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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Well, I thought long and hard about the features I'd want, and I gave it my all. Here's my masterpiece: Clearly you're not getting any better submissions, so please give me the title Master designer. Thanks!
  2. Yeah, I paid for mine, but I ordered directly from Goodsmile.. I hope they ship him along with Kirby, but there's no specific releasedate for him yet.
  3. Current pre-orders for the Oculus Rift are estimated to ship in June.. If they keep this up, I may actually pre-order one. Don't have the money now, but I think I can get it by the time it actually ships.. I'll check back in one month to see what the situation is.
  4. Since I'm lazy, I didn't actually see any films as intended, yet.. I disappoint myself. But; I have tickets for Star Wars in Dolby Cinema on the 10th, en The hateful eight in 70mm for the 12th. Can't wait to be astonished by oldskool and newskool cinema tech.
  5. Oh I had no idea.. I didn't care about the multiplayer last game, so I never cared to check news about the multiplayer in this game. PC it is then .
  6. Wasn't worried about the CPU . Nor the USB ports.. But I need an amd 290 at the very least. I want one anyway, but I can't afford one now, but in total that's about € 1000,-.. Maybe at the end of the year.
  7. They're missing Turok 3 then.. Since I own Turok 2, I prefer to get the others 2nd hand on the N64 if I'm ever in the mood for that, but I never finished Turok 2. I think it would be fun to try some time though.. I did watch a let's play some time ago for the nostalgia. I do wonder how easy keyboard and mouse controls will make the game.
  8. PC. (unless you really want to multiplayer and you expect friends to buy the PS4 version) I hope they make some "old face" DLC. Really preferred the face from the previous game. I'd love to get the game right away, but I'd love X-com 2 even more.. I think I'll get the latter on launch, and wait until end of the year or so for this one, the game will be pretty cheap by then.
  9. I'd love to be an early adopter (and give Alien: isolation another chance (on normal)), but I need a new graphics card as well. The compatibility tool also says my I7 975 doesn't meet the minimum requirements of their I5 4590.. Ehm yeah. I do need some USB 3.0 ports though, but there's probably a solution for that. I wish they shaved 50 dollars of that price by dropping the X-Box controller though.. I can understand why they felt the need to include one, but I just bought an Elite controller for 150 euros.
  10. Yes, thanks. Haven't quite looked at it that way. Apart from the resolution, and from the looks of it, slightly better viewing distance / less fog, it really doesn't look better than the original version.. It's from the maker of The Stanley parable. I always use the nightvision perk to surpise the guards.. And I choose the steak as equipment, not for healing, but to distract the tiger.
  11. Just a heads up in case anyone needs some recommendations.. Just bought some stuff in the Steam sale since it ends today, and Grow Home and King's quest look like winners to me, had a quick look at both. Continuing King's Quest right now.
  12. I closed the year off with Carol, which frankly disppointed me. That brings the total to 166 films I've seen in the cinema (what did I win?). Next year: 200 at least. My New Years resolution. My favourite films of 2015 Realité Laggies Guns and talks No men beyond this point Frank Still Alice The imitation game Song of the sea Shaun the sheep movie The guest Turbo kid Blade runner (the final cut) The one I love Inside out The case of Hana and Alice The martian Cop car The lobster A few almost favourites you should check out: Magical girl Phoenix Sicario Le tout nouveau testement The final girls And the complete final list:
  13. Checked a guide to see where to go next.. I've seen the forest, but figured, "if I can't beat that whatever that is, I shouldn't enter", so back to Undeadburg it is. Those dogs and assassins are annoying. Not to hard, but annoying. It's very funny to hide behind the fire though, and just have them walk into it. Capra demon took a few tries.. He's actually not that hard, it's the accompanying dogs that make it hard. So I spammed fireballs all over the place. Then the depths.. Wasn't too bad actually. Carefully avoided the first "Like Like" I encountered, but another got me. Also got petrified once by a bug-eyed frog. But I generally was ok. I cheated by fireballing the giant rat from above. Once I found the bonfire, I finally became human again. I die a lot, so I'm usually hollow, and cannot usually be bothered to reverse it because I'll lose it soon anyway, the exception is when I find a new bonfire, then I reverse it so I can kindle it. Anyway, I'm walking around as a human, then I got invaded.. Was pretty pleased I won, but found it a bit too easy.. Then I found out it was an NPC invasion. Again, I'm usually hollow, so I barely get the chance to be invaded. I've been invaded only once, and while I didn't ignore him, I made it obvious I had no inclination to fight him, and he saw I was new to this, so he just dropped some items. Then the boss, I summoned Soltair for it, I missed him with the Gargoyles because I was hollow back then. Anyway, he sucked against the boss, haha. Then I sucked. Attempt 2, alone this time obviously, died again, but then I had an idea what to do, and the third time he wasn't that hard actually. Opened up Blighttown, explored a bit of the starting area. Had fun letting those big guys walk to their deaths. The little guys are annoying though, got eaten alive a few times, haha. Lost 30000 souls in the process, but I have no immediate use for them anyway. Don't want to level up that much, for now I mostly want to level up my pyromancy flame, but I can't yet. Now I'm heading back into Blighttown. Hoping to get some co-op action, I actually forget about that white soapstone thingy.
  14. I got an X-Box elite controller a few days ago, so I finally picked this up in Steam sale (will probably get the sequel as well while I'm at it). Body count is through the roof.. My body that is. I'm about to attempt the Gargoyles again, if I don't die on the way there. Edit: They're done.. Beaten with their own tails haha.
  15. Haha, I couldn't get rid of the master thief edition as well..
  16. I have a Thief Steam code up for grabs. (regulars only please :P) The Square Enix surprise box was slightly disappointing, with 2 duplicates.. One of them was Thief (I already got the master thief edition from a previous box, and wasn't interested back then..). The other one is Life is strange ep 1 again, although that one will make a nice gift.. I'll see if there are any takers on Facebook, otherwise I'll give it away here as well. Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris was expected and may be fun if it works properly and I can find some co-op partners.. The first one was fun, but nog in single player, which was usually the case. The nice surprise was Final Fantasy XIII, which I'll happily add to my Steam library, though I won't be starting that 60 GB download just yet.. The last one is Final Fantasy XIV.. I'm not sure what it is. People say you can start a free trial anyway, so I assume the code includes a 30 day subscription at least. I'm slightly curious, but I'm not in the mood to try an MMO right now, with the accompanying big download.
  17. Got a discount because of my Star Wars film ticket (the yellow piece of paper in the background actually), so bought a cheap set.. My first Lego set in over a decade I think, apart from some minifigures. So much fun. Deliberately deviated from the instructions as well. Wanted something to be symmetrical :p. Don't like applying stickers though .
  18. Might elaborate on my earlier post, but don't want to rant now.. Bu some people have already posted the issues I have wth the film. In short: a lot of convenient things happening without or with little explanation, things were to easy, no sense of real urgency, especially for the later films, a lot of things felt just too familiar, and I'd like to have seen some more character development.
  19. Coloured prototype: No other details yet. Re-release: Just corrected my mistake and ordered her, now my Nintendoroids collection will be missing one less Nendoroid (the only other missing Nendoroid is Isabelle Winter version, and if you count 3rd party, Sonic and Shiren the Wanderer and the likes).
  20. Entertaining, but not fantastic. But it certainly did things better than the previous trilogy. Edit: I am going to see it a 2nd time though.. I'm curious to see laser projection in action, and visually the film was (generally) great, so there's no better excuse. Edit 2: Favourite moment was the "thumbs up" moment.
  21. @Moogle to the rescue!
  22. On the forum overview page you can only see "Can be positioned in Fifa", so I was expecting those funny Fifa glitch gifs.. I am disappointed.
  23. I just bought it because of this thread.. And I'm crap at it :p. Too bad there's no online co-op.
  24. Hmm, let me help you out with that then. In short; I can recommend The lobster, Le tout nouveau testement, Maryland, Bridge of spies, Virgin mountain, A perfect day, and The good dinosaur, though I'd also give The gift a look. The lobster is perhaps my favourite of this bunch. Since last post: Crimson peak ♥♥♥♥♥ Was expecting something fun from Guillermo del Toro, with that cast, but it disappointed. I wanted more horror, but it's not a horror. Could have been a great detective story as well, but it's not that either.. I'm not sure what it is (apart from mostly boring), but it lacked something. Life ♥♥♥♥♥ Was ok. Liked the cast (Dane DeHaan and Robert Pattinson). It's about a reporter who captures James Dean short rise to fame. Youth ♥♥♥♥♥ Latest film from the director of La grande belleza. Not as good though, but was ok. It has more comedic elements in it, but it follows more characters, and as a result, don't get to know them as well as we do Jep Gambardella from La grance belleza. The lobster ♥♥♥♥♥ This was great. Just the kind of weirdness I like.. Probably need to go see this a 2nd time, and may bump this up to 5 stars. In this world, people aren't allowed to be single, and get turned into animals. A funny film with a very cynical view on love and relationships, but can be tense at times.. That ending. Mia madre ♥♥♥♥♥ An Italian drama that didn't resonate with me. 45 years ♥♥♥♥♥ A British drama that didn't resonate with me.. Is the man who is tall happy? ♥♥♥♥♥ A documentary from Michel Gondry who interviews a linguistic expert. It's interesting, but I'd have liked to go deeper into the subject matter. Son of Saul ♥♥♥♥♥ Absolute shit. Probably one of my most controversial opinions, because this film seems to be universally loved. Since it's controlversial, I'll elaborate, even though I don't want to give this shit film any more thought. We quite literally follow a guy in Auschwitz. The film uses a 4:3 ratio. I don't mind in itself, the ratio can be used to great effect, and is great for dialogue heavy films while capturing facial expressions. Problem: the film has barely any dialogue, and the guy we follow pretty much has one facial expression. The film has actually quite a bit of action, but you barely get to see any of it, because you see either his dumb face, or the back of his head. The film was extremy tiring for me. The film uses a lot of long shots, but they tiring because 1: again, you barely get to see any of the action around him, and 2: the guy is a fucking idiot. We follow him wandering from one location to another, on his stupid and futile mission, doing extremely dumb things, which kept me wondering why he's not shot within the first 10 minutes of the film.
  25. Bought some stuff from the Square Enix shop. - Life is strange LE. - Deus Ex: mankind divided. - 2015 Holiday surprise box. Loved Life is strange so much, I'll happily buy an extra physical copy. I actually already pre-ordered Deus Ex, but then cancelled it to pre-order the LE, which wasn't available at their shop initially. But after their pre-order bonus debacle, and seeing what the LE actually contains, I re-pre-ordered (..) the regular edition again, I only want the artbook, but I'm not paying 120 euros for it. As for the surprise box, I was happy with the previous boxes, so I'm looking forward to the next. I'm hoping for / expecting Sleeping dogs, everything else is a bonus. This time they didn't leave a hint in the form of a minimum system requirements, so there are no educated guesses on the internet. Apart from Sleeping dogs, I expect Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris.. Maybe they finally add a Final Fantasy to the box as well. I also ordered that X-Box one elite controller.
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