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Everything posted by lostmario

  1. Until Dawn Borrowed this off a lass at work yesterday to fill the gap before Fifa on Thursday. Really enjoyed it, had a good 4 hours on it last night before finishing it tonight with only 2 survivors. I was doing so well until I made a stupid mistake at the end... Ashley, Sam & Mike were my favourites who I tried to protect at all costs which was going really well until the last 3 minutes. Doubt I'll get another playthrough in before giving it back on Thursday but I'll give it a go.
  2. Sting collapsed at Night of Champions last night. Reported serious neck injury from a powerbomb into the turnbuckle. Video below also shows ending of match, just so you are warned.
  3. I started playing it again over the weekend, just got to Winter before I stopped for the night. Fantastic game, I just love to explore the buildings.
  4. Thanks @Rowan, got it for £32 using the method you posted.
  5. He doesn't really have a big squad though. Who do you drop and bring in?
  6. 3 losses after 5 games, Crazy! They only lost 3 games all of last season. If they continue this form into the Champions League, Mourinho will go.
  7. Well played Rowan, well played!!! I hope to be saying that quite often on Fifa 16.
  8. 20k sales, then back down to 10-11k week after. Thats been the case with all the recent Wii U releases.
  9. Really impressed by the demo, passing feels improved. Oh and referee has the vanishing spray for free kicks, its looks so good. Stays on the pitch for awhile after the free kick as well. When we are playing pro clubs and someone isn't skipping free kick animations, it'll be me!
  10. CPU defenders hold the line well, don't play them onside. Trust us, we've had more than 6 on, it rarely works.
  11. Getting hyped for this now. Last few weeks we had on Fifa 15 before I traded it in were immense. We were playing nearly every night and playing incredibily well as a team. Anyway, I'll be looking to play pro clubs as much as possible for the first few weeks/months so I'll manage N-Europe United where we'll look to have a settled team from the start and climb the divisions/win the cups. For those only wanting to play once or twice a week, N-Europe Town will be your team. Be good if we can get two N-E teams going and organise friendlies between the two sides. For those new to pro clubs, you don't want more than 6 of you playing at one time.
  12. Don't forget to use this thread for adding people and posting your PSN ID
  13. Finished Teslagrad yesterday. The art style in that game is fantastic. Really enjoyed the boss battles and the puzzles, both being just the right difficulty. Thats now 3 of the 4 PS4 games I've finished. Time to give Super Time Force Ultra another go.
  14. 2-3 hours maybe, not sure. Didn't complete it in one sitting. I struggled with one of the boss fights until I worked out the attack pattern. I probably wasted 30 minutes with that one.
  15. Finished Xeodrifter yesterday. Fantastic little game. Nintendo should just let Renegade Kid make a 2D Metroid game. Teslagrad on the go now which has some really challenging puzzles. I tried Super Time Force Ultra and wasn't that impressed but I'll give it another go once Teslagrad is done. Another great month of free games.
  16. 2-3 hours I'd say. There are 100 crystals to find and I found 38 plus there is loads of other stuff to discover.
  17. Finished Kirby's Adventure Wii this morning. It was okay, but after Kirby's Epic Yarn, which is one of my favourite 2D platformers, I was a bit disappointed. The music was a bit average compared to Epic Yarn and the game just never got going for me. Final boss fight was good though, really challenging final boss. The big positive is I played on my Wii U yesterday and today for the first time in months. Even if it was in Wii mode, it still counts! Already put it up for sale so if anyone is interested in buying it, let me know.
  18. Finished Grow Home this morning. What a lovely game. Controls take awhile to get used to as the robot seems very clumsy at first. Once you get going though, you don't want to stop playing. Tense game too, when you are climbing, don't look down. Went through the achievements after the credits had finished and realised there is still loads to do.
  19. Tomb Raider Definitive Edition 100% Completed Tomb Raider yesterday. One of them games where the controls and movement of the character just click straight away. I'm not usually one to collect and unlock everything in a game but I was enjoying this so much that by the time I got to one of the later camps I stopped progressing the story and went back to the first camp and went through them all one by one 100% completing them just to get as much out of my first playthrough as possible. By the time I got back to the story I was an absolute beast with all my weapons fully upgraded. A really enjoyable and great looking game that I recommend to anyone who hasn't played it yet. Its a long wait for the sequel though. However great this game was I wouldn't buy an Xbox One just to play it a year early. Going to play multiplayer a bit but after playing this I really want to play Last of Us again.
  20. One of the best team goals we've scored in the last 11 months. Glad we've stopped, recharge the batteries before it all begins again next month.
  21. Just been talking to my brother about Destiny and he was telling me about what you get if you buy the Taken King Legendary Edition for £40 - Destiny - Expansion 1 - Expansion 2 - Taken King Seriously? How much do the millions of loyal players who stuck with the game from the start and paid £75 for Destiny and 2 expansions have to pay for Taken King? Its £40 isn't it? What an absolute rip off.
  22. @Ronnie, check out the first post of page 1 for the PSN IDs to add oh and welcome to next gen!
  23. Saturday it is, if there isn't a game to trade it for, I'll get money off PSN credit. I've posted on PSN to try and organise a series of games with Cha Cha Cha tonight or tomorrow. @Rowan, @gmac, @Emerald Emblem
  24. Didn't enjoy tonight at all, just wasn't enjoyable. 50/50 whether I trade it in on Saturday.
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