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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Looks amazing. :awesome:Hopefully the servers won't go to shit tonight.
  2. Finished Drake's Fortune last night.
  3. 88% through the first game now, and it seems to have turned into...
  4. Holy crap, this game is AMAZING!! Was kind of expecting not to be blown away by it considering its age (and going in straight off the incredible MGSV) but I am loving it! Didn't realize it had so much humour too, it's already had me LOLing on several occasions...
  5. Possibly. That's a record early GET for me though, 6 days! Anyway, looking forward to my first playthrough of this series.
  6. So my copy of this arrived today!! Simply Games truly are the next gameplay/shopto. :awesome:
  7. Had a go at the first online design challenge, "The Sweetest Home Ever!": : peace: I seriously hope we get all the new functionality of this game in the next mainline AC title, as it's absolutely fantastic. Being able to quickly drag and drop items, duplicate stuff at the click of a button and finally having a way to know which items in your collection are new, all makes the customization process so efficient. :awesome: Love the new little animations they've added in this game too, like your character squeezing through gaps in furniture and all the context sensitive stuff (you now wash dishes near a kitchen sink, start eating when near food etc...) Super cute. Also shows that this title isn't a quick cash in like it appears on the surface.
  8. Not sure if this is well known or not, but it was news to me. It seems that the 3DS has a new way of accessing Miiverse! Earlier on today when I went to post some of my Animal Crossing Happy Homes, I noticed how it jumped right from the game to composing a Miiverse post, bypassing the Miiverse intro. I also noticed how fast it was, which was very fast, much quicker than the last time I used Miiverse on 3DS. Anyway, I didn't think much more of it until just now when I decided to check out my Activity Log and saw that there were 2 new applications instead of 1 (was only expecting AC:HHD to appear). The second one was this: Post to Miiverse!? Anyone else come across this before? Wonder if it was part of the latest System Update, or if it was added by playing AC:HHD... Either way, it makes using Miiverse on the standard 3DS/XL a much nicer experience!
  9. Yeah, the pricing on amiibo cards is so messed up it's unreal! I certainly wont be buying any unless they drop the price or there's a special offer sometime. Anyway, I finally got access to the Happy Home Network, so uploaded a few of my designs: School: Not visible in this pic, but I placed one desk facing the wall (the naughty chair) and Tom Nook was sitting in it! Café: You can hang stuff from the ceiling now! Ressetti's: I like how Don is just standing right next to Ressetti while he's on the crapper. Not sure if you can actually visit them by scanning those QR codes or not, when I checked out worldwide designs using the HHN computer I could only see pics of other players work. Would be a shame if that was all you can do. *EDIT* Well I messed about with the online aspect of this a bit more, and it turns out you can indeed visit any of the projects people upload to the HHN by clicking on the button. You can also grade their designs in 4 different areas and add the creator as a favourite to check out the rest of their projects or follow them. :awesome:
  10. Yeah, I took a look at some MKTV highlights and there are chunks of / nando /'s replay data missing. Luckily not the part where I chuck a banana at him on lap 2 of the Animal Crossing track. Anyway, good games indeed. I'm happy to finally get to join in after a couple of weeks with connection errors. : peace:
  11. So it seems like Super Meat Boy is the standout title from this (otherwise somewhat poohy ) list then. To be honest I'm kind of glad seeing as I'll have all 3 Uncharted games to play through this month anyway.
  12. Seeing as I've been taking pics off my SD card I figured I'd post some of my shots from this game: They include Miku playing Virtua Fighter 2 and Hang-On!: Oh, and @Dcubed, this was my first attempt at Matryoshka on Hard: Surprised I even cleared it. Absolute insanity!
  13. Those amiibo do look really good quality. But will be trying to stick to just getting K.K. It's nice that there will be the option of both figures and cards for the AC range though, makes a lot of sense and I wish the same would happen for all other amiibo too. I'd love to get the Splatoon amiibo as cards for example. But yeah, you've gotta love the cross-compatibility of amiibo. I've already used my Happy Home Designer Resetti card on Super Mario Maker (to unlock his Mystery Mushroom costume) and on amiibo Touch & Play which got me Wrecking Crew! How appropriate is that?
  14. I started my happy home designing career yesterday. Some pics: I'm enjoying it, but can tell it's definitely not going to appeal to most people, even among fans of AC. Would be excruciatingly boring if you're not really into the core aspect of the "game" I reckon. Anyway, the NFC reader is also pretty cool. Very light! Is there anything inside it? But yeah, really easy to use (no setup at all, just stick in the batteries and that's it) and it's nice a fast. I got Ressetti as my Special amiibo card. *EDIT* BTW, for those that have played Yakuza 4, here's something you won't be able to unsee:
  15. C&P from the MGSV thread:
  16. After 100 hours... Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is "complete"!
  17. Awesome. :awesome: And yeah, very well deserved indeed. It's just a shame it didn't arrive a lot sooner, as I seriously think it would've helped the Wii U situation quite a bit in that case. Oh well. BTW, it's funny going back to the first page of this thread and seeing all the speculation about this game being real or not.
  18. Holy shit! It's like Goat Simulator. Would totally play this if it was free, stick it on PS+!
  19. Much better, yet still pretty crappy. My expectations for this game couldn't possibly be any lower. Really think it's going to be nothing more than a HD version of the 3DS game. Would love for them to bring the RPG aspect back to this series (would be so perfect with Miis) but it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon.
  20. Great stuff. But yeah, clear the rest of your gaming schedule beforehand, the Yakuza games are pretty long!
  21. I decided to have another go at it this morning, and was finally able to pass Mission 45. Had to make use of the chicken hat for the first time though...
  22. Fuck Mission 45. Seriously, could it be any more poorly thought out?! The fact that it's possible to get stuck in such an unprepared state is just mind-boggling, how the hell did they not realize this during playtesting? It's unlikely that I'll be able to finish the game now (with only 1 more mission to go) purely because of this.
  23. First few minutes of this vid sums it up pretty well: Give Yakuza 4 a try if you're interested in checking out the series, it was a PS+ game earlier this year.
  24. Nice. Liking the inclusion of PNG screenshots. :awesome:
  25. Yep, we still don't even have Yakuza 5 over here, and there's no guarantee we'll be getting this one, but here's a thread for it regardless. Will be the first Yakuza game built exclusively for PS4 (which is pretty damn exciting) and will feature the likeness/voice of Takeshi Kitano!: Awesome stuff. So yeah, everyone buy Yakuza 5 when it finally appears, and then pray. Otherwise...
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