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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. Less than 2K sold in Europe first week apparently http://gamrreview.vgchartz.com/sales/44135/conduit-2/
  2. OH MY GOD... THIS IS AWESOME NEWS!!! I tried out Mario Kart DS on the 3DS yesterday, the analog circle pad is perfect.
  3. YES!!! 3 starred the 500m mission. Thanks BowserBasher & Grazza for your helpful advice.
  4. The Balloon Pursuit is the one where you follow a boat then plane and have to hit the balloons, I can't keep up with either...
  5. Had mine nearly 2 weeks now, had the 3D slider set at halfway all the time while playing Lego Star Wars & Pilotwings and apart from the first 30 minutes when I tried it on full and felt a bit sickly, not given me headaches or anything. The sweet spot you mentioned, seems just right for me, never lost the 3D effect while playing. All in all, I'm really happy with it just becoming very frustrated with Pilotwings... stupid hang glider gold mission...
  6. Need some help. Can't get 3 stars on this one: Three Minute Glide - up to 500 metre - I can get to 450... and on the first Platinum mission Balloon Pursuit, I can't even get 1 star... plane seems really slow. any tips?
  7. Best shooter on the Wii?? Seriously... Must say though, I do like this trailer.
  8. When this drops to £14.99, I'll consider buying it. No team party option is.... hmm.. what would Zechs say.... A JOKE!!! I'll stick with BlackOps for the time being, 15th prestige is just a week away.
  9. Added Still got quite a few people who haven't added me back.
  10. Just put half an hour into this, absolutely loving it. Its just so challenging yet so relaxing at the same time.
  11. So my 3DS arrived today... very impressed so far. Got Pilotwings Resort & Lego Star Wars 3 with it. Was playing about with the Mario AR card and he was popping out of my 3DS.. I was in awe.. Anyways, just spent 20 minutes adding everyone.. so please add me back. You know you'll need me added when Mario Kart is released
  12. Add me please!!! 1375-7248-0507 I've added everyone else. Thanks! Edit: 49 people added... 2 added me so far.. give it a day or 2 before I send PMs
  13. Where was this like a year ago? Looks like one last push to sell as many of these remotes before Zelda is released. If this ends up being one of the games shown off by Nintendo onstage at E3 I will kill somebody... probably david.dakota
  14. Torres is Shevchenko all over again. Doesn't fit into the teams way of playing and therefore loses confidence due to lack of goals, plus both (Torres isn't the same player he was 2 years ago) were/are past their best. I think it was the 60+ minute before he actually managed to pass the ball to someone on his own team, didn't look happy at all in possession of the ball. Chelsea looked so slow last night, a shadow of the 2005 & 2006 sides, Robben & Duff each wing, god there were frightening.
  15. Amazon are selling 3DS's via the warehouse deals (returned items) £157.08.. I am so tempted by this. Is this a big no no? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B004ISLDV0/ref=dp_olp_used?ie=UTF8&condition=used
  16. I did not know that!
  17. This will be one of Nintendo's big games at E3 I'd imagine.. unless they plan to show off Animal Crossing and all its new innovative features instead... hmmmm...
  18. My wishlist: - no blue shells - no bikes, just standard karts - option to change number of laps for private matches - 12 players online, I think its a big possibility Nintendo will reduce it to 8 max. - DLC - Voice chat - No gimmicks
  19. Thanks for all the advice guys but I think I'm going to leave it for now. Hopefully when Starfox 3DS is released, Amazon have a better selection of games to choose from and the price has dropped a bit.
  20. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!! Buy it now, play and finish Ridge Racer 3DS, play about with all AR Cards etc then get Starfox 3DS. Then this....
  21. Well I definitely got the added depth but as I hadn't played one before I didn't really know what to expect. I just didn't get a "woah" reaction from playing pilotwings that I thought I would. Whats the bundled software like? I'm impressed by the AR Cards function from what I've seen.
  22. I'm still unsure about the 3DS, I had my first playtest with it today after work at Game. The only game I was interested in of the launch titles is Pilotwings Resort so he let me have 15 minutes playing it, having the 3D turned to max just seemed to increase the depth of the island, nothing was jumping out at me as I passed trees etc. Wasn't that impressed with the 3D to be honest, I expected more. Was Pilotwings the wrong game to demonstrate the 3D capability of the 3DS? Amazon have a bundle deal going at the moment, 3DS £187, free screen protector, 1 of a few select 3DS games (see below) for £15 and an official Nintendo case for £5. So £207 Is that the best deal going at the moment and which of these games is the best? Monkey Ball, Ridge Racer, Ghost Recon or Sims 3 Seeing all the great AR card photos you guys have been taking has upped my interest but I'm still sat firmly on the fence. HELP!
  23. Beverage seriously... Black Ops is sooo much better than The Conduit. Its a shame you and Fused King haven't got Black Ops, from what I remember from our N-E Conduit nights, you two would have made great N-E clan members.
  24. DIRTY BOY!!! Just think Kav, another game to use the headset with.
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