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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. The 3D thread lives on!
  2. Look guys, stop arguing. She's decided to have a full-time job being a wedding photographer. And she says herself the wedding season is only 4 months. So she's really... super... smart. Right?
  3. I saw it with a bunch of friends and we all really loved it.
  4. I'm glad that Bambi died in that movie. Fuck Lion King.
  5. I love you so much. No idea she was into drugs and stuff.
  7. It's not really DLC as such...
  8. Got a chance to play with a Vita today. Great hardware, really nice. Uncharted was dumb though.
  9. Use Seat-Wave to sell them. Also that's a really shitty story Mike. You should give her a knife. It worked in Face-Off.
  10. Why did your flight crash and burn? 2:40.
  11. Did you jsut say EWWWW to Darksiders? What the fuck is wrong with you boy?
  12. Kinda odd and awesome. http://youarelisteningtolosangeles. Ambient music and live LAPD radio. You can also change city. I put it on b-more and imagine I'm in The Wire.
  13. I love throwing stuff away. Pretty much everything I own back home has been thrown away. I've not needed/missed it for 3 years while being at uni... so...? It's great. *throws away everything*
  14. Just nabbed Final Fantasy 8 and 9. Never played either so I'm quite excited. I'll get round to playing them after I finish uni. And complete all 199 Steam games I have. And after I finish that pile of books... And... Fuck, why did I buy them?
  15. zomg happy brthdy!!!!
  16. I used to be pretty neat and tidy with my music collection. Since Spotify I've cared a lot less about that though. Looking forward to the day when I can comfortably have no MP3s on my PC.
  17. Karl Pilkington is all I aim to be in life.
  18. Phew, only 1,300ish words today; but my dissertation is wrapped up. Just got to get some images and make a video to accompany it, but that's pretty minor. Onto some really fucking fun stuff tomorrow.
  19. Hey Themurm.
  20. HAPOY brutdhay!
  21. Fuck knows how most of us will get a foothold on the property ladder. It's not even the case of people's attitude/saving ability. Look at the trend of housing prices over the last 20 years and then look at the average incomes for that period. Doesn't take an expert to see that it's not great for your average Joe.
  22. Ima get my sugar daddy @Serebii to buy me all the houses I need.
  23. Oh yeah I forgot my purchase. Bought a house: £184,000 Moving in next week WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  24. The problem I have with this is the simple fact that mortgages aren't even necessarily suitable for a lot of people. The amount of people on here who've been moving from one place to another for jobs... You've just been quoting nightwolf and ReZ. Nightwolf has been moving around the country since graduation for different jobs. ReZ is a rapist. But also ReZ not so long ago lost his job due to redundancies (and probably being a rapist) - he managed to find another job while not moving, but many would have to move to find another job they enjoy. It's just not practical to be tied down to a mortgage for a lot of people. Of course you could just sell-up and buy somewhere else, but then how much money are you losing through all that bullshit paperwork? A lot of people in my family moan about renting, saying it's money down the drain and you're not "getting" anything in return. I just don't see it. I don't get the obsession some people have with "owning" property. Fuck if you own it, you're just in the banks pockets. Makes sense for some. Not for others.
  25. Can you buy PSN online? I want FINAKY FNAD?TASY!
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