classic-headed-for-xbla-and-psn
  7. I liked the part where the wall fights back and eats his leg Yum Yum
  8. Wow, this is looking good. Makes me wonder if COD: Black Ops can top this.
  9. If anyone is interested in doing a few firefights with me this week/weekend, add me.
  10. If Nintendo were going to announce anything big for the Wii, it would have been at the Nintendo Conference a couple of days back.
  11. I think I'm going to wait till Gamestation have it for £17.99 for one weekend only. They did it in late October last year I think.
  12. Why the hell do you think that???
  13. What does he mean later this year? Isnt it out in little over a month?
  14. We'll see, last year I got Modern Warfare 2 for £20 on release. If I could somehow get that kind of deal again, I'll buy 360 version, finish single player and trade it for the wii version. Chances of that are slim though. How much is the Wii version going to be on release?
  15. I have no idea what to do regarding this, get the 360 version and play with annoying people but enjoy the single player as it was meant to be played (HD graphics n all) or get the wii version and play online with a group of people who I can have a good banter with (ala the conduit & MH Tri)
  16. You obviously havent played it enough David. You can be in one area for like 10-15 minutes fighting a monster.
  17. I'm with you on that one, Ive lost 370 hours to this game so far. So many epic moments, fused get it bought!
  18. I've moved on to making the perfect ala sleep bombing bowgun. Plenty of hours left in it.


    Took it down with 3 random bowgunners in 8 minutes!


    Even if I get black ops on Wii, my PC is upstairs and my phone is too ancient for Skype.

  19. Return to the world of monster hunter! I beg you!

  20. Time to bump this thread methinks.
  21. Anything regarding Wii Speak / Headset compatibility yet?
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