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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. Actually there was stunned silence as we let it all sink in that we had finally won it.
  2. After just over 3 weeks, I sold this today. Didn't get a bad price either, £25 for a game I bought for £26.70. Cost me £1.70 for 108 hours of hunting, which isn't bad at all. The game got boring very quickly for me. I had 4 6* advanced village quests left to do and quite a few 6* & 7* online quests that would have just been a chore to complete. I wasn't enjoying the game anymore and feel burnt out by the Monster Hunter series if I'm honest. Not much has changed really since Tri on the Wii. I hope with Monster Hunter 5 they make some big changes to the series but no doubt they'll just introduce 5 new monsters and recycle all the old quests from previous games.
  3. For those interested, the N-E Pro club team won the Division 1 title for the first time last Monday. We've got every trophy in the trophy cabinet now and won all the pro club cup competitions at least 5 times.
  4. Finished Uncharted 4 on Sunday. Fantastic game, easily the best of the 4 Uncharted games for me. I really didn't want it to end. The graphics are amazing... lost count the number of times I just stopped and admired the view. Music & story also great. Naughty Dog continue to push Sony's consoles to their limit. Wasn't sure about his brother at first but I ended up really liking his character. Elena, Sully and Nathan all great characters as they have been over the 4 games. The ending was perfect. Can't really say anymore about it. For me it felt more like The Last of Us than the previous 3 Uncharted games which isn't a bad thing. When I spoke to @Hero\-of\-Time about this, he told me about Amy Hennig leaving and the The Last of Us directors taking over. Reading more about it, the story was 100% changed when she left. Its up there with The Last of Us, I absolutely loved that game and this comes incredibly close. Fingers crossed they are working on a follow up to The Last of Us next....
  5. First post updated
  6. Nope, sorry. If you wanted it a day early, you should have got it pre-ordered with ShopTo.
  7. Hit HR 7 and saw the credits for the single player mode yesterday as @Hero\-of\-Time already mentioned. I'm enjoying it but my 3DS is screwed, the circle pad on the 3DS while not as bad as it was at the start needs to be reset during each loading screen. By reset, I have to put my nails under it and lift it otherwise it sticks in one position. Being a longsword player, I need to react to the monster quickly and dodge his attacks, this has made it a lot harder. I won't be getting it fixed or buying a replacement 3DS as this will probably be my last 3DS game. It just needs to keep working for another 100 hours or so.
  8. Got Platinum medals on both The Division & Fifa 16 over the weekend. For The Division, Big thanks to @Hero\-of\-Time, @Hero\-of\-Time giving me the push I needed yet again to get the platinum. The trophy holding me back on Fifa 16 was the online ultimate team Draft. I had attempted it a few times with me always coming up short. I got incredibly lucky with the players this time with a top goalie, stong defence, midfield and an amazing forward line (Neymar, Ronaldo & Messi). Dominated the first 3 games then met my match in the 4th and final game, I somehow got 2-0 infront even though he was completely outplaying me. For both goals I went crazy, my neighbour must have thought I was being murdered with the noises I was making during this game. He pulled it back to 2-2 with 5 minutes left and I was stuck in my half with me defending for my life hoping to hang on for extra time. 90th minute he had a corner, one of my defenders cleared it to Messi on the right, 1 v 2, got past one, cut in, driven pass across to Ronaldo in the box, 3-2 and the trophy was finally mine. The other trophies were career mode trophies which weren't a chore as it gave me a chance to try both manager & player career modes which are really good. Looking forward to giving them a proper go on 17. I know some on here give Fifa a bad name for its yearly releases with few changes but I have got my moneys worth out of a Fifa game once again. Pro clubs has been great again with us now having a good solid team, constantly in the top 2 divisions with all the cups won numerous times. It was also my first time playing Ultimate Team this year which is incredibly addictive. Roll on Fifa 17! Oh and I finished Doom the other week, that game is amazing. One of the best FPS I've played in a long long time.
  9. Got Platinum medals on both The Division & Fifa 16 over the weekend. For The Division, Big thanks to @Hero\-of\-Time, @Hero\-of\-Time giving me the push I needed yet again to get the platinum. The trophy holding me back on Fifa 16 was the online ultimate team Draft. I had attempted it a few times with me always coming up short. I got incredibly lucky with the players this time with a top goalie, stong defence, midfield and an amazing forward line (Neymar, Ronaldo & Messi). Dominated the first 3 games then met my match in the 4th and final game, I somehow got 2-0 infront even though he was completely outplaying me. For both goals I went crazy, my neighbour must have thought I was being murdered with the noises I was making during this game. He pulled it back to 2-2 with 5 minutes left and I was stuck in my half with me defending for my life hoping to hang on for extra time. 90th minute he had a corner, one of my defenders cleared it to Messi on the right, 1 v 2, got past one, cut in, driven pass across to Ronaldo in the box, 3-2 and the trophy was finally mine. The other trophies were career mode trophies which weren't a chore as it gave me a chance to try both manager & player career modes which are really good. Looking forward to giving them a proper go on 17. I know some on here give Fifa a bad name for its yearly releases with few changes but I have got my moneys worth out of a Fifa game once again. Pro clubs has been great again with us now having a good solid team, constantly in the top 2 divisions with all the cups won numerous times. It was also my first time playing Ultimate Team this year which is incredibly addictive. Roll on Fifa 17! Oh and I finished Doom the other week, that game is amazing. One of the best FPS I've played in a long long time.
  10. This is the AAA game that will sell the PSVR. I really enjoyed the demo, in VR, it will be incredible.
  11. Finished Virtua Cop 2 . Improved on the original and was a challenging game at times. Really got me in the mood to play more lightgun games now. Tempted to get House of the Dead but it goes for £20+ Maybe its time to revisit the Time Crisis series.
  12. Bought Virtua Cop off @Dcubed a month or so ago and finally got round to playing and finishing it. Had to buy a Virtua Gun first though, which I got with Virtua Cop 2 It hasn't aged well graphically but it is a really good & fun lightgun game. The Virtua Gun is a solid lightgun as well, feels just like the one in the arcade. Next up tomorrow, Virtua Cop 2
  13. When that team who finished 15 points behind are Sheffield Wednesday, I don't care. Come on Wednesday! Not getting carried away but no one thought at the start of the season that Wednesday would be in a position where they would be one game away from the Premier League, so whatever happens it's been a great season.
  14. Finished Shantae: Risky's Revenge earlier, good game, nothing that special but I enjoyed playing it and it got me playing on my Wii U. Thanks to @Hero\-of\-Time for giving me his spare code for it. Started Affordable Space Adventures but not that impressed by it at the moment, I'll give it another go next week.
  15. I've given up, was starting to get really frustrated with it. Back playing Shantae Risky's Revenge on the Wii U
  16. I'll watch the first hour of it but then that'll be it for me. They aren't going to show that much surely.
  17. Nah, I haven't got it. I'm currently playing Table Top Racing. I'll hold off as this definitely looks like a future Playstation Plus game.
  18. Yeah, that and Conker Live & Reloaded are on my watch out for list. Car boot I went to last week, one seller had about 30 xbox games in a box for 50p each but unfortunately nothing I wanted. He did have Def Jam Fight for NY, which was developed by AKI who did the wrestling games on the N64 but I eventually passed after picking it up about 5 times.
  19. Finished Doom 3 on the original Xbox yesterday. Bit of a random game to play but I picked it up for £1 a couple of weeks ago at a car boot and thought why not, it'll only take around 5 hours to finish, how wrong was I. Playing around an hour or 2 each night from last weekend to last night, must have took me 10+ hours to finish it. I'm surprised how much I enjoyed playing it, I was engrossed in the story from start to finish with the graphics looking pretty good for an Xbox game in 2005. Its pretty much a survival horror game with the number of dark corridors I was going down with my flashlight. It was starting to get a bit repetitive about halfway through but after coming back from hell, it became fresh again. I've not really played on my xbox much before this so I didn't realise how comfortable the xbox controller is. This one, not that other one
  20. Disappointing for Nintendo fans or just a disappointing E3 overall? If the latter, why will it? I know this is the NX thread but we'll be getting possible new hardware from Sony & Microsoft, more info on the PSVR and plenty of new third party titles announced plus more info & footage of the big 3 games that Sony announced last year. I fail to see how it will be disappointing.
  21. @Hero\-of\-Time was updating me this morning while it was all being announced, I couldn't believe it. No NX at E3, NX launching in March, Zelda delayed to 2017 and only one playable Nintendo game at E3. ONE game! Only way it could get worse is if they stick Wii or DS in the name. Hell, just call it Wii DS and be done with it. Also, where has this talk of Retro Studios releasing a game on the Wii U this year come from? Why would they do that?! It would absolutely crazy if they did that this late in the Wii U's life. Save it for the NX.
  22. My first bargain at a car boot in a long time. Paid 50p for it. It was very dirty when I bought it but I've given it a good clean. Screen has very minor scratches but has a lot of dust inside the screen so at some point I'm going to have to open it up and clean it. Don't know what to do with it though as I don't collect handhelds.
  23. Yeah, I think Sony will deliver with PSVR. This lass loses the plot playing on the HTC Vive
  24. The launch lineup would have to be phenomenal for me to buy it day one. If they announce NX ports of Splatoon, Mario Maker & Smash Bros 4 at launch, that'll do nothing for me at all. Right now, it'll be a minimum 12 months after launch before I think about buying one. I'll want to see a good steady release schedule of games I actually want to play and a solid online setup (party chat, online notifications for messaging and game invites). I aint having another Wii U on my hands, that thing has barely been switched on over the last 18 months. I'm more likely to buy the PSVR than the NX this year.
  25. Still got goosebumps while watching it on Blu-ray even though I saw it twice at the cinema. On third viewing, just as good as the first time. I appeciated the music and sound effects a lot more, some of the music seemed to get drowned out at the cinema. Rey's theme is fantastic. Saving the special features for tomorrow and then probably end up watching it again.
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