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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Neat solution for Smash Bros, it's a pity about the price. I've also seen Pro controllers going for £20-£25 in CEX/GAME, think i may pick one up in preparation for Smash. Can't be doing it with the Gamepad can we?
  2. Got an XL now, and my friend code remains the same since transferring content.
  3. This is certainly an interesting read, i'm in the area around the Gamecube controller designs and how it's evolved over a few months/years. Same as you H.o.T, i didn't know Ninty were planning on getting rid of the D-Pad and keeping to carts for the next-generation. That's bloomin insane.
  4. Saw this on Sky News earlier, Click Here. Hubble has managed to photograph some of the Universe's oldest galaxies.
  5. I've got nothing to go on, my actions last night didn't happen as i was blocked. If we've got nothing to go on so far, then Vote: No Lynch
  6. Bumpage Sorry about that, but i thought this would be a good time to post here again. Did anyone watch Old School RAW on Monday?
  7. Haven't messed with any settings on the XL, left things as they are. After using the XL (still getting used to the size), the normal 3DS seems diddy in my hands now
  8. Who knows, maybe they are a figment of imagination that lurch at night in dreams.
  9. I see, i didn't get the memo it would seem. Damn, was getting better this season. Still it's good for the youth team, developing up into a fighting team.
  10. Don't tell ReZ that, please don't Happy 16th Birthday, it's been fun for the times i've been here. Many laughs we've had, many more to come.
  11. I wasn't succesful in reaching my target last night, it would seem i was roleblocked as my PM said i was tackled by another person on the way to reaching my target.
  12. Promotion seems likely, i only need 1 point in 2 games to secure promotion to the next league (hopefully). Won 4-0 vs Multiple Scorgasms earlier today.
  13. Shhhh, i'm sleeping.
  14. Undergoing the system update, then the transfer of data commences. Went straight forward enough, had all the data backed up on a 8gb SD card from the old 3DS. Is it me, or does the XL seem more "colourful" with games. By that, i mean the resolution seems higher than that on the old 3DS i had.
  15. I'll still get the payment if i don't re-apply, which is a good thing. I feel sorry for those applying who would be expecting a larger pay-off, because they wouldn't get it as the 6 month extension would be a new contract, which is cunning and sly and saves them a heck of a lot of money (unions are up in arms about it, they are trying to save all the jobs and don't want people re-applying for their own jobs. That's lucky indeed, a few of my friends had their bills come in today and boy they are not happy.
  16. The 2nd depressing date comes later in the month, the dreaded Credit Card bills from the holidays. Yeah, i'm full of cheer today. New jobs/extentions (137 to be precise) have come up for my location. You may be thinking "hey, this is good news for a change" You'd be wrong, it's the same work i've been doing for the past 2 1/2 years. I find it bad that we've got to re-apply for the same work, and that it's the same work. And to top it off nicely, the icing on the cake. As the adverts say "6 month extension". It's a new 6 month contract, meaning anyone whom takes this up WILL lose the redundancy payments of anything upto £5k
  17. Well, that was certainly interesting. First time seeing this series, and i like it.
  18. I feel sorry for him in the morning.
  19. Rez mentioned in the sign-ups that you wouldn't get the item you chose. Anywho Vote: No Lynch
  20. It's started to randomly turn itself off, i can sometimes put it into "standby mode" and it's started making a weird clicking noise. And it makes a popping noise before going off, like it is short circuiting somewhere. So i'm getting a new one now and transferring the data across before it's too late.
  21. Well, this is going to be a productive day.............. not. Literraly no staff in (well, i say that but there is 8 taking calls all day). And the calls are just as arogant as ever.
  22. It's going to be a nice mixture of talent as it were, the hard part will be the choosing. So many great wrestlers to choose from.
  23. Mine seems to be ok at present.
  24. The only thing lacking on my mafia is a theme, i can't think of a decent one at present. Edit: Got it, mine shall be a Wrestling mafia. Got a nice idea for it as well.
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