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Everything posted by Wii

  1. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    While only a rumour it would help shift Wii U's by the truck load and it would be a very good way to incorporate the gamepad. I don't want DLC if you have to pay for it.
  2. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    http://mynintendonews.com/2014/02/21/newegg-description-says-you-can-design-your-own-tracks-in-mario-kart-8/ I'd take that with a grain of salt for now. It would be amazing if true. I just couldn't see Nintendo doing that. You'd never buy another one. It's the same deal with NSMB, if the 1st one had a level editor, it would have killed future versions sales.
  3. Dixie will be the other one, guaranteed. Do not want to see that stinkin ape Kranky.
  4. I've always found PES to be better. Just lacks the full FIFA license. What platform are you buying for? I loved PES on the Wii, best controls ever.
  5. Looks interesting. I'll wait for the reviews and I'd prefer if it was €15/<.
  6. No she certainly doesn't. She needs a brain transplant.
  7. This. I can't be bothered to type but this is right. @dazzybee please stop, he's not my player but I recognise his qualities. Sure it was a hell of a lot of money, maybe too much. He'd walk into nearly any team in the world. Ask yourself why? Yes at the moment he's not on fire but that happens to everyone from time to time.
  8. Does anybody know what Reggie and Iwata do every day? I can imagine some funny skits with Will Ferrell playing Reggie and Gilbert Gottfried playing Iwata. I'd pay anything to see them on the big screen.
  9. http://truthdive.com/2014/02/20/Barbie-fan-with-32JJ-boobs-using-hypnotherapy-to-be-stupid.html Brilliant! This world is too funny sometimes.
  10. Did seem harsh on Arsenal. It's just so costly and ruins a good game. Penalty? Yes. Robben made the most of it for sure. It was a legitimate effort but the keeper got it wrong. Would Robben have scored? Maybe, not definite. The sanctions are too much. A penalty, a man down, sub keeper, he's suspended for the return leg as well. There's debate of maybe revisiting what happens in situations like this. De Michelis(spelling) can have no complaint though and said so himself today. Edit: Glass houses and throwing stones springs to mind. Dnipro 1 Spurs 0. Substitute Soldado for Ozil as well. Shocking misses tonight. Good luck Dazzy, you're going to get some stick now.
  11. Horrible game and I was really looking forward to it. Bought the special edition with gold remote. It was such a chore, delighted when it was over. First and only Zelda game I didn't like or enjoy. Fi, empty sky, disjointed ground world, controls were fine but constant calibrating, repeated boss battles, few and crappy minigames, a wallet for all that effort?, non existent music, the harp you didn't really play, slow text, repeated everytime you restarted. And on and on and on. Never want to see this game again and hope for better next time.
  12. This has been known about for some time. Imagine if they were like Lego City Undercover Not ideal but as stated it's better than having a broken or bad game. Would more ram say like the competition have solved this? And would the eShop version load quicker? I'm guessing no. Is it poor/non optimised coding? Excuse my ignorance.
  13. I'd say everything has been safe bar Wonderful 101 which was sent out to die with no advertising. I wouldn't say their output has been phenomenal. Is Wii Party U phenomenal? Wii Sports U? Wii Fit U? NES Remix? Game & Wario?
  14. Brian Blessed is a good fit. Loud and boisterous. David Attenborough would have been fine as well. I heard the ad was shown tonight during the Arsenal game on Sky 1. Is that true, did anyone see it? I hope they have a concerted campaign not just the odd showing here and there.
  15. Starfox Adventures = Press A, press A, press A, repeat, repeat, repeat. Beautiful graphics and presentation but what a snooze fest. So repetitive with the staff. :zzz:
  16. Is piracy an issue for the 3DS? Just wondering if that might be keeping the attach rate so low. I know it was a major problem on DS.
  17. No doubt Mario is a much bigger franchise, I'm just saying give it a bit of time, it might grow legs. I know they're different franchises but how did Microsoft succeed with Halo and Metroid Prime not sell so well. Both were critically acclaimed and released around the same time. Might advertising have played any small part I wonder? Nintendo often send their games out to die because they're misers.
  18. I would add that I think Mario 3D World got off to a bad start in Japan and is now approaching 500,000 which isn't bad and is a really impressive attach rate. So early days yet.
  19. Yes bad sales for DK in Japan but I think it'll do better in the West. People saying Metroid sales have always been poor, how many of you ever remember seeing any Metroid ads? I once seen a Metroid: Other M ad I think, none for the Primes. That's it. The same for other games like F-Zero GX. Never seen an ad, I don't believe it was advertised. DKCR:TF I'd say will be advertised more than all previous Metroid games and F-Zero GX combined. If you don't advertise how do you expect to sell? Speaking of which I think I won't see any of these ads, I don't watch kids channels.
  20. I apologise if I sound aggressive, it's not towards any member. It's towards the fact that we in Ireland don't get the great deals ye get across the water. A lot of times we're expected to pay more and don't get a fair conversion rate from British retailers. I've posted here stating my jealousy of deals in Morrions or ASDA or online retailers as examples that don't deliver to Ireland. We've only really got Smyths, Gamestop and HMV(I do remember not long ago quoting them charging €45 for a nunchuk). My anger and aggressiveness is aimed at the retailers, not anyone on these forums. : peace:
  21. http://mynintendonews.com/2014/02/18/digital-foundry-says-wii-u-has-the-definitive-next-gen-version-of-rayman-legends/
  22. I also sent an e-mail to a Currys PC World rep on boards.ie but am waiting on an answer. http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/member.php?u=529407 If I hear anything I'll update.
  23. Who knows had they not scrapped the original version, this game could have turned out very different.
  24. Yes shut up Moaninho! Worry about your own team and as Roy said earlier in the night if Chelsea have to play Barca in the next round, we'll see how quick he is to say they are "the worst Barcelona of many, many years". Maybe he likes egg on his face.
  25. I did check boards.ie, I'm on there regularly and one person said they got a bundle for €150 in Navan and that was well over a week ago. I consider going directly to the source more accurate than some randomer. I just told you what I was told from head office. Why do you think I rang them? I'd love to snap up a bargain like that. I was told they're not available. Also cool the jets, I don't remember being disrespectful to you.
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