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Mr. Bananagrabber

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Everything posted by Mr. Bananagrabber

  1. Orion is a fucking awesome, passionate piece of music. They played it at Burton's funeral didn't they? Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets really are a bunch of excellent musicians playing at their peak.
  2. This is only partially related, but has anyone seen how hot Sarah Chalke is in the Chaos Theory trailer? I'm buying the film for that reason alone.
  3. For a friend. Also bought a cassette of Arthur C. Clarke reading 2001 for £2. Pretty good deal.
  4. Repetitive doesn't even begin to describe it. Worth playing through to get the characters though, as the multiplayer is excellent.
  5. Yeah, that's a good point. I have to admit I only spent a few hours on Monkey Ball, but I don't think I've ever felt such hate towards a game before. :p I think the Wii third party condition is bad at the moment, but it has a better line up for '08 than the 360.
  6. I forgot about Trauma Center, that's a good game. I haven't played SSX Blur, but I haven't really liked an SSX game yet so I doubt it's for me. As bad as Sonic is (and it is really, really bad imo) it's nowhere near Monkey Ball bad. Man. The original and the sequel were excellent, but three just doesn't feel like Monkey Ball. They've taken it into a completely different direction that just doesn't suit the game at all. It was a huge disappointment. Care to expand on that? You're staff, you're not supposed to act like a ten year old and call someone an idiot for having a different opinion :wink:
  7. He nitpicks, but he rarely says a game is outright bad. People seem to think that because he finds faults in games, he doesn't like them. But they're wrong. He's stated that he's had fun with plenty of the games he's 'trashed'.
  8. WHAT. I might have to start watching it again in that case.
  9. Exactly. I thought your post was a joke. REUC is alrightish, but Sonic is awful (though not as bad as the 360/PS3 version), Medal of Honor is the worst in a pretty piss poor series, NiGHTS was like a dagger through my heart. The Saturn version was so good, how the hell did the sequel end up like that? My God. Mercury is fun for a solid hour or so (I'm basing this on the PSP version, admittedly). Okami and RE4 are excellent, but I already own them. If you think that that is a list of quality third party games, then fine. But I personally wouldn't touch stuff like Sonic and the Secret Rings or Medal of Honor with a very long pole. I think the Wii is a fine console, but if you can't see that besides a few exceptions, the third party line up is dire then you're either blind or have very odd taste in games.
  10. This game is going to kick my ass and I will love every second.
  11. Are all terrible reasons. The rest are pretty much spot on. Although that guy's voice makes me want to kill someone. I never found Screw Attack very funny to be honest. I'm not the Wii's biggest fan, but I think the machine is well worth owning. Are all rubbish or ported from a last gen machine. :p Edit- Duck Tales was fucking awesome.
  13. Yeah, I got a month of free live when I had to send mine in. But it took six weeks to repair. And it died again within 24 hours of it's return.
  14. Three Leaf Clover. Goddamn.
  15. I've got a good, if slightly rage-inducing game. Type in the name of one of your favorite animes into Youtube, followed by 'Linkin Park' and just see how many shitty AMV's you can find. Obviously Naruto and Dragonball Z are going to have thousands, but it's funny to see how many other shows have awful AMV's about them. Fucking Azumanga has five, but one is tongue in cheek. Lucky Star has quite a few and even Clannad has three. Man. Planetes and Ichigo Mashimaro don't seem to have any though. Typing one of your favorites into Deviantart's search tool produces a lot of crap too. Edit- Oh Jesus I searched for 'ghibli linkin park' Edit2- Oh phew, there aren't any for Ookiku Furikabutte. My gayseball is safe.
  16. Why am I up so early on my day off? I was aiming for a good 14 hours in bed, I only made it to 9.
  17. U2 are probably in the top 100, but I can't imagine they're anywhere near number one.
  18. It's made them half a billion USD already.
  19. "I'm not a fanbYES YOU ARE."
  20. That was hilarious. Probably his best video so far. It's funny, if not too surprising, that his Brawl review got the most complaints from man children who seem genuinely insulted that he doesn't like a game. Some of those letters were just pants-on-head retarded. Did they actually watch his review?
  21. Friday? Awesome! Didn't know it was out so soon. It looks like a lot of fun.
  22. Eternal Sonata is the closest to Symphonia, but it's really more like Star Ocean that anything else. Lost Odyssey is more like Final Fantasy. In fact the only real difference between the two is the name and the fact that IGN didn't over hype and score it.
  23. It's set in a peaceful Jungle village (That still has Nintendo's and TV's for some reason). It's about a mother and son, who adopt a really, really odd girl called Guu. There's a lot more to it than that, but I'd be spoiling some of the real odd and funny surprises. It's essentially slice of life with some elements of adventure. It's pretty damn funny.
  24. I KNOW YOU.
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