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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. Where are all the survival horror games these days!!?
  2. but you have to admit the reason you're even on a games forum for example is to discuss games. Be it the good and bad points of it so therefore you DO care what other people think If you get me. A review is offering an opinion, just like every single post on this forum. Fact is we like to discuss what we like and don't like about games, so it shouldn't be any different for movies. Course you should make up your OWN mind, but you'll always want to defend your favourite movies Well.... I never really wanted an argument on scores because that shit flat-out bores me. I meant how movies were reviewed really.
  3. SO you can't get an age/ID in the Uk? That's a bit silly.. It's a handy card. I mean christ for those of us that don't drive WHO wants to carry around a passport when you're out on the piss? If you lose it, it's a bitch to get a replacement.
  4. I simply use an age card which I applied for because I look about 4 years younger than I should. I'm 23 but I could still pull off an 18 year old
  5. Not exactly. Videogame reviews are for better or worse MUCH different to Movie reviews. Movie reviews tend to treat movies as an art form. They hate cliched stories and are constantly looking for something we haven't seen before. Something fresh. There's more to it than that and someone else can probably go into what makes a good movie WAY better than I can. Videogame reviews embrace gameplay innovations and lessons learned from the past from another developer and I don't just mean graphics and sound. Top reviewed titles like Uncharted have used techniques and gameplay innovations from previous titles to come together as an amazing package. I also find videogame reviews embrace top-selling games a LOT more than movies embrace box-office smash movies.. Basically I think game reviews are closer to the public conscious than movie ones. I have my issues with game reviews too, but for different reasons.
  6. Going by your definition I would call myself a "truecore" gamer, although I would prefer some genre's over others. I don't like FPS games as much as platformers but I love bioshock, half-life 2 and portal. I prefer intelligent fps games(even metroid if you will) For me the Xbox360 appeals a lot less to me as a console.
  7. I really feel in the last while movie reviews have lost touch with what general filmgoers want. They're so unpredictable it's crazy. The biggest contrast here is the recent Transformers: Dark of the Moon movie. ON rotten tomatoes it's at 33% from critics and 90% from audiences. I've learned from this site to go halfway between the audience and critic score, to get a good estimate of how much I would like a movie. But still I know it's early days for the movie yet, but it comes highly recommended from most people. On the flip-side of things. A lot of REAL people HATED "No country for old men", I've yet to meet someone in person that didn't hate it. When I was working at the cinema, people actually asked for refunds. Surely this means that movie wasn't doing something right? So what's with all the perfect scores? I know a focus shouldn't be placed on scores either. How do you think movie reviews should be handled?
  8. I think it's quite impressive live, judging from the Paul O Grady show. It also really shows how much of a better singer she is compared to the likes of Rihanna and Katy Perry. The latter in particular STRAINS the hell outta her voice during songs like Firework and it isn't very good live
  9. It's funny with people like that. These elitist people think they are "above" everyone who likes movies like transformers because of their mainstream success or because it's " popular". I suppose the mentality here is that the internet is mostly full of nerds but yet they follow a crowd as well. It's now popular to hate justin bieber, the lady gaga, the Michael Bay,James Cameron etc.. funnily enough the negative people look more foolish in the end because they TOO are following a group and that group is full of hate... I do believe some people actually dislike many of these things for viable reasons, but most of the time I believe not. I'll never understand that with the internet in general. Decide things for YOURSELF!
  10. Right this is another game convincing me to wait another year for the 3DS. There seriously gonna be anything original or good until Mario kart 3DS.
  11. OK I really liked this one. Even more so than the first. It's like the 3d effects forced Michael Bay to lay off the "shaky cam". Everything wrong with the second film is removed here. All in all a brilliant popcorn flick! 7/10
  12. For some reason i never took to these games.. Especially as much as paper mario. I dunno really, but superstar saga was the best of the lot I thought. The controls just annoyed me in the second game.
  13. I think good music can come from ANYWHERE. There are times when I hear a piece on a tv show I like and have to find it.. As such I've been called having a strange taste in music.
  14. Looks fantastic! The ds lives on!!!
  15. No I mean( and you may disagree) I stil think being able to Bounce off your opponent is a mistake. I think games like Donkey kong country do this a lot better. Even the new Kirby looks like it's handling this a big better. This is something I complained about before the Wii game was even released, it's a bad idea. You should be able to interact with each other YES. A button press standing over someone should suffice. But not be able to touch off each other otherwise.
  16. Ah ign.. The fucktards of the gaming world. This is looking GREAT for a 3DS game I have to admit. It seems to put everyone elses efforts to shame and it's not even half-finished yet. It does have some gameplay issues however.. It looks like this WEIRD cross between old style and new style resident evil. It looks like the camera zooms in TOO much while using first-person view and the enemies look quite pixallated up close. They probably don't want to do the over the shoulder view because this game seems more enclosed.. I get it.. camera issues... BUt this isn't the solution.. Also address some of the problem with resident evil 5 and 4.. namely a better inventory system( should be a given with the touch screen) and being able to run and shoot.
  17. but.... she's got a new hat
  18. It;s very important that the graphics are kept simple though. Nothing can get in your way in a mario title. It's pure platforming.. Still though why can't it be a least like.. Now THAT was a gorgeous 2D title. Compared to Just not all that pretty. It's simple, it's vibrant but you could never call it a Pretty game and frankly I think the older mario title look better.
  19. Call me crazy But I always wanted to see Link in a mario kart game
  20. Unquestionably the SNES one I say. WHat's your favourite overall Mario Kart track? I find it hard to go against Audio
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. I think the PS3 has the better ALL-ROUND selection. 360 has less japanese style games and more Western style-games ( i.e FPS games).. The PS3 I find to be the best of both words..
  23. What DID the coins used to do? I almost forget.. The coins were present in the Arcade version of Mario kart too....which by the way was AWESOME!
  24. I can't imagine anyone preferring X other than nostalgia to be honest. It MAY win in music, I gotta admit I like the music in F-zero GX but nothing I would listen to right now.. F-zer gx has big blue twice really Audio Audio They're my personal favourites.
  25. Hold on WOW.....RTS? Huh?
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