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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. And another one. I have an idea for a project, but I don't know how to do the DIY stuff. I could probably figure things out on the software side.. Anyway, it's a bit similar to this: After @Vileplume2000 snapped a complete set up today for 50 euros, I really want one for myself, even though it's mostly going to be used as a hosting server, as I don't have the skills (yet) for the stuff in the video.
  2. Goose for Smash. Otherwise no sale.
  3. It's a limitation of the forum setup. If I were to create a forum, I'd have threads with catagories (platforms) as attributes, so the same thread can go into separate catagories. In this forum, it's hardcoded to be in one catagory (subforum) at a time. Some people may not be interested in the Switch version.. Anyway, I don't care either way. I have no nostalgia feelings towards it, and I think it looks pretty shitty in the trailer, so I'll pass on this one.
  4. It really should be the official title from now on. I wonder if you can actually take a shit as the goose, because I know from experience a whole gaggle (yes, look that up (except you, @gaggle64)) can easily cover a whole walkway in crap. It seems like something that would fit the game. Game of the year by the way. Edit: Overall, together with the EU presentation, a nice set of games. I'll post an elaborate list later. For now I'll just mention I'm buying Into the breach tonight.
  5. While there isn't enough interest in a mafia game, I was wondering if people want to do a good old-fashioned Forum telephone? Just want to see if there's any interest, don't intend to start soon. Don't know what I'm talking about? Although I don't think you can find a game with actual working links and images, unfortunately. Fix that, @Jimbob! I see you're still lurking around. I'm willing to start and host.
  6. Looks awesome. I hope Eidos takes some pointers.
  7. One of the cooler things to use a raspberry pi for: http://michaelteeuw.nl/post/84026273526/and-there-it-is-the-end-result-of-the-magic
  8. It's easier to read, I'll give you that.
  9. I suggest you merge this with the drunken thread.
  10. Might as well put this in the general forum.. Raspberry Pis aren't exactly soleley for retro gaming. Probably going to get one myself before the end of the year, but I have no intention of doing any retro gaming at all. Mainly hosting my own website on it or something, and probably also for discord voicechat (as my computer makes too much noise). And I'll probably do some other experiments with it. But no gaming.
  11. While my brother is a fan, I never got into Brooklyn nine nine. I don't hate it, but I don't think it fantastic either. I'm in love with Stephanie Beatriz though! In other news: From the director of Blue Ruin and Green Room. Both fantastic films, so I am very excited for this one! Apart from the fact that I'll have to watch it on netflix and not in a cinema.
  12. Apparently this also received an update today, adding a new mode / map: I'm up for some games after the MK league. Anyone else? @Nintendo Fan @dazzybee @Vileplume2000 ?
  13. No please... No more games.
  14. Received this yesterday.. Didn't have much time with it yet. Unlike what I initially intended, I took out my GBA Micro, as I went out and the Micro is more practical on the go. Played the first level while I was waiting for Totoro to start. I got some hints after skimming this thread (wanted to go in fresh, never played this game before, so I didn't read the actual experiences yet), but didn't know before this thread this was a missing link between the 2 wario games I have played: the shake dimension on Wii, and the first Wario land on Gameboy. With that I mostly mean returning back to the entrance within the time limit. Anyway, looks like a good game so far, but already expected I'd like it, that's why I voted it. Can anyone give me a rundown of the things I can / should do within a level? There are the four diamond pieces, which within the first few levels (I took the ruby path first, as that was where the cat was) weren't hard to find, they were practically on my path. But it looks like they're required for game progression? There's a disc hidden for the music test, I haven't found any of those yet. Skimming this thread also seems to confirm my suspicions you get ranked for the money you collect in a level. Is this also needed for anything? Lastly a question, what is the bar below your health?
  15. Not for me. I would have had use for it sporadiaclly if you could buy individual comics, and the library includes mangas, and other stuff (European comics).
  16. This was announced some time ago. To be honest, it's too much of an bullet hell for my liking.. But that artstyle.. Physical release exclusive on Play-asia/
  17. Slightly less specific than the Nintendo Online Service.
  18. Alright. ABANDON SHIP. Haha. This is not how you "just jump right in" by the way. Where's your sense of adventure man? Ah. You never had it in the first place.
  19. Not just Twitch compression / lag?
  20. While I'm not wowed, I also don't mind in going in blind and posting my impressions here, whatever they may be. Though I'm fairly certain it's not going to change much from what it is now: looks like a fun occasional alternative to Splatoon. But you never know. If you want me to buy it and play it tonight (That's going to be after ehh 20:00 Uk, and I'm not going to stay up late tonight), say so.
  21. Eh.. the short anwser: My opinion has never changed since its reveal: looks fun, but, while diffrerent from Splatoon, I think its similar enough that it tries to fill the same gap that has already been filled by Splatoon. Still, willing to give it a go.
  22. 60ish. Edit: Yeah that made me chuckle. Anyway, to add: a few titles I'm interested in though not many new ones), but nothing that wows me (for an indie). The next Hollow Knight is not going to be in this batch. I liked that noir point & click adventure, that puzzle game with the 2 guys on an island, and moonlighter of course, and a few others. Edit: And Children of Morta, Monster Boy, and Baba is You. Maybe Morphies Law. Edit: And maybe Bad North. I like the style, but I suspect I may find it too simplistic in the actual strategy department.
  23. Third time's a charm:
  24. Yeah bit late. But I ordered a cartridge only for 15 euros (plus shipping, and.. transaction costs? Really? Who does that shit?). For double the price I could have had a box, which I generally prefer, but I didn't want to spend that much on 2nd hand games right now. Obviously I'm not going to make an habit out of this. Expecting it tuesday. I did check if my old GBA was fully operational (in other words I had to find my AC adapter for it). I'm going for the authentic and classic experience. I mean, My Micro is better, but it's a fun excuse to give my first GBA some love again. Just need to make sure I'm playing directly under a light. I tested my GBA with Drill Dozer by the way, if you need suggestions for the next one.
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