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Everything posted by Wesley

  2. I saw it and thought it was great. Also makes sense that film critics and the Academy Awards would love it because it deals with some of the origins of film so... I wouldn't complain about how many nominations it got, I mean.., it got nominated for best sound editing and best sound mixing. .... So I don't know why people count these things.
  3. Again, this on your chest @soag:
  4. I don't think I'd ever get a tattoo because you would have to chat to the tattoo'er while it was being done, right? I don't go to the hairdressers for that very reason.
  5. Holy shit soag posted.
  6. I think all of this is bringing back memories for Zechs Merquise that he'd rather keep buried.
  7. No never give up! I cracked my problem only a couple of hours ago!
  8. OH FUCK. Just cracked that piece of code I've been struggling on for a fucking age.
  9. I've been stuck on one line of code for nearly a day now.
  10. How late did you stop it? I've always found stopping people from kissing me really easy. Like this old man keeps trying to kiss me, he's nice and all... but I don't really want to.
  11. But he said he loved me...
  12. The more I see that guy the more I'm glad he's totally fucked.
  13. Saying that though, some people are shit and will pirate no matter what. People still pirated the Lewis CK video. I see people pirating small scripts that this one guy has made and is selling for $10. These scripts are crazy cheap and often do pretty awesome stuff that would be valuable in a production workflow. But people still pirate them.
  14. Because I was crazy nervous. It's only for you.
  15. I'm not sure if I'd be quiet enough to be an assassin.
  16. This one is perfect for that.
  17. If you think I look happy there... A year or so ago. I'm not a gun nut (although they're pretty cool). It was for my work. This was a Desert Eagle with a scope and a silencer. Overkill. The gun I'm holding in the other picture is a Martini-Henry that actually saw action Anglo-Zulu war.
  18. Did you ever find any paper that fits into those Nintendo notebooks?

  19. That'd be a bit bent wouldn't it?
  20. I mentioned a while ago that I would soon have an awesome picture of me. EDIT: I should have made it clear, I'm the one on the right.
  21. Ah fuck... Final Fantasy is so fucking Japanese.
  22. Totally got into a Blitz Open Day thang. Third time trying (I applied in first and second year to no avail). Third times a charm, eh?
  23. Argh matey! Ye ask and ye shall see!
  24. This: Plus lots of pieces of paper with notes on my desk. Plus a wall-chart for the bigger picture. I changed crosses to ticks to be more positive.
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