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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Just started watching the series, watched the first 2. And started watching in recent weeks the 3rd series
  2. Working on my backlog of games, which bought me to New Super Mario Bros 2. Had it sitting in my cupboard for months, so put it back into my 3DS and cracked on. Finished the main quest, unlocked the 2 secret worlds and various secret exits (via some online help). Saving up Star coins to get the 3rd secret world opened (got it there, just can't play the levels until i've got 90 coins, on 67 at present). Not too bad of a game overall.
  3. Please Nintendo, be honest and say TVii is never coming to Europe. I would feel a lot better about that.
  4. Damn, just started Book 3 Part 2, so i think i'm all good for the next series.
  5. I'd be very worried, if they plan to do this to the members.
  6. Can't be as bad as other seasons i've seen of other TV shows.
  7. I'm considering picking this up, using the points i have stored on a certain store card combined with a few trade-ins. Wouldn't mind re-playing this on the PS4, but the price is still something i wouldn't be happy about paying if i were going into a shop to pick it up knowing i've already played it last-gen.
  8. I'm still pretty new to the Boardwalk Empire, picked up the first series for a tenner in CEX on Blu-ray. It's not too bad really, i have been meaning to watch it for a while. I should be able to catch-up before the final series airs in the Autumn.
  9. I too was affected by the Catseye Marble @Sheikah. My original targert was Cube, but as this marble rolled towards me i swapped and got you instead. But failed, so i guess the marble works.
  10. Wrestling mafia is all set and ready to go.
  11. KILL IT WITH FIRE He's got nothing on this guy. Whom is the only chap i want to see in Smash Brothers.
  12. I get the same thing. Plus people believe we are all the same department and can deal with all changes regardless.
  13. I swear when i leave work in March, i'll either have gone insane or be on some form of medication. People just don't understand that changes can affect claims.
  14. Happy Birthday, have a good one.
  15. Will be a long, long wait. I've had mine done since last year.
  16. In Cardiff, the Nintendo section (3DS and Wii/WiiU) is at the front of the store along with the PS4/Xbox One sections. Still have a good selection of games in the area for both. And they have demo units for both in-store as well. Both are operational, unlike the Xbox One.
  17. I queried as to why a PM didn't come through, just means the night actions were successful.
  18. Night 1 i targeted Cube, didn't reach him Night 2 (last night). I targeted Peeps. I was successful last night.
  19. That is indeed true, still the price could be a tad cheaper. Or better still, allow people to transact in real currency and use existing stars to offset a discount on the price.
  20. Hope this answers the question. That's what i was told that night.
  21. Randomly searching Netflix US, it has all the series. There's a lot of episodes, didn't know series 1 had 60 episodes filmed. Edit: Noticed a little error in the original pilot episode, all the Rangers already have the Communicators on. This is BEFORE they even are selected to be Power Rangers.
  22. Yeah, but they've already said that Smackdown, RAW and Superstars won't appear on the WWE Network. Sky have too much money to throw around.
  23. Does anyone else have visits in the shopping area from old town residents or is it just me?.
  24. It's crap, i mean the US and Japanese get better stuff than us EU gamers and at better prices as well. I mean, how many stationary notepads do we want?. The way the cradles are priced, it's cheaper to buy a tin of paint and paint the existing cradle the colour you want. I mean, 18 games priced at £30 each equates to just over £500 for a cradle which matches the colour of your 3DS (XL or not).
  25. Best of my knowledge, they'll have Orton carry the WWE title around in due time as it's a design that's only been around a year, so will be pointless designing a new belt. What they need to do next is to unify the US and Intercontinental Titles. Dean Ambrose hasn't defended the title since September/October. It's just carried around as bling really and i see it as pointless these days. I was reading up on people not happy about paying $9.99. Why, it's a damn bargain for what you get for the price. All PPV's, an extensive back library of content, exclusive documentaries and programmes to name a few. People were also asking about if RAW, Smackdown and Superstars will appear on the Network, it's confirmed they'll remain on cable providers (which is logical) In some sadder news, Hall of Famer Mae Young has been taken off life support. She's been ill for sometime, and this could mean the end of a great woman in Wrestling.
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