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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. It was but I got some cable tidy strips and apart from the end of the unit where all the scart cables and plugs are kept, its quite tidy. It took a whole day to remove all the consoles from the unit and sort out the scart / power cables one by one. Something I never want to do again! I'd lay out a plan for where all the consoles were going to go and then when it came to it, the cables weren't long enough.
  2. It has yellowed a bit but not gone brown just yet. I can always do what I did with the controllers if it gets bad.
  3. I've been meaning to create a thread for my games room for awhile so here goes Back of the room 80% of everything on the bookshelf was picked up at a car boot. Only the Simpsons and wrestling figures were not. The McDonalds mario figures collection is now getting out of hand. All the controllers kept in boxes under the sofa My latest console purchase, the american SNES. I think it was £40 with 5 games with 1 being Super Mario Kart. The official lightgun collection posted in the other thread.
  4. Super Scope is in fantastic condition as is its box. Sold 3 but 2 went to someone in Slovakia which I'm not sure how that happened as I restricted it to just UK sellers. Cancelled the orders but he's refusing to confirm the cancellation. Had problems selling abroad before so not doing that again.
  5. My light gun collection
  6. How much was that belt? Always wanted the winged eagle belt
  7. Got this for Christmas and 100% it last night. What an incredible game. I thought the balance with the open world challenges/missions and main story was perfect. Crazy amount of things to do around New York which looks amazing on the PS4 Pro. They crammed so much into the story yet they somehow still teased so much for the sequel.
  8. Clean clear photo of my retro gaming setup which is now outdated as I've added a american SNES and tidied the cables up.
  9. Trying to get Super Mario Party and Joy Con bundle for my Nieces for Christmas. Everywhere is sold out. Got it pre-ordered with Amazon but has anyone heard of there being new stock before Christmas? Long shot I know but maybe someone on here has an uncle who works for Nintendo.
  10. My first game was Knack 4289 hours spent playing 164 games. Most played games were: Fifa 18 - 559 hours Fifa 16 - 536 hours Fifa 17 - 426 hours Rarest Trophy was Campaign Legend on Wipeout Omega Collection, with 5225 people earning it. 2248 trophies earned. Here's breakdown: 8 platinum 94 gold 413 silver 1733 bronze Definitely got my money worth out of the yearly editions of FIFA with Ultimate Team and Pro Clubs. No surprise really with the top 3 with those games being games played for 12 months and not just 2-3 months. Destiny and Monster Hunter World can't be far behind Fifa 17.
  11. This is incredible, wait until you get to his Arcade Room.
  12. Missing me yet?
  13. Good month. Was thinking of picking up Destiny 2 just for the single player mode just the other week. Does anyone still play it? Sold my copy of God of War 3 last year so be good to own it again.
  14. What did you do to get your name printed in it?
  15. Loved watching the Hart Foundation as a tag team. Crazy to think 4 of the 5 members of the Hart Foundation formed in 1997 are dead. Bulldog, Owen, Neidhart & Pillman. Just Bret left.
  16. Ah ok, I thought it might be a white or spice orange one. If you decide to sell the 3DO, let me know.
  17. What colour is the Gamecube and how much for the 3DO?
  18. Oops, sorry. Completely missed that rule. Removed Super Mario All Stars
  19. I loved that game, never wanted it to end. Complete opposite to Wind Waker. I was one of the few who didn't have any issues with the motion controls.
  20. 1. Super Mario Galaxy - Wii 2. Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword - Wii 3. The Last of Us Remastered - PS4 4. Super Mario 64 - N64 5. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - 3DS 6. Shenmue - Dreamcast 7. Xenoblade Chronicles - Wii 8. Monster Hunter Tri - Wii 9. Goldeneye 007 - N64 10. Metal Gear Solid - Playstation
  21. Free games you say... I am interested in Die Hard Trilogy and Christmas Nights
  22. Just finished modding my spare megadrive 2 to 60Hz I thought it would be complicated before I starting looking into how to do it but there's nothing to it. All I needed was a phillips screwdriver and a stanley knife. At the moment its permanently 60Hz with no switch back to 50Hz but as I've never soldered before, I might not bother.
  23. Picked it up at a car boot for £2, I'd guess it went to a few car boots sat for hours in the sun before I got it.
  24. Took advantage of the nice weather to try and restore my dreamcasts and wavebird to their original colour. My wavebird before After It's a big improvement and while a bit patchy in places it isn't that mustard colour anymore One of the dreamcasts before After The photo doesn't do it justice, it's back to it's original colour. Ok, so how did I pull off this wizardry you ask Got a bottle of this from Boots for £1.50 after reading about this restoring technique on a retro gaming site. Dismantle then clean the console or controller parts, dry then cover with the Hydrogen Peroxide using a paint brush, cover in cling film and leave in sunlight for 6 hours minimum.
  25. Time to trade in your Switch and get a PS4 Pro.
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