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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. It's why I never buy from Amazon.de, eventhough they have these deals regularly. That said, @Jonnas, you should decide quickly because these deals never last long.
  2. Rounded up, I've seen it about zero times.
  3. Please, someone make a Pokémon horror film..
  4. What does my previous post look like to you guys? Not being able to witness it myself, the only thing I can think of is that it omits end tags for some reason. But then also places a default end tag at the end since the new line is rest to black..?
  5. I've only given 1 film a 5 (hearts) out of 5 so far. I use 5 black hearts (not images, Unicode 2665), and color the appropriate ones red for the score. So the possible scores look like this: 1/5 ♥♥♥♥♥ (or OXXXX) 2/5 ♥♥♥♥♥ (or OOXXX) 3/5 ♥♥♥♥♥ (or OOOXX) 4/5 ♥♥♥♥♥ (or OOOOX) 5/5 ♥♥♥♥♥ (or OOOOO) If above all looks the same (on Tapatalk) there's some weird bug that for some reason moves formatting tags around. I don't use Tapatalk myself, so I'm not bothered by it, but it's weird and seems random.
  6. The punch out games never appealed to me. I played Punch out for the first time and.. I probably won't touch it again. Star Soldier is much worse, it's actually tiresome. And Super Mario Bros 2.. It's always fun to get warped back to the start of the game. I updated the list, and included some multiplayer info. Didn't fact check everything, so may have overlooked stuff or made some mistakes. I also don't know if I should call stuff like Balloon Fight versus or co-op. I guess they're both at the same time. What are your favourite multiplayer titles of the current list? For me that's Super Mario Bros 3, River City Ransom (so far the only "new" game for me I actually like, should play some co-op again some time) and Mario Bros. I'm not into the action puzzle games or the NES sports titles, so I don't care for those, some exceptions aside (like Nintendo World Cup, but that's not available (perhaps they haven't implemented 4 player multiplayer yet..)) It's such a shame that Virtual console doesn't exist anymore, and there aren't more of the 3rd party classics in the app. Most are due to licenses or existing / upcoming collections. All the Capcom Megaman games, the Capcom Disney games, the Castlevania games, the the Turtles games.. The Rare games (Snake rattle 'n roll).. They are sorely missed.
  7. Yeah I've already recommended it a few times over here. Limited run has confirmed it will release a physical version of the game later, which I was already hoping for, seeing as they already released a physical version of the Vita port. So I'll be getting that. The cover for the Vita (collector's edition) release was awesome, unlike the cover for the regular Japanese release, which looks pretty bland in my opinion.
  8. Was there a general speedrun thread? Someone broke some old Doom record, and someone else made a little video about it. I also like this new Youtube series. There's a bit too much of the (perhaps deservedly) self-patting on the back, and I wish they'd go even more in-depth, but they have nice little tidbits. The Ultima Online one is funny.
  9. Yeah, sorry, but I'm allergic to like-begging, like some marketing intern for some lame company on facebook would do. @LazyBoy will have to count votes like a man.
  10. Oh you had a budget? Could be, but it's a game I'm interested in. Still though, Blaster Master was only 10 euros I believe.
  11. Blaster Master zero 2. Or if you don't want me to suggest something i've al'ready finished (and can wait a few days, but you already need a few days for voting anyway): Hellblade. Coming the 11th I believe.,
  12. Where's the 3rd choice though?
  13. If you like watching the same cutscene after each death, that is not only unskippable, but also "interactive", as in you need to hold a button to play it, like if you need to hold the play button to watch a video. It's that fucking retarded. If you like that, go play Furi.
  14. Fighting with my family ♥♥♥♥♥ imdb trailer Biopic about Paige, a British female wrestler in the WWE, who comes from a complete family of wrestling fanatics, but when she and her brother are invited for some try-outs for the WWe, only Paige gets picked. It's funny, sweet, and has a great cast. I'f I'm being objectively honest, it's a bit standard, and I'm not at all interested in wrestling, but I just love Florence Pugh, and she's just great. It's also a bit weird in context.. Now I've read up on the actual person (also touched upon in the wrestling thread I've seen). I ehh, came across some interesting stuff. films seen in 2019
  15. So what's this weird bug?
  16. The gardens between worlds for me. Furi is shit.
  17. And an interesting read.
  18. I haven't touched the game since "finishing it", so I haven't experienced the game post-patch. I'd love to revisit it at some point, but either you people are that good, or the game's difficulty has been changed so much it's now at the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Which also doesn't sound good to be honest. I had issues with mostly 2 things, and other stuff didn't need changing in my opinion. Tweaked at most. I never felt bosss needed less HP for example. Now I'm wondering how you two would have fared in the game pre-patch, but I guess we'll never know.
  19. I'm interested, but too many games. Plus I want to find out how Rune Factory 5 ends up, as that may have my preference, then again that's a long way off. Still, too many games. You getting it?
  20. Some of you are getting your hopes up. There's a reason all those games created for Labo VR are quick gimmicky games. That's because the Switch isn't suitable as a VR device (too low resolution), and anything more than a short session will give you a headache. You don't want to play mario kart, unless it's just the one quick race or something. Plus they would need to sell an extra upgrade for the kit because as it is now it seems very uncomfortable to play regular games with it (as you need to hold it constantly and you can't use a pro).
  21. Too many fucking games (I need to update the releasedate list) That's not even all of 'm. Now sure which ones I'm getting right away, as I have some games from previous months still to get. I'm thinking of getting Dragon's Dogma, Katana Zero, en Circle Boy right away. Cuphead will have to wait until physical is out. Hellblade.. May be another one I'll get immediately. There are no plans for a physical release at the moment, but if one does come out courtesy of Limited Run or whatever.. I prefer not to tripple dip. But I do want to play this game now. It didn't run on my computer. Steam world and MK11 will have to wait. As does labo. Still curious for the gimmick factor, but in no way is it a priority.
  22. They all deserve it. Weird combination of films you've decided to click on @bob Also that seems like such a hassle to view posts like that.
  23. And rightfully so. Soma.
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