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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Not to downplay the issue being discussed here, but I do find it kinda funny how people were recently having a go at Nintendo for focusing too much on local multiplayer over online, and now that we get a game from them where the superior way to play against others is online, people kick off about aspects of the local multiplayer. Nah, the split screen image on the GamePad is still just a single video stream. Having the GamePad show a different view to that of the TV screen would have a much greater impact on the system. Well, let's not forget about the difference is visual quality between the two. Sonic racing was an OK looking game, but MK8 is on another level entirely. Hell, it's almost as if they're games from 2 different console generations.
  2. My favourite quote from Iwata, and IMO he was/is 100% right.It's a shame the majority of the industry choose not to see it that way. LOL! @44:22 you can just about hear that nutter shouting "who's the man!" when Miyamoto appears on stage. I gotta post that vid now: Even if Nintendo were still doing live press conferences, that reaction could never be topped.
  3. The most ridiculous thing is that if you press the home button after it lights up, it will then show that information on the GamePad screen, e.g. "whatshisface has just come online". So the notifications are always there, just completely hidden away. There should definitely be an option to have them display on the TV screen. I reckon that if enough people kicked up a fuss on Miiverse (like the 50/60Hz VC games fiasco) Nintendo would fix it in a system update. But there's unlikely to be that amount of protest over this, in which case they will remain oblivious.
  4. But doesn't that mean you can have one player on the GamePad screen?
  5. The Welcome Cup is now running until the 1st of June! Just played my first Welcome Cup matches (you're limited to 3 per day for some reason ) and RedShell FC is currently ranked 91. :awesome:
  6. I believe you can, but it simply duplicates whatever is on the TV screen at all times, so it'll be split screen on the GamePad as well.
  7. They're available online here & here, insane price though! But if you're on about availability from a retail store, then I guess they've always been pretty hard to find there.
  8. Yeah. I mean it wouldn't be as bad if they hadn't ended the review embargo so early, opened the Miiverse community, enabled MKTV vids on YouTube etc...Sure, they know they're on to a winner and want to promote MK8 as much as possible, but for those of us that don't require reviews/advertising to know we want (or in my case, NEED ) the game, it's basically a form of torture.
  9. Why is time moving sooooooo slooooooowly? Nintendo kind of went against their new "late reveal/imminent launch" technique with MK8... I really wish they hadn't.
  10. Out of stock now.That deal was never gonna last long.
  11. Wow. Insane price! :awesome: I'm actually tempted by that.
  12. MKTV YouTube highlight vids are starting to get posted on the games Miiverse community with a new YouTube tag: Such an awesome feature. :awesome:
  13. I'll let Iwata do the honors
  14. 2 WEEKS... 2 WEEKS... 2 WEEKS... 2 WEEKS... 2 WEEKS... It's gonna feel like 2 fucking years. Yep, you can download friends and the worldwide top 10 ghost data.
  15. Nah, it's not actually my system. Just trying to sort out this laptop for someone (it's full of crap/running really badly) so I reckon reformatting is the way to go. Cool, but can you go through the entire process without the need to insert a disc?
  16. Anyone know if it's possible to reformat a system running Windows 8.1 without the need for a Windows 8 disc? According to Google it is, but still not 100% sure.
  17. They are indeed, I think Nintendo must have heard @lostmario's all the cries about the "Blue Shell" so decided to include and focus on a new item for this purpose. But in reality it just increases the number of items that can defend against the Spiny Shell to 6: Super Horn Bullet Bill Star Golden Mushroom Triple Mushrooms Mushroom It's going to be interesting to see if there will be less complaints about the Spiny Shell as a result. But judging by your first experience with the item and the fact that it's a rare pickup, It seems like it won't make that much difference.
  18. More adverts:
  19. When you copy the link there's a "Start at: 0:00" button to the right of it, just set the correct time on that and then copy the link.
  20. I can definitely agree on the audio output, was gutted to discover that I wouldn't be able to use my existing AV Receiver with the Wii U because it lacked a HDMI input. Other than that, the only thing I'd say is the standard battery life on the GamePad, which is pretty damn atrocious. Everything else, lack of decent online features, voice chat, account system, etc... can be amended via software.
  21. ... Or not. Which 2 games are you gonna get, H-o-T? I'd have thought you'd have most of the ones in the offer already. For me it's out of Mario Bros. U, Wind Waker HD, Mario & Sonic or Wii Party U. I'm leaning towards Zelda at the mo. Not like I'll be playing this free game anytime soon though.
  22. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'll probably get rid of the game from the special edition too then. I believe he means selling the 2nd code, as technically it's another game.
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