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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. Just had an absolute nightmare in that race, I'd had enough. If I'm not having fun playing, I'm off.
  2. Enjoying it, just got the grapple hook. I hate the EMMI's though, seen way too many game over screens for my liking. I loved Samus Returns on the 3DS and MercurySteam have done another fantastic job with this.
  3. I gave up on it half way through the first episode. Just found it incredibly boring. With it only being 5 episodes, I might have to just get it watched.
  4. I was enjoying it when I messaged you about it but I found the music disappointing after playing DKC. I got to the third world and somehow deleted my save. Started again and began to really appreciate the music, not as catchy as DKC but really atmospheric. Level design builds on DKC so well, perfect balance in terms of difficulty and being fun to play. Like 2, I've not played 3 before either, I had moved onto PS1 and N64 by then. Looking forward to it. I finished it when I had gamepass. I thought it was great, I enjoyed the randomness of the above mentioned level types. I think it would do quite well on the Switch as a budget release.
  5. I disagree, I don't see DK64 as the drop off in quality. Perfect Dark, Banjo-Tooie and Conkers BFD all came after and were still peak Rare. Dinosaur Planet if Nintendo had not forced Starfox on them would have been a perfect swansong for the N64 as they would have kept to their original vision for the game. I've played the leaked rom and it just feels different to Star Fox Adventures. I enjoyed Star Fox Adventures by the way. It wasn't just Rare, their most important first party developer that they lost, it's all the valuable IPs that would have been useful during the gamecube years.
  6. Indeed, I'm currently playing through DKC 2 for the first time and still find it crazy that Nintendo let them go. Had an idea for a thread on the topic but I keep putting off doing it.
  7. Yeah, it was just OK. Quite forgettable with the post credit scenes being the only interesting part of the film. One which I imagine is dead in the water with the way Marvel have pushed everything back apart from Deadpool 3. Brie Larson just seemed to sleepwalk through the film with the other 2 leads carrying the film. Seemed like a completely different character to the one in Captain Marvel and Endgame.
  8. Screw Banjo. If xbox show up at the direct, give me these. Just hearing those iconic themes on a Nintendo Direct would be huge. and this. It's about time they came home.
  9. Picked this up from my local charity shop for 10p on Saturday. Apart from the crack on the front of the case, it's in fantastic condition. Also got these two off eBay last week, I was looking for World Driver and came across it with Ridge Racer 64 for £70 including P&P. Managed to get £5 knocked off which seemed a fair price for the condition of both. https://i.imgur.com/xOJMx4H.jpeg[/img Added bonus, he included box protectors for both for free. I keep meaning to take some photos of my N64 collection as its grown significantly over the last 12 months but it means taking all the games off the shelf and they are alphabetised. I don't want to do it!
  10. Gamers have shown with their wallets that the hybrid console is what they want from Nintendo. Best of both worlds, portable and home console. It works, why reinvent the wheel just for sake of it. If not the hybrid form-factor, then what? Nintendo won't go back to developing for two separate platforms now and I doubt Nintendo are worried about the portable PC space. I'm not sure what gimmick they could add to the current switch model that would add to the gaming experience. What if their developers just want more powerful hardware to showcase their vision better without the hassle of adding unnecessary gimmicks to it. If the launch window is solid, I'll be there day 1. I kinda regret holding off as long as I did but I was burnt by the Wii U and pushed into the loving arms of the PS4.
  11. Now isn't the time for unnecessary expensive gimmicks that push the console price up and reduce the graphical power (see Wii U). The Switch has brought them back to the DS and early years of the Wii in terms of profitability and relevance in the gaming world. Play it safe, build the Switch brand. Do a Sony. PS1 to PS2. Keep it simple. Stick with the Switch branding and simple gimmick for the next console and then freshen things up next time with a fancy gimmick if need be. I don't think Nintendo have been in a stronger position than they are now before a new console release. The sales potential of their franchises now is frightening. 5 of them over 25 million in sales with none of them being Pokemon is ridiculous. Then add in the potential for more 3rd parties to jump on the bandwagon with the rumoured specs of the console being very 3rd party friendly. My Switch is 99% of the time docked so LCD doesn't bother me if it keeps the price down.
  12. Yeah, still got 1 & 2 on PS2. Had 3 Remastered but must of traded it in at some point. Not played the 2 PSP games or Ascension.
  13. Well I wasn't as far off getting the Platinum trophy as I thought. My 21st Platinum Trophy in the bag. The Gna and King Hrolf were tough fights, had to go full defensive against both and gradually get their health down. Onto Valhalla.
  14. Finished Donkey Kong Country on the GBA today at work during my lunch. Not 100% but I was never going for that. After finishing Metroid Zero Mission, tried a few games but nothing was clicking for the 30 minutes I had each day to play. This ended up being the perfect pick up and play game I was looking for. Forget how awesome DKC is, the level design and that absolutely incredible soundtrack. Was humming the tunes for the rest of the day. David Wise was on fire here. I absolutely hate swimming levels in games but the god tier soundtrack for those levels made them bearable. Next up. DKC 2: Diddy Kong's Quest. Once I've completed the trilogy, I'm now very tempted to playthrough Returns and Tropical Freeze again. Oh and I finished the main story on God of War Ragnarok on Monday. Just working my way through the post game stuff now. Really enjoyed it and justified me not buying a PS5 just yet as it looks incredible on the PS4 Pro. Santa Monica Studio pushing it to its limits. Don't think I'll be able to get the Platinum. Missed too many collectables that I can't be bothered searching for. Looking forward to playing through the Valhalla DLC once I've done as much as I can.
  15. Maybe Baldurs Gate 3? Supposed to be very good, but it's not a PS exclusive. Depends on whether you already have a next gen console or a good PC. As below, RPGs aren't really my thing so doesn't really interest me. Sorry, I had a power cut last night just as I was going to reply to you. While I enjoyed FF7 Remake, I'm not really into my RPGs so it's not a system seller for me. Probably hold off until Nintendo have revealed the Switch U then make a decision then but by then Sony will have probably revealed the PS5 Pro and I'll be back to square one on whether to pull the trigger or not.
  16. I'm trying to justify buying a Playstation 5 but like the Switch for many many many years, until there is at least 5 games I want to play on it, I can't. I can only think of 3 games I want for it. Spider-man 2, Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, Robocop Rogue City. Am I missing any? Note: I have God of War: Ragnarok, Horizon: Forbidden West & Spider-man: Miles Morales on the PS4. No interest in the Last of Us remakes / remasters.
  17. Grogu ruined Season 3 for me. They just shoehorn him into everything and I'm just bored of the character. Season 2 ended perfectly but nope, they had to find a way to have him there at the beginning of Season 3. Not sure this is the solution to Lucasfilm / Disney's problems. I think it'll end up doing similar numbers to what Solo did.
  18. Finished Metroid Zero Mission today. Been playing it at work on my GBASP during my lunch breaks for the last week or so. Never played it before but heard good things about it. I really enjoyed it, solid graphics, incredible music and challenging bosses. Loved the zero suit level at the end. I Decided to play this as I bought Metroid Dread the other week for Christmas among other games and thought best to have recently played a 2D metroid game beforehand Got an everdrive for my GBA so if anyone has any recommendations for my next lunch break game, let me know.
  19. Squeaky Clean Sprint & Yoshi's Island tracks, weren't these developed first for the MK8 DLC and then ported to Tour? I like those 2 as they feel like Mario Kart tracks unlike the Tour city based ones which just seem out of place in MK8. Ninja Hideaway is probably the best original Tour course ported to MK8.
  20. The Wii tracks might not be the high point of the series but they are certainly better than the Tour tracks. God I hate them. I know you guys love them going by how often they get picked but I just find them a chore to play.
  21. This is £37.49 with the code WONDER25 at Currys Just got mine pre-ordered
  22. Finished it last night, 120 hours well spent. Final boss fight was pretty epic. Really enjoyed it but I definitely need to have a break from open world games as I got the platinum on Forbidden West just before playing this but then I picked up GTA 5 on the PS4 for 10p last month and I can't just let it sit on the shelf. The shrines became an obsession with me ending up finding them all and not once using the item *no spoilers* I got for finding them all. First Zelda game I think where I maxed out my health. Pretty proud of that accomplishment.
  23. They should just follow Sony in terms of console naming simplicity and call it Switch 2 but they won't. Name New Switch or Switch Deluxe (Repeat of the Wii U brand confusion) Release March 2024 Price £350 4K docked 720p portable 7" screen Backwards Compatible Backwards compatible with old Joy Cons Slightly advanced Joy Cons with new shape. New Joy Con / Joy Con Deluxe
  24. So I bought this joblot earlier this afternoon for £90 off facebook marketplace. I did not know about the Grape Purple N64 until he passed me the bags as he only mentioned it having an N64 and controllers without including any of them in the photos. Most of the N64 boxes are in fantastic condition as they had been stored flatpacked. Only 1 internal tray sadly but a few come with cartridge trays as part of the box. That is an authentic pokemon yellow, red (no cover) and the NTSC version of Crystal which i thought was a fake. I am still taking it all in.
  25. Good job I checked, I'd of just assumed it was players choice otherwise.
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