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Everything posted by Solidus

  1. Happy Berfday mate.
  2. Emma Bunton, are you lot mad? She looks old and saggy like my nan. And that's when they first burst onto the scene so forget about now.
  3. I don't get the advert where the male model in white speedos kisses that woman in the boat then someone yells, "cut". Stupid fragrance ads. Anyone seen that new Mercedes C-class ad know what the fricking music is playing in the background? Tried a million searches and nowt.
  4. You have my support, Flinky.
  5. I didn't realise Take That had reformed. Are East-17 back? I wonder if S Club Seven will get back together? Maybe when they finish rehab. There's still hope for Rick Astley.
  6. Right, I'm gonna cut my ears off and sell them ebay, they're of no use to me anymore.
  7. True. Check the related vids.
  8. And some strange editing.
  9. Could somebody summarise the thread so for me, I just got here. I'm not reading 26 pages. Do it like the previously part at the beginning of TV shows. Ta.
  10. The term 'super' just highlights the character from normal people. Batman is a vigilante. And a bit of an emo twonk. Punisher is way better. (I couldn't help it the fanboy in me went off). Oh, and all the gadgets in the world aren't going to help Gates since he doesn't know how to fight. He could, however, bore villains to death with tech talk.
  11. QFT. I agree rokhed00.
  12. Happy Moriaday
  13. Is it just me or is Channel 4's programming a complete load of toss? This reality crap is getting way out of hand just because they are cheaper to make doesn't mean you have to saturate your channel with it. Shrink Wrap is another piece of crap. It just seems exploitative to me. All docu/reality shows are shite. What happened to good old TV like Macgyver and A-Team?
  14. I didn't know. Sorry Rokhed I'll keep my snack suggestions to myself. 8( :P
  15. Ok I'll agree to disagree to agree. OMG you b@stards ur opinions are wrong now go die! You're right this is fun!
  16. Anyone know how to play imports the easy way?
  17. Have ya tried spreading it on Quavers!
  18. I just want something that lets me play my import cube games on my Wii without fuss.
  19. I prefer X over XII. I don't feel like I'm truly in control when playing XII thanks to all the auto commands. A lot of time spent just sitting and watching the screen didn't do it any favours. Tidus maybe cack but Vaan is THE worst ever. How come whenever people have differents view on a subject they get all huffy and throw a hissy fit? Just agree to disagree.
  20. Merry Christma-birthday!
  21. Why is that dog's arse fatigued? What's he been up to in the bushes?
  22. Rygar on PS2 is a great game and for the record it came out way before God of War did.
  23. Pass or fail there is no... try? WTF man you either passed or failed. Next time you see your instructor punch him/her then tell him/her it's a gift from me. Edit: I see. Still punch him in a few weeks then.
  24. Looks like you had a fantastic time, Mokong!
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