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Everything posted by Wii

  1. I hope Everton finish ahead of United. That would be so funny. Still can't decide whether I want them to qualify for the Europa League. Give Moyes £200m, that Rooney contract and no Champions League means they'll have fork out a lot to attract quality. Then when he fails again next season and sacked the new manager will have to work with Moyes mess and won't be given the same funds.
  2. It's all about the money. He doesn't give a crap about the club. He was born in Liverpool, doubt they were his favourite childhood team, if anything the opposite. He's staying for 300,000 reasons and the promise of captaincy next season. That's how you reward someone who's held the club for ransom numerous times? United are desperate, they need a positive story and he could have ran his contract and left for nothing. Just look at last summer. United had just won the league by 11 points and he hands in a transfer request? Bemoans lack of quality? Well it wasn't evident then but now he's sitting in a team full of $h!t that'll probably finish 7th. Now more than ever he should want out the door, right? It's just an excuse, he's a greedy F##k, that's it, end of. How United fans cheer him on, I don't know.
  3. I do like 1st person games, shooters. So Prime sacrificed nothing? Screw attack, shine spark, wall jumps, speed boost. Even the grapple beam is tame because of 1st person view, same goes for platforming. She's not as agile, she's meant to be like a cat, not a turtle. You are right in one regard, Super Metroid is the Bible and while not perfect, that's why Metroid: Other M is more legitimate in terms of gameplay than the Prime series. There's a reason Retro tried 3rd person first. 1st person view has it's advantages but far more disadvantages. Metroid: Other M tried to meld the two perspectives. It can be improved upon, if they'll try again. Ways to improve for a sequel: more isolation, better story, no pixel hunting, nunchuk support, button press to change between perspectives as opposed to constantly turning the remote, free movement in 1st person view. Some new abilities would be nice. Also consider what I've said elsewhere about 3rd person view on TV and 1st person on the gamepad.
  4. I heard this evening that Joel Campbell is the grandson of an Irish missionary priest. Something for Mr. O'Neill and Mr. Keane to look into ahead of the Euros. Nevermind, he's already played for Costa Rica.
  5. It may not be better than Prime but it is a truer Metroid title in terms of gameplay. It is not a failed experiment. It got a lot right, some parts were wrong, yes but it's on the right path. Even Retro when they first started working on Metroid experimented with 3rd person but couldn't handle it and it was decided to go with 1st person perspective. That game went through hell before Prime evolved. It's no less than an 8 in my estimation. Metroid has to be 2D or 3rd person to fully realise it's potential, otherwise gameplay has to be sacrificed. Add in 1st person elements, I've no problem with that.
  6. Started playing the Ghostbusters game on Wii this evening. It's decent stuff, only the graphics are a little disappointing. Maybe it has a bit to do with everything being destructible. It really was a shame there wasn't another movie. I know Bill was part of the problem and with this game too. If he had of lived and they did another movie, I think it would have been a decade too late maybe.
  7. Shrek Rooney really earned his £300,000 this week. And with no match at the weekend either he must be laughing. Now he's free to eat his Mcdonalds, have a few smokes, down a few tins and spend some of his hard earned cash on riddled granny brazzers.
  8. So many stats about United, all of them bad but one sticks out. Played 12 games in 2014 and lost 6. I've seen less porous sieves.
  9. Wii


    The one with Matthew Broderick, Hank Azaria and Jean Reno. Someone referenced it earlier as coming out in 98.
  10. Great performance from Olympiakos, thoroughly deserved. Could've finished 4-1 to them. I'd be interested in their wage bill. I'd guess Rooney earns more a week than the whole of the Olympiakos squad. Add Ferdinand and definitely then. Moyes will be under even more pressure now but I'd give him another 10 years. Can't wait to hear his interview. I'll never tire of this.
  11. Wii


    I really liked the 98 version of Godzilla. I hope this is good. Spotted Bryan Cranston in there, I hope he has a major role. I'll wait for more. Trailers can make anything look good.
  12. I know it's great. All 5 away teams have won their first legs so far, United being the exception. They don't deserve anything either on tonights performance so far. Edit: Make that 2-0.
  13. Must be nice for a change that United can play a game that they have a realistic chance of winning for once. Easiest draw of the last 16 by a mile. Then back to reality of the PL. This is meant to be the elite of Europe? Fulham are a better team than Olympiakos. Though given some of their player quotes I wonder how planted in reality they are.
  14. I'm just saying LEGO City Undercover would have been the lesser without voice acting. It adds far more than it detracts. Many titles started out mute due to hardware limitations. Should they remain like that forever because they were created back in the early 80's when it wasn't possible? That's it, they're set in stone? Times change, Nintendo should be realising this. I'm mainly talking about Link but it applies to every franchise. Subspace Emissary story could have been good with voice acting, I didn't miss it but it could have enhanced it. That DK ad with Brian Blessed, it would be funny if that was DK's voice.
  15. Why does it have to be LEGO Nintendo? Nintendo could make it by themselves and they could call it Nintendo Lan.......oh right. No but if it was done, they'd have to allow all the characters to speak. That right there would cause infinite arguments. Imagine LEGO City Undercover as a mute title. It just wouldn't have been the same. I second that proposal for Treasure to work on Starfox. They are shmup Gods.
  16. All done. So when do I get my free honeymoon, tell me there is a honeymoon and I didn't just waste 30 seconds out of my boring life?
  17. I don't want a first person Metroid. It should be 3rd person on TV combined with 1st person on the gamepad. I think that would give the best of both worlds and has the potential to be amazing.
  18. I was reading this earlier, wasn't sure a thread would get any attention. Sad news. I knew he co-wrote Ghostbusters but it's only now I read of his other work. He worked on a lot of classics. R.I.P. Harold!
  19. Delighted for Norwich and Chris Hughton. I'd hate to see them relegated. They were "world class" today.
  20. Yeah it wouldn't be worth making. Rugby is not rubbish though.
  21. I know it's rugby but it doesn't have a thread and I need to vent. Curse Sexton he's been a disaster, he's cost us points at both ends. His general play and kicking has been awful. His teammates have let him know.
  22. Speaking of disgusting, thieves and scumbags, Terry scored the only goal 3 minutes into injury time to give Chelsea a 1-0 win. Sickening! In fact I now hear it was a Tim Howard own goal, even worse.
  23. Yes he's been so good. I can't remember all what I heard on the radio but it's far from impressive. He's scored 1 goal in the last 12 games and before that his last goal was December 1st. There was something else about him having the most shots this season as well but a crap conversion rate. Hardly worth £300,000 a week. To give him the captaincy is ridiculous when he's poison.
  24. Well with any luck Snake won't be back. Screw Konami and screw Kojima. Guesses for who else who else won't be back? I'd say Wolf definitely and R.O.B. possibly. Slippy's never got a look in, could be his turn. Also I think Zelda will be combined with Shiek again even though that hasn't been shown so far. So maybe Diddy could be combined with Dixie. It's just an idea. Super Smash Bros. - Diddy Kong Head-to-Head Comparison (Wii U & 3DS Vs. Brawl)
  25. Outrageous numbers on Rooney's reported new deal. How do the United fans feel about it? I'd tell him to f### off! £85 million for 5 1/2 years and they'll make him captain next year. Disgusting mercenary. He's shown no loyalty, could have joined City, done nothing to quell the Chelsea talk and that's how they reward him? What about the dealings with Fergie too? He's had 2 good seasons over all the years. He'll sign that and turn into a fat b@st@rd again. He doesn't want to go abroad, so his options are limited. Who else would pay the reputed £300,000 a week? He's 28 and then future buys would demand equal wages. Part of me would laugh at United if it does happen but at the same time it's bad for the game and he doesn't deserve it. Edit: It is true. Scumbag!
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