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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. Haha I know i'm doing it all wrong . I'm tearing it up this weekend though. Last night was a going-away party for an American girl really.
  2. I partied last night and going for it again for my dead celeb party this weekend today is purely hangover city
  3. huh what do you mean?
  4. This guy has a fucking annoying laugh.
  5. Had a fun birthday. I'm quite quite hungover though. Feel like death
  6. When I go out drinking it lasts 2 days haha
  7. love ya guys. You've been my release for the last what is it 5 yeas ... hope none of ye were killed in london riots. remember peace and love is hwere its at love Mikey( my name)
  8. It seems like this is starting up again. Everyone is going mad on twitter. IN Hackey now.
  9. Shot-chess? haha I played that one, I had to be carried home even though I won haha We kinda made up our rules though, how do ye play it?
  10. Excellent! I've always loved that piece too
  11. Hm maybe so. I still think I have my priorities right here though. Life can be horrible and cruel enough as it is whatever worrying about someone from Italy or whatever getting you down. It's a healthier attitude I think. I don't doubt that something like cyber bullying for example is an issue but I'd take it more seriously if it's someone you actually know at school or whatever bullying you. I mean if you're REALLY bothered by a member on a forum or whatever.. you can just block them and that's the end of it.. A bully you know and see everyday is FAR more difficult to ignore. Hope I'm making sense here
  12. All I could think of this Pretty serious situation there though.
  13. To some people maybe not, I've seen people get hurt from cyber bullying with people they never met before. I think it's kinda sad. I'm sorry but I don't care about what a randomer I'll never see in my life says about me on a forum. I'm not trying to be a dick here, just saying is all. I like you guys, but I think if one of my friends called me a cockjugglingthundercunt I'd take it a bit more seriously than if one of ye said it.
  14. It's an opinion on the matter at hand. I think he is taking this a little bit seriously... just join another forum and don't be a dick on that? I personally had no problems with him or any other member on N-europe, that being said I would never let someone I don't even know anger/upset me so much.
  15. mcj metroid


    haha awesome !
  16. Completely forgot about this.. Come on guys.. finish your games I've been waiting patiently for 6 months for this moment
  17. Wow.. people take the internet way too seriously..
  18. Haha awesome ideas!
  19. Depends on how good you are at sight-reading. It's always been a weakness of mine and is the only thing stopping me becoming a professional at this. Usually the right-hand first and then the left as Eddie said.
  20. A ds list would be extremely interesting.. Actually a Poll would be great with all members, seen as the system has more or less reached it's end.
  21. Never thought much of the direct to dvd movies I've always thought of Nintendo as the Disney of videogames. Both are aimed towards kids/everyone and both have a great reputation for quality products. My top ten animated disney movies( non pixar) 1: Lion King 2: Hunchback of notre Dame 3: Aladdin 4: The emperor's new groove 5: Mulan 6: Beauty and the beast 7: Sleeping beauty 8: Robin Hood 9: Lady and the tramp 10: Snow White I love hunchback for being the darkest disney movie to date. It's also incredibly underrated. and the emperor's new groove is incredibly funny and wacky.. Both these movies are different from the usual Disney animated affair.. I never took to Hercules and the little mermaid
  22. It's actually my 23th birthday party. I wouldn't say I'm hosting it per say, i came up with the theme and but I do need a good costume for it. It really doesn't matter how accurate it is to the theme, its only a bit of fun:)
  23. There hasn't been any since 1972. Seems like an awfully long time. Course there is always the cost issue, perhaps probes are easier in the end.
  24. As I say. You can twist it a little bit. I mean the videotape is DEAD or was certainly famous
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