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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. Same sort of boat as you guys although I'm constantly trying to do new things which keep blowing up in my face. At the moment I'm working in a Call centre doing technical support. it's... ok... at least it's missing the drama from my previous job which is not far from what moogle was complaining about. I've decided to leave the country and Teach English as a second language in a foreign country. I now have the necessary experience, but I'm constantly hearing pros and cons from different locations. China is an area i'm interested in, but my friends( who went to an Irish owned school) said the area and school aren't great. I'm kinda applying for everything at this point.
  2. ya the political voting isn't AS big as some people think it is. I think culturally speaking there isn't very many countries like GB.. just Ireland.. and we give you 10 points most years. Countries besides each other have got to have similar tastes in music. Plus I find a lot of the time the Europeans use well known current acts with songs that already have been a hit.
  3. It had that lesbian kiss this year as well didn't it that caused a bit of contro! Can't find the video of it now I'm at work but caused quite a stir.
  4. thanks for the advice sure.
  5. No I will be sure to the next time. It's not all bad like I don't want to seem like I'm whining. I'll deal the hand I'm dealt like haha
  6. See thing with me as well is there's a mix of a few things it could be. It's not that it's going VERY bald but it didn't have the power it once had. It might just say it to the doctor anyway. My hairdressed told me it could be caused by stress, I had just got out of a very stressful job position. Anyone know if there is any truth to this. it's no secret i'm happier these days. it's no like it's stopped growing. It's just ..'weaker' than it used to be.
  7. well neither would women. A lot of it for me I think is. it's the first REAL sign you're not young anymore...
  8. hmm I'm never sure why I never said to my doctor before. Seems like the obvious thing i'll give it a try when i get the chance. I'm not OBVIOUSLY balding. I have a scar on my head that makes it look worse cause no hair ever grew there since I hit it a few years back. still I'd love to grow my hair long again but doesn't look like I have much of a choice.
  9. not sure if there has been a thread on this before but I'm just curious about this. I'm not sure why but hair loss has me very paranoid lately. I've found that in the last year my hair has been thinning dramatically and is far from the strong hair I used to have. now I'm never sure what to blame this on because nobody in my immediate family HAS this. But some uncles do. I could blame it on my earlier hair dying habits some of which I may have abused. I'm 24. Does anybody know if rogaine is anything to check out? or should I just put up and shut up
  10. This was incredible. Best film I've seen in long time. 9/10 WOuld almost go again but I'm not really the sort to do that
  11. Without a doubt HBK is the best of all time there. He doesn't get enough credit for even starting the attitude era before Stone Cold in my opinion. One of the greatest heels of all time and at one time the top dog in the WWF and held entire company together while it was losing for about 2 years. His matches are amazing too. Not to mention he was involved in the first Ladder Match in the WWe, Hell in a cell, elimination chamber and others I'm not sure I can name. also one of the most consistant characters in WWE. Also downside with HBK is him being a religious nutter. But suppose better that than an outrageous druggie.
  12. I did almost perfect in all of them bar Musical Curiosity - 03% Basically calling me a stubborn bastard for liking the same genre of music but refusing to change Sounds about right.
  13. I'm going to watch this event on Monday night. I simply can't see the reason of ordering this event. The card is one of the worst. I'm hoping for "suprises" but WWE hasn't delivered this in a while for me. I know many fans are sick of hearing this but the PG-13 rating is really hurting it in a lot of areas. I'm hoping the brock lesnar and HHH match will surprise me but Summerslam last year was so bad. I'm really excited for Undertaker and CMPunk It's really not the same without Shawn Michaels wrestling is it ?
  14. hey long time reader first time writer in this thread. I'm a fitness noob now. One question though. I'm a thin lad looking to pack on some muscle and i'm aware a lot of protein is important. i'm trying to gain weight as well and a lot of these fitness guides are designed for heavy people. for starters should i ignore all the low fat produce. should i for example drink regular milk or low fat milk?
  15. Actually no. I'd never seen it
  16. JUUUUST finished another one now
  17. I'm set to listen to everyone have yet ANOTHER shit attack about how they hate it/will leave facebook/will murder their families etc etc in the next coming weeks so.... lovely
  18. "google is your friend" and links to google one of the more irritating ones I've come across, especially when the question isn't so obvious to look up.
  19. I'm not sure if it's the same thing but I've seen people do it with sports sometimes and getting caught out for talking bullshit. I know he was trying to fit in, he was surrounded by a group of sport loving people. See with me I never lie and usually take the piss out of myself of how little I know or care about sport
  20. That is in fairness one of the big advantages of social media and reasons I will defend it over haters. It's always possible to catch up with older friends I'm sure I would have lost contact with if it didn't exist. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I was devastated a few years ago with a similar friend of mine who committed suicide and I had no idea anything was wrong with her. I had lost contact for a while as well.
  21. Oh ya?I didn't think of that one to be honest . The music in it is very straight forward for me. I'm trying to do simple stuff before I go crazy complex with the music itself. Thanks for checking it out anyway and for the feedback. I love feedback but I'm my own worst critic My main complaint in my songs is the drums.
  22. just uploaded a new one today
  23. hmmm It might be quite early but I'm finding these days The wwe is begging for more "special" matches. I always preferred it when they would randomly announce "hell in a cell" etc rather than it being it's own event. This WM seems to just be ordinary single matches so far.. I'd like switch it up a bit. Here is my favourite wrestlemania 17 (2001). Look how it breaks up the pace.
  24. Silly humour but these collection of videos get me everytime
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