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Everything posted by Solidus

  1. Ollie bring back some authentic ramen noodles for me. I will wub you forever!
  2. Geez, all you need is some rope, a shovel, and bush to hide in. Instant girlfriend. Failing that just drop your credit card when a hot mama walks by. Seriously don't be a mopey tw@t that looks like he's been crying 'I wanna girlfrind' all last night. Teh woomans pick up on that. Be postive and confident. How? Fake it.
  3. "Bunch of slack-jawed f@gg0ts around here. This stuff will make you a god damned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me."
  4. Don't spill salsa on them! Oh, and Happy Birthday!
  5. Just bought a 2gb Sandisk card off eBay for total of £8.60p. Fricking £3.99 of it is for postage. But hey, under a tenner so I'm happy.
  6. Why bother with 4, 5, and 6? Oh, that's right, Sony are losing shed loads of cash thanks to PS3.
  7. Come on guys we all have different opinions no need to kick each other in balls.
  8. Pants optional? :wink:
  9. Any brand/type of sd card I should avoid? Which is the best regardless of price?
  10. I just missed my chance to get a Wii because my card details were fudged. Bugger. I have to wait until the next shipment. I need a e-hug, anyone?
  11. Online co-op play. Be nice to fly in squadron of international gamers attempting to destroy an Andross cruiser or something. Talking smack with voice chat, that has authetic radio crackle. Customize and personalise your ship with logo and name. I feel the need... the need to go watch Top Gun.
  12. You need to be 60 and famous to get one. That's me out.
  13. I enjoy breathing air. I am a terrible dancer. I hate prawns but really like prawn flavoured skips. I miss Quantum Leap.
  14. Jeez, GAME and GAMEPLAY only just got stock in yesterday and it's all gone already. Maybe the delay is because Nintendo staff dressed as Link are rowing out shipments directly from the factory to their destinations in little King of Red Lions type boats?
  15. Happy Cubeday!
  16. Happy Jordanday!
  17. Happy Birthday! ...What?
  18. HAHAHA facking gingers! Here have a laugh. : peace:
  19. I agree with that. It's directed by Len Wiseman who did the Underworld movies with Kate Beckinsale. They weren't so good.
  20. Happy birthday fellas!
  21. For those of you who missed it you can watch it here too. CLICK ME!
  22. Light Blue Square. Just like Bond James Bond Danny Craig.
  23. I'm all set. Come along the fun start at 10pm. 8)
  24. Call the cops! My life is in danger! Kooloo-limpah! Oh, btw, tonight is disco night so get your glad rags on. Now... CALL DA COPS!!
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