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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. Work in Web design so the beginning of a career I suppose. But i'm planning to travel a lot next year, I really don't want to settle down anytime soon.
  2. Something like that happened to me recently enough. I met a guy out and was with him one night and then was texting him for a few weeks afterwards, but I kinda knew he was a little unstable and was kinda warned about the guy from friends who I just met so I didn't take it too seriously. He was taking medication and stuff for his depression. he text me randomly one day and told me to stop texting him( we were texting almost every day). I wanted to kill him but merely said fine and said I'd never bother him again. He apologised a few days later I told him I simply didn't want to be friends with him, not to mention anything more. it's VERY difficult to be in a relationship with a guy like that. I knew it was for the best. Couldn't handle a person like that at that point, so I think you're decision is the right one. Your own happiness comes first..
  3. I've had bipolar disorder for a few years, though it's gotten dramatically better lately but it was fairly desctrutive for a while. It has always stopped me from doing my full potential.
  4. haha I'm digging a hell of a hole here I took his laptop from his room ( and his runners but shhh he doesn't know about that yet)
  5. Well there was 4 of us. He only knows me and one other guy really well so both of us really.
  6. The fraping bothered him a lot more than the laptop to be honest. The laptop was only something he threw on to make his point more valid.
  7. haha we didn't add friends. Believe me we found it funny at the time. No regrets, I've had my fun and that's all that matters. he did have an awful lot of dating sites which is why he didn't really appreciate the sheer amount of losing your virginity groups i made him join. Also Rebecca black's friday was posting on his page and well... this..
  8. This is possibly the trippiest show I've seen in a long while. it really reminds of the old days of cartoon network. I experienced this for the first time on Spanish television and was amazed. I love how almost every episode is different too you really don't know what to expect.
  9. That's fair enough, and Im glad to see different views on it. I can totally see how some people wouldn't like it alright. I wouldn't do it to someone who does their business on it for instance, I know this guy quite well like. Frapes are done to me the whole time. Anyone from here who has added me on facebook can probably testify to that and our rule is if you're stupid enough to leave yourself logged in you deserve it. I mean this guy does even stupider things that I have gotten mad for him about. He broke my oven door once by throwing a glass bottle at it. WHO DOES THAT haha Last friday night he was running around with a fire blanket on him. But in this situation I just believe its not a big deal but its all sorted now anyway. See I use facebook for fun and honestly I don't understand anyone who takes it seriously but thats probably my problem and my way of seeing things... It's like the old art of prank phone calls... I understand it isn't exactly the same thing because it's more anonymous but people find them funny too. That being said I DONT tend to add family members on it and when I do they are filtered dramatically. Did anyone else ever find ithem in one of these situations though? Where you're like. Am wtf whats your deal it was only a joke etc? I've seen some people step over the line in jokes to women especially to do with weight.
  10. I already heard him saying it was funny to another person who reported back to me haha. His argument is so invalid its not even funny. But ya suppose this was just an example of something I wouldn't take seriously and it isn't the first time something like this has happened. In a lot of respects I'm a nightmare to live with if you REALLY value your sleep but tahst another story . It's all good now anyway or it will be like once he calls offl. Already sent an apology message. ALl good
  11. Just putting it here can be whatever you want. Is a little silly I agree.
  12. Can't rememebr what exactly it was, he deleted them all. Just liked a few things he wouldn't normally have liked, groups like "just lost my virginity" and shit like that and send requests to everyone to join it. It was all completely immature stuff that we thought was fairly funny at the time( and to be honest it was). I'd say something if he used his facebook for business or something but he doesn't. Whole thing just got me thinking how madly different some peoples sense of humours are and how some people take things too far. I don't deny i was in the wrong just think it was an overreaction on his part but whatever whats done is done. An apology text was sent to him, I'm more sorry that it offended him like it did rather than doing it though but nevertheless I dont like pointless drama like this so it's best to get it sorted sooner than later whatever my feelings are. yaaa but it was more of something his housemates had with each other because they are always using each others laptops and things, so i suppose in that way fair enough.
  13. His other housemates let 2 friends of his and mine in first... then I arrived an hour later. It wasn't my idea to get the laptop and to be honest I didn't do much of the fraping. I left a status on his page but thats it. I see your point though.
  14. Ya I get you it can be a tough one. I think women would take more offense to this as well generally guys would tend to care less about maintaining an image, but I'm open to proven wrong there to be honest I'm not sure. I just think it was just a laugh and the posts we were making were OBVIOUSLY frapes so it could not be taken any other way. He tends to be a little lame with things like this though, his house and housemates have a "no-fraping policy"...I mean jesus haha. I wouldn't have cared if anyone did it to me but that's me. but then there's stuff like I would feel pissed about that others don't..
  15. The fraping. If the laptop was just used for music, he wouldn't have minded. it's one of those situations where one little thing led to another if you get me. him: "holy shit he's an asshole, came to my house at 4 in the morning took me laptop without asking me and without waking me and fraped me" You know how it is with people
  16. Hello forum, I have come across something lately and i found it hard to phrase it in the title Basically we were out late one night and we called to a friends house and borrowed his laptop and brought his laptop downstairs to play some tunes. he was sleeping at the time. I then realised that his facebook was opened so me and a few friends fraped the shit out of him.(A frape is when you post as them and make joke statuses and such) He then sent me an abusive email about disrespecting his property and stuff the next day and won't talk to me now. Now to me it was just a laugh and has got me thinking about things i don't take as seriously as other people. Would you guys have gotten offended by this? What other things do you think people take too seriously? Do you think I'm an asshole here for this situation?
  17. It's kinda been like this for a while now... I pretty much blame big brother for ruining tv forever. it sent a message to producers that barely any money need be spent to make a show people will watch.
  18. This is amazing. Wasn't even sure on whether to put this in awesome or not. It's a fairly accurate PSA though to be fair as cheesy as it is.
  19. Haha this is odd indeed. I had never tried using the HD tags before. This is what you should be seeing but now i felt like I'm overly promoting this haha.
  20. Finally finished the artwork for my new song. When I start I get god damn possessed and won't stop. Now to suit up and head tonight
  21. 1: red steel?
  22. Anyone still making music on this? I created a new youtube account lately dedicated for my music. Put up your tracks sure
  23. 1/3 of this game was awesome. The tails and knuckles missions were honestly chronic. Despite this I do like the game a lot. When it was good it was AWESOME. I'm not surprised to see people complain about how it has dated to be honest.
  24. short but always loved this theme
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