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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I'm sorry, I'm looking at a picture thread somewhere else..
  2. At least provide the link.
  3. If Inky Pen isn't enough:
  4. Henry Cavill (Superman) is Geralt of Rivia. https://media.netflix.com/en/press-releases/henry-cavill-to-lead-the-cast-of-netflixs-the-witcher-saga
  5. At the very least there needs to be an announcement for the online services. So there needs to be a video within 2 weeks.
  6. Zen has snapped up the rights to Bally and Williams tables.
  7. Was very much looking forward to it, but since I've barely played any games in general for the last 1.5 months, I've decided to hold off on E-shop purchases. Will get it though.
  8. A lot of it is on the melancholic side. It's a collaboration playlist, feel free to add stuff you think belongs there. Any stuff I like I'll put on my private non-collab version. I should make a Deephouse version though, but that will mostly be a playlist with the complete collection of the Naked Music Label.
  9. He's just probably going to enjoy it for a whole week in that case.
  10. Woohoo.
  11. Wasn't a super fan of it myself. Cast is great, atmosphere is great, but the amount of stupid stuff they do.. And are there no gamers in that world? Those creatures are tough, but have this obvious weakspot you can hit for massive damage.. Also, Siren + Nuke? No? Edit: I am reminded that I was incredibly looking forward to this:
  12. This one is great: https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Telephone_Pictionary:_Business_As_Usual/Chain_K
  13. Too lazy to click on that link huh.. Well ok. It's based on the kids game called telephone, or chinese whispers believe, in English. The original game had one person start, saying whatever to the next person (whispering, so others can't hear what's said), this person would relay it to the next person, and so on. In the end the result is something different than what you started with. The point of doing this game on the forum is to try to get some hilarious result. The way it's played here, is to incorporate drawn pictures in the mix. So someone would start with a sentence, the next person would draw an image based on that sentence, and the next person would try to come up with a clever caption for that image, and so on. So you'd get: starting person 1: sentence -> person 2: drawing -> person 3: sentence -> person 4: image And so on, until you get to the last person, then you see the results, which hopefully are hilarious. Now, in order to give everyone a chance to draw and think of a caption, the first person actually sends both an image and a sentence as starting points, and the next person will create a caption for the image, and a drawing for the sentence, resulting in in 2 chains, or stories. The host organizes this, as he already know how it begins, en someone needs to collect the images and captions, and post the chains. Our man Jimbob used to do this in the old threads. So he (or me in this case, as I already volunteered) will send the first set to the next person signed up, when he's done he'll send a copy both to the next person, and the host, in a pm. When all players had their turn, the host posts the results. I'll post an example from another forum later.
  14. First of all a disclaimer, I don't know the situation on the wiiu and 3ds. That said, we're talking a hypothetical feature on the Switch here. I've had a quick look at the Wiiu folders feature, and I'll get back to that. Yup that's funny, because after you make an in incorrect statement: (No it's not) You give the actual explanation yourself. A folder, is just a list of data locations. So is a catagory. The actual folders, are just a visual representation of this, complete with its own limiations and peculiarities, and I argue you don't need this visualisation in the form of folders at all. You may want this when they introduce media playback capabilities as a new feature (not going to happen), in order to better visualise catagories and all the associated files, but the situation on Switch currently is very simple. There are 3 things to worry about: games (original data + any updates), savefiles, and your screenshots and videos. All are accesible in the menu options. Without any folder visualisation. Now it would be incredibly handy to be able to sort and filter these games and media, we all agree. Do you need visual folders for that? No. Just name a catagory, and for each game you can assign one or multiple catagories. To give you an idea of what I mean, look at the Netflix homepage. Organized like that, but in the Switch menu style. To get back to the Wiiu style, I may be wrong, but it seems limited as you can only put a game in one folder at a time (again, correct me if I'm wrong). That's not what I want, and it's frankly a stupid limitation of a simplified folder system. Which again, is just simply the visual represenation. Because the WiiU is a console, so it's hard to offer the same features as the ultimate folder systems, the operating systems like Windows like in the picture. Would you actually want that? Or need that? Putting folders into folders, copying files into other folders because they may belong to different catagories. Different lists, same data locations. Maybe the Playstation is better in this regard, I don't know, but the Playstation also has media playback, so actually has more use for it. So if I have two catagories, named "online multiplayer", and "party games", amongst others, then when Smash Brothers comes out, I don't want to faff around with the analogue stick and physically move the icon towards a folder twice, I just want to click the icon, say "hey, you belong to this catagory and also this one", using a dropdown box or something. The catagories acting more like attributes of the game. TLDR What people mean by folders and what I mean by catagories, are technically the same: a list of datalocations. It's just the visual representation in the form of a folder system is unnecessary and cumbersome for a simple system like the Switch. It's not, since it's not unthinkable that if they ever decide to introduce catagories, they'll just give you some default ones without the option to create your own. @Julius Caesar, see what you have done.
  15. I am very interested in those retro controllers. Yeah, no messaging is a big disappointment, but I'm not expecting it soon anyway at this point, so no surprise. Alsy, why keep people saying they want folders? You can't use external files on your Switch anyway.. What you want is (customisable) catagories. You don't want or need this:
  16. Both. I'm not talking about the typical lull, I'm talking about the whole Summer, and the year overall. I can only think of a few Blockbusters / typical Hollywood films from the top of my head. And as far as I know, almost everything that wasn't Marvel or Disney bombed. Who went to see Skyscraper? I suspected Venom to bomb, eventhough I plan to see it myself, but I hear it has a good Box office tracking. Aquaman is going to bomb in Winter. I think Mortal Engines, again, eventhough I plan to see it myself, is going to bomb. I think Fantastic Beast will be the last typical Blockbuster hit this year. Maybe Mary Poppins, but I'll pass myself. Of course there are other genres to think of, Crazy Rich Asians looks like to be a hit for example, but still. Changed my avatar for the occasion (she's hot after all). After you mentioned Coherence, I decided to get the Spanish releases (best cover, the same as the US DVD). Bought a blu-ray for myself, and the DVD as a gift for someone else. Watched it finally again after all these years. then watched it again immediately afterwards, with the commentary. Didn't know most of he film was actually improvised.. Which made me appreciate the film even more. Will get The Endless at some point as well probably. Mind fuck movies? I see most of those kind of films at one specific festival. I didn't see as many films at that festival as I'd have liked or should have. The endless was one of them. I already mentioned this one, but the Italian film The place could be interesting. it's more of a supernatural.. drama? Not a mindfuck really. I liked it, but it's based on the American series The man at the end of the booth. After seeing the Italian film recently, I can say it's practically the same, so maybe go with the original. Want some time loop films? I found Korean film A day very entertaining. Bit of a drama thriller. And another time loop.. I wouldn't call it fantastic, but it's fun for a quick watch: Happy death day. This is a comedy (slasher) horror. Netflix Originals films? I personally found The discovery pretty good (though it's not getting fantastic scores). You should definitely watch Annihilation which has already been mentioned in this thread, if you haven't already. And the last one, if you don't mind a stop-motion animation.. Also not a mindfuck persé, but definitely a large dosis of Japanese what-the-fuckery. Junk head. Though that one's still doing the rounds at festivals, so I don't think you can watch it easily. The first half hour or so is online though. Sci-fi stop motion, with some Japanese weirdness, but also plenty of humour. Together with The endless and A day my favourites of this year's Imagine film festival. Trailer: First half hour: Finally, I found this guy after seeing if I could find a chronological chart of Coherence online. Our tastes overlap, so yours will as well. He explains the endings of films on his site. Obviously don't read those unless you've seen the film, but it's a nice collection of films to check out. https://www.thisisbarry.com/films
  17. It was a strange coincidence this morning. On the cover of a newspaper there was a big aerial picture of a pre-war Rotterdam. I love those kind of pictures. The few hours later, I see a thumbnail of a screenshot from Battlefield with a familiar building.. The aerial photo: The screenshot: We don't get to see our country represented often in games (let me say that Hamsterdam isn't an accurate representation..). I find it kind of exciting. As you can see on both pictures they definitely tried to get the likeness right. 90% of all that is gone by the way. A few of the building that remain today on that aerial photo are that white house which you can see on both pictures, and the church, and a few others.
  18. Haha, IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes say otherwise, but ok, it's not your kind of film, and I have yet to see it myself. So you want a blockbuster. if you haven't already, I suggest you watch Mission Impossible? Edit: I don't know how long you're willing / able to wait, but this was a bad year for blockbusters in general, Infinity War aside. If you want a big movie that's not Mission Impossible.. I think you'll have to wait until the Holiday season. Things like Fantastic Beast 2 will come out then. Immortal Engines may be interesting, also in that period.
  19. Maybe Teen Titans? If you want to have a laugh. I had a great time with it. If you don't want to laugh, maybe BlacKKKlansman. I'll be seeing that one myself soon.
  20. edit: For the people who haven't been there yet, I edited this post as to not spoil it. You want scary, go to Mekar Island at night.
  21. I haven't tried the new mode yet. I intended to go out tonight, but.. Rain. So I'm up for games tonight (other games as well). If you like playing support, Seris is GREAT. I love her. That said, you may actually want to think about choosing a class you're missing.
  22. And another one. I have an idea for a project, but I don't know how to do the DIY stuff. I could probably figure things out on the software side.. Anyway, it's a bit similar to this: After @Vileplume2000 snapped a complete set up today for 50 euros, I really want one for myself, even though it's mostly going to be used as a hosting server, as I don't have the skills (yet) for the stuff in the video.
  23. Goose for Smash. Otherwise no sale.
  24. It's a limitation of the forum setup. If I were to create a forum, I'd have threads with catagories (platforms) as attributes, so the same thread can go into separate catagories. In this forum, it's hardcoded to be in one catagory (subforum) at a time. Some people may not be interested in the Switch version.. Anyway, I don't care either way. I have no nostalgia feelings towards it, and I think it looks pretty shitty in the trailer, so I'll pass on this one.
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