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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Was my rape joke deleted? I'm confused to whether I posted it or not now.
  2. Okay I sorta assumed people were already reading this, but maybe some aren't. http://textsfrombennett.tumblr.com/ Fucking awesome site. Anyway, one of the first ones, and probably my favourite. Fuck it, here's some more I like.
  3. Bullets are expensive, yo.
  4. I can't wait to have kids and do this sort of shit.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't actually real to be honest. It was funny though.
  6. To be fair, I used to like every single thing you did on Facebook. I would have liked that shit yo.
  7. Are you going to tell us where it even is yet? I'm just going to assume it's some kind of prostitution until you do.
  8. I don't really think she sounds that spoilt, honestly. What has she really done, exaggerated what her responsibilities are and blown off some steam? That's what all teenagers do; it's just that now Facebook is the forum for that. Pretty cool that he shot the laptop though.
  9. Get Internet Explorer 9.
  10. I would have been 7. And now I'm at least 12.
  11. It's expensive to get those child-slaves to dig for those diamonds, ya know.
  12. Fuck offffff is she.
  13. I've vowed to never read a comic. Ever.
  14. Felt a little off to me. Just some really weird throw-away moments and at times terrible camera work. Odd thing to notice.
  15. Wesley


    Your kids are fucking crazy. But they have a good taste in sandwiches.
  16. Sorry, just need to derail the photography crap:
  17. It would have been good if they'd just made it a 3 minute short.
  18. I used it and it deleted all my files. Now my computer won't turn on properly.
  19. Braaaaaaaaains.
  20. The longest lasting? They're making it sound like a condom.
  21. Photography is pretty easy and most people can do it though. @Goafer just uses a random number generator to place his camera, for instance.
  22. It's not wrong. But I guess it's pretty shitty.
  23. Since leaving Facebook I realised that most friends are indeed shit. You'd think a friendship would be good enough for someone to simply return an email. NOPE. Fuck that you, I can't like it or repost/blog/fuck it. Maybe you can fuck an email... Maybe that's what they're doing with my emails.
  24. Yeah I actually don't see the problem in it either, to be honest. Yeah it's expensive but so's your face, right? Anyway, I'm moving into a career of being one of those Santa guys you see at shopping outlets and stuff. I wanna be a pro and go full-time. So it's that's about one month... Charge little kid ?100? I'll do the maths and make you realise it's actually not expensive...
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