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Mr. Bananagrabber

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Everything posted by Mr. Bananagrabber

  1. I want this so much. I can afford it, but I don't know if I want to go to Darlington to get it...
  2. Good review. Not particularly funny (maybe I just feel that way because it's following on from the awesome mailbag one), but absolutely spot-on. I don't really see how he's a fanboy. He seems to love/hate a game depending on how he genuinely feels about it. He also mentioned that this is an incredibly even generation in his Mailbag Showdown video.
  3. Happy Birthday dude.
  4. He's an absolute fucking ****. There's a clip on Youtube of him and Letterman arguing that is absolute gold.
  5. Both are pretty much essential.
  6. Doesn't look much like Claire... But I don't think that Chris in this game looks much like the old Chris either. :p
  7. Awesome. It's my most wanted game alond side Banjo and Viva Pinata. And Mirror's Edge... And Gears 2. Wonder who the woman in the second image is.
  8. I own one of them! Well, two actually. A Gamecube and a PS2 one. I don't know why though, they're horrible to play with. :p
  9. Uh... My Japanese Killer 7 DVD I guess.
  10. It's amazing what a little bit of blue sky does to the look of a game.
  11. Looks fucking amazing.
  12. They confirmed that he was in it a while back.
  13. Penny Arcade game next week. It's 1600 points, and it's not meant to be that great, but I'll end up buying it anyway. It'll be funny, if nothing else.
  14. Huge fan of the N64 games. I got BK with my N64 for Christmas, I'm more nostalgic about the original than any game other than maybe Mario Kart 64. Maybe just seeing a new Banjo game is enough for me to be excited.
  15. I'm using my 32" HDTV. Sometimes it's dogs, sometimes it's a different image of a cat, sometimes it's fucking punishment from God. It's all warped and distorted. I can barely make out anything on it, never mind the cats.
  16. I can understand what you mean, but the fact that it'll probably be a great game is all that really matters to me. That being said, despite the vehicles, it still looks like a Banjo game to me. Also- I'm sure the whole Mario thing was a joke (that'll be taken out of context and whined about for months to come all over the internet). ...
  17. Platforming = Awesome Building your own vehicles = Awesome Actually doing something new and interesting as opposed to sticking to the old routine which is why so many platformers fail = Awesome Mario Sunshine didn't fail (in my eyes) because of Flood. It was because of bad level design, an awful camera and dull enviroments. If Rare can make the rest of the world look as good as what they've shown, then this should be an excellent game. Definitely my most wanted game right now. Sorry, Resi 5. All these knee-jerk reactions remind me of the whole celda thing.
  18. Awesome. I was a bit aprehensive at first, but this sounds like it could be an absolutely excellent game.
  19. What is up with Rapidshare? Every time I try and download any manga, I'm told to type only the letters that have a cat behind them. But the cat images are all warped, so it's fucking impossible to make out what I'm supposed to type.
  20. Mudkips? Jeez guys. I'm disappointed in you all.
  21. Phew, dodged a bullet there. I just don't understand why American's can't watch the originals instead or remaking them.
  22. Oh man, I love Monster. The manga is even better, if you can believe it.
  23. Uh... yeah? I don't know. I didn't mean that everyone should literally stop what they were doing and watch it, I was using hyperbole to show my affinity for it. :p I'm gonna add another anime to my download list. I'm thinking either Spice and Wolf or Rosario to Vampire. What do you guys think? Edit- Actually, what's that cat anime that's new this season called again? That looked okay.
  24. First review is in. http://forums.n4g.com/m_127991/mpage_1/key_/tm.htm#127991
  25. She's so moé. ;_; Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is a really excellent show. Everyone should stop what they're doing right now and watch it.
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