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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. That seems really odd. You get compliments on being able to... dress yourself? I'm not going to lie, I don't really get fashion. I don't know why anyone would want to spend valuable time on something so trivial. I also think being impressed with someone's clothes is pretty dumb. In fact that was a lie, it's not even their clothes. You'd be impressed with someone's ability to buy something. "Hey I like your money!" Anyway.... This reminds me, I need to wash my clothes.
  2. I look terrible in my glasses. I look just as bad without them as well. To be honest it's not the glasses that is ruining things in the facial region. It's mostly, you know... the face.
  3. Slow news day for the Mail? Also, who gives a shit if an advert is spoiling something like that. It's an advert, they're evil anyway! As for the thread, I dunno. I can't really remember.
  4. Hi folks it's me again! I'm in need of some music. Based on this song: Any suggestions? Thanks guuuuys, you're all the best!
  5. Band of Brothers is amazing! The Pacific is good.
  6. Bullshit. Ofsted don't know what they're talking about. We all know the real FLAAAAAMEBOY. Only kidding. Well done.
  7. Are they?! No seriously, are they? I thought they were a little worse.
  8. Those cassete tape MP3 thingies are shite.
  9. I can't find this song on YouTube. spotify:track:5GCqQGzs5DZUaA4Sb7Sz0a Dunno if that becomes clickable once I click this posting button. Let's do a HTTP as well yeah? Now you have no excuse!
  10. So that's where your thingie thing is from!
  11. Don't stick up for his craziness. I'm trying to make a point. That now may be slightly invalid. You make me feel sad Short stuff.
  12. I don't even know what thread Shorty is talking about; but I love his style.
  13. I would genuinely like to see if you can tell the difference. Next meet. Will test.
  14. I don't think listening to a great album has been diminished because of the delivery/format. A fantastic album that is downloaded for a tenner is just as fantastic as it being bought on a piece of plastic for 16 quid. But that's just me.
  15. *resists urge for very offensive joke* I kind of blew my lid a little today during a meeting. Didn't really mean to. Just that the person was being crazy and saying crazy things. "You can model it without worrying about the style." "The style doesn't change the modelling." Motherfucking crazy talk, yo.
  16. I often have the reserve happen. Can't really think of things that I used to find funny but no longer do (apart from when it's just age doing its' thing).
  17. No waaaaai is that the best Pokedex ever made.

  18. If he's going to just be an annoying troll then can we troll him back? Just remove his sig and avatar stuff. He'll probably stop posting if he can't advertise that shitty site. HI POKEMONCRAFTMAN!
  19. Pretty much finished up some contract work. Which helps with my sanity. Must not take on anymore contract work while in final year. Too much stress. The three Ds!
  20. Fuck, 90 quid? I think I've had a night like that before actually. But yeah would never spend that much on a night out anymore.
  21. No you're wrong, it hasn't.
  22. Christ on a fucking bike.
  23. I AGREE. There's a good few people on here who are with them. Also they're like Tesco, they actually use the O2 network. So you wouldn't actually notice any change in your network performance, just have a few more pounds in your piggy bank.
  24. How does it work with shipping to the UK then? Am I best buying a card directly from you or from Etsy?
  25. Oh God, the Citrus Sharp ones were amazing! I can usually only find Original Polos. But I got excited the other day when I found a news agents selling Spearmint. I then ate a whole pack faster than lightning itself. But do you also remember the butterscotch typed flavour? So good.
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