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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. Hopefully with no Goldeneye type game releasing around the same time, we'll have an even bigger online userbase than we have for Black Ops. At least 20K on each night, very impressive for the Wii version 7 months after release. IF we had got the map packs, no doubt it would be higher.
  2. Great news if true.
  3. But not up to Galaxy standards of nice. You always look to Nintendo to push their hardware in regards to what its capable of but Capcom seem to be the ones doing it.
  4. You're not the only one. Game invites, messaging, voice chat. We are still in the dark whether these will appear at all. So far none of Nintendo's games (Mario Kart included) have been announced to include online, which is worrying. I thought Nintendo would really push the 3DS at this E3, the lack of new 1st & 3rd Party games was shocking. One Nintendo game announced that we didn't know about, Luigi's Mansion 2. Not good enough.
  5. Not the Super Mario game I was hoping for, just looks like a 2.5D New Super Mario Bros. I expected to be blown away (Galaxy style) with the graphics, I wasn't. Nintendo seem to be struggling to push the 3DS in terms of graphics, anyone else agree?
  6. So has anything been said about the online? It has to be at least the same as Mario Kart Wii.. It has to be 8 players, 2 laps??
  7. Headphones & AC Adapter ports on the controller http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n10/e3_2011/02/index.html 8th photo
  8. Need online info Coins are BACK!
  9. Super Mario didn't impress me that much, looks 2.5D
  10. No chance, I value my sleep. Nothing interests me with Sony's platforms anyway.


    I watched Microsofts mainly for GOW3 ,MW3 & Halo 4 announcement.


    Tomorrow will be epic, you just know something HUGE is coming.

  11. very very poor.


    Kinect dominated 80% of it, the "hardcore" games they did show contained at least 70% cut scenes. Halo 4 is 18 months away and that was their only proper big announcement.

  12. Didn't you watch it?

  13. So with the Project Cafe's real name officially announced on Tuesday, what do you think it will be called? Could one of us correctly guess it? I'm going with Nintendo Touch
  14. So still no mention of them implementing a friend list messaging system or game invites.
  15. Screenshots look great, this game gives me hope for the future of online gaming on the 3DS.
  16. 1. Mario Kart 3DS 2. Super Mario 3DS 3. Pikmin 3 (3DS or Cafe) 4. Battlefield 3 5. Modern Warfare 3 6. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 7. Gears of War 3 8. Batman: Arkham City 9. Resident Evil: Revelations I can't think of a 10th confirmed title that I'm wanting to hear more about.
  17. Full Trailer
  18. FINALLY!!! Got my first streetpass today, then 3 more quickly followed. 2 from demo units in gamestation then 2 from real people. Got 4 puzzles on the go now. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Kirby, Pikmin & Super Mario Bros Wii
  19. I've fixed it for you. This man needs to return to Chelsea.
  20. Ryan Giggs didn't look too happy collecting his winners medal.. Must have the Champions League Final next Saturday on his mind.
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