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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. I can definitely agree on the audio output, was gutted to discover that I wouldn't be able to use my existing AV Receiver with the Wii U because it lacked a HDMI input. Other than that, the only thing I'd say is the standard battery life on the GamePad, which is pretty damn atrocious. Everything else, lack of decent online features, voice chat, account system, etc... can be amended via software.
  2. ... Or not. Which 2 games are you gonna get, H-o-T? I'd have thought you'd have most of the ones in the offer already. For me it's out of Mario Bros. U, Wind Waker HD, Mario & Sonic or Wii Party U. I'm leaning towards Zelda at the mo. Not like I'll be playing this free game anytime soon though.
  3. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'll probably get rid of the game from the special edition too then. I believe he means selling the 2nd code, as technically it's another game.
  4. Yeah, but I'm still getting the standard edition from ShopTo, which I'll then sell on once the special edition arrives.
  5. I knew even before clicking play that there would be some cheesy live action malarkey in that ad, they just can't help themselves. To be fair though, the balance of cheese to gameplay footage is much better than it has been in the past. All gameplay approach for the UK ad please, Nintendo. Like this: *waits for it to be exactly the same as the US one, just with a British voice-over*
  6. Indeed.It's just that I don't consider the Wii U to be underpowered hardware, far from it.
  7. I still reckon that the biggest issue with the Wii U hardware is that 99.9% of 3rd party developers are lazy bastards. Or to quote Chris Seavor from the Conker's Bad Fur Day commentary..."fucking redundant cunts" And here's why:
  8. I'm not so sure it does, dazzy. I always seem to find matches on Nintendo's other online games way quicker, and they blatantly have less players online than MK. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool feature at first (in fact I don't think they should remove it completely, it makes sense when joining friends for example) but getting stuck watching a random race, often from the very beginning gets so annoying after a while. I used to love it on MK7 (although this didn't happen very often at all) when I'd join and it would be right at the end of a race, with the screen fading out already.
  9. This appears to be a much better application than Art Academy SketchPad. Is it also developed by Headstrong Games? Are they still planning to update the Wii U software?
  10. Hehehe! You gonna be playing it though, or are you still on your wait until everything is out thingy?
  11. Wow! Have you beaten the game, does it even have an end/credits? Nice. Who do you review for?
  12. If it means I get into a game quicker, then yeah, I would.
  13. So.... Scram Kitty this week. Who's gettin' it? I very much like the look (and sound :awesome:) of this one, but not sure if I'll be getting it right away. Still really into Pocket Football Club and Mario Golf at the moment, and now that my backlog is under control I don't want to get back to that bad habit of buying new games before fully finishing my latest purchases.
  14. Have you managed to play any worldwide races? (I'm guessing not, seeing as only a handful of peeps currently have the game) Still curious about the matchmaking though. I really hope they've got rid of the need to watch an ongoing race before joining a game. Anyway, looking forward to your review! : peace:
  15. Yeah, it's pretty weird how the game is split up like that.I suppose the castle club is the main "campaign" of the game, but there's actually more content in the Quick round Mario Golf section, due to all of the single player challenges (which unlock characters and additional courses in the Castle Club funnily enough) and the online tournaments. But then there are online tournaments which can only be accessed from the lower floor of the Castle Club too. Anyway, at least the game is packed with stuff to do no matter which mode you choose.
  16. The results for the first set of official tournaments are up. :awesome: Was surprised to get this many coins for 986th place!: That's only 7,080 less coins than the prize for the overall winner. The amount of coins you get from tourneys + having Gold Mario = way too many coins! I've already bought almost every item from the shop as well, what the hell are we supposed to do with all these coins after clearing out the shop? You should be able to gamble them online.
  17. Setting up an online game against friends: Voice chat sounds a bit fuzzy. No MH3U style buzzing at least... that, or they weren't charging their GamePad at the time. *EDIT* History of MK vid from Nintendo UK:
  18. A look at the quicker Wii U menu from the next system update: Crazy how much they have improved performance since launch.
  19. I'd say this, so you can get involved with the online stuff. Speaking of which, I just created a new N-E tourney: 35-4334-8025-3878 Speed Golf this time! Ends at 8pm on Friday. : peace:
  20. Awesome! :awesome:
  21. I not in the slightest bit excited by this news, think I've had enough of Pokémon now to be honest. The fact that this is a remake/re-imagining of a previous game doesn't help. Mind you, even if it was a brand new game I doubt I'd have been that interested either... too soon to X&Y. Great (and very surprising) news for all the Pokémon fans out there that just can't get enough though.
  22. Man, I'm finding some of the challenges in this pretty tough! Especially the ones where you need to collect a coin/ring and still make par. Any of those that also require the use of items are particularly tricky, the one I'm currently stuck on has the coin placed in such an awkward position. I'm able to collect it occasionally by using the whirlwind power-up, but then landing on the green at a decent distance from the hole is so difficult that I'm usually left with an impossible 100 mile putt. Annoying, yet good fun. Anyway, here's the European and Worldwide online tournament schedule:
  23. Anyone that predicted something.
  24. GIF from the infomercial: The amount of detail in the character animation is mind-blowing. :awesome: Yep.
  25. So is anyone changing their predictions for E3 based on the latest Wii U forecast? It seems like a lot of people are taking it as a sign that Nintendo don't have much planned this year...
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