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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. The boys must get sick an tired of you two.
  2. Foamy is awesome. I don't have favourite episodes though.
  3. Rhian: Ex-girlfriend's sister who is now one of my best mates, it's so great because you know that nothing will happen, neither one of us will think, "well actually I kind of like him/her". Chris: Does too many drugs. Joe: Moans too much.
  4. How the fuck am I suppost to read it?
  5. Ah the NME crowd . . . make me smile they do. My friends have been telling me about this band, they all bum NME.
  6. Analysts have been predicting the fall of Nintendo as far back as the SNES, nothing changes.
  7. Yeah but everyone knows that one sucks.
  8. That's a point, has anyone heard the French government doing anything? Also, you may be interested to know that despite me going on about not signing it, I am a vegetarian.
  9. What was the last thing you did that you're proud of? GCSE results When was the last time you were embarassed? Honestly can't remember Do you have an ambition in life? Yes What are you listening to right now? The White Stripes - Astro [live] What was the last DVD you bought? The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Limited Edition 04375 of 20000 Quote of the day? I've only just got up. So it would have to be something I listened to late last night/early hours of morning. "the problem with knowledge is that it's annoying" - Karl Pilklington What do you want people to remember you for? Music or some sort of great death. Favourite Sport? Erm . . . Badminton. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? For responsibilities like these to stop being put on the sholders of a select few. What's your poison? People who don't keep promises/or don't keep secrets to themselves. What SHOULD you be doing right now? Nothing for another 30 minutes. What do you want to do as a job eventually? No idea. where do you see yourself in 10 years? Dead. Favourite Bob Marley song? Bob Marley is one of the most overrated artists in recent generations. Favourite Movie? Saving Private Ryan Favourite Food? Tuna and onions. Favourite game? Super Mario 64 Person you'd like to kill? Who would ask me this question. What where you doing before you checked this thread? Watching TV. Your Ideal Weekend Out on Friday, out on Saturday, out on Saturday night and then nothing on Sunday for a rest. Whats your house number/name ? 4 Favourite album: Radiohead - Kid A Best classic cartoon show? I don't really remember watching cartoons as a kid. What's your shoe size? Depends on what shoes. But I think a 7/8? Who is better out of Chesney Hawkes, Pat Sharp and David Hasselhoff? I've only heard of David Hasselhoff . . . What's your favourite program on TV at the moment? Lost or QI. Hard choice. Readers, what's your word of the day? Apathetic. What time did you go to bed last night? 1:36AM What are your plans for the day/What did you do today Going to Lincoln [the nearest city] to buy some clothes, CDs, a DVD and a removeable hard disk drive. What's your favourite cheese? Erm, mature chedder thing? Favourite Comedy program? The Office. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Rid of an illness. What place on the planet would you like to visit and why? Japan because of the mix of culture and technology. What is your sexual fantasy? Anything with my girlfriend. Could you take Locke (Hint: no)? Not in a million years! Celebrities you've rubbed shoulders with: None. What's the BEST THING about yourself? The none willingness to answer these sort of questions in an egotistical manner. [oh wait what happened there then?] My question: Ever thought you could be a homosexual?
  10. Wesley


    What's the problem with it being unholy? Surely that would be better than it being a Holy war?
  11. It's a new image from the realistic Mario 128 you idiots.
  12. Haha! Actually that wouldn't be too bad!
  13. Can anyone give me advice on which broadband provider to go for which has unlimited access? This however must exclude AOL because my mother [who knows nothing at all about PCs] refuses to get AOL. Thanks in advance.
  14. Why did I think they would? Hum, nevermind, NES games will be enough for me anyway.
  15. Too egotistical. Change it.
  16. There is a picture. It's really nasty, big box.
  17. Can you download Gamecube games? I did I totally get it wrong there?
  18. It's awesome when you meet old friends after so long. Unless you don't remember them but they remember you. Like at the pub a month ago a girl came up to me and said, "hey wesley!" and then hugged me, I didn't have a clue who she was . . .
  19. Woaw that guy sounds hard. Don't mess "mate".
  20. I understand it's easy for people to be drawn into the anti-French attitude, but common guys. It's like saying that men were found to be having sex with underage children in a Pacific island that belonged to Britain [and this small civilisation were British], that all English men are "sick fucks who rape children". [i tried my hardest to find that news piece on the internet but gave up.]
  21. Because you the comment about brain size or something [too lazy to click on page 2].
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