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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. giffgaffgiffgaffgiffgaff
  2. NICE WRAPPING PAPER! where did uuu get it?
  3. That's... not an answer as such...
  4. Since when was the idea of monsters/danger at night a Minecraft thing?
  5. You would definitely have to have your cat written in your acknowledgement section though.
  6. Kit-Kat has disappeared. I think she has crawled inside the vacuum.
  7. Aww.... That's just mean. *walks off* *kicks a rock* (I'm trying to create a scene)
  8. My advice is to stop looking at child porn.
  9. Woah! I'm feeling a backlash here. I would worry about my popularity but I'm too high-strung on caffeine to think straight.
  11. I had a good day today because I got a cat and the cat was nice it was soft and it was fun to play with it its name is Kit-Kat because it makes me laugh.
  12. LOL! u guys r funny
  13. HOLY FUCK I JUST STARTED WATCHING BREAKING BAD. Day of work ruined. But day still a million times better.
  14. Ahhh Pro Plus. I took two packets for a bet and stayed up all night vomiting. But that was a long time ago when I was stupid. I'm not stupid any more though guys. Right?
  15. You lose for having watched that.
  16. No kidding though... Why are you using a cup? I usually just pour a bit from the container straight to my mouth. I know that's a bit gross, but if other people are using it then I'll use a spoon and just spoon it in my mouth.
  17. You can usually fill it half-way.
  18. No they now have just big wooden slats. They did just have these little metal... things, that you could just use a hex key to get off... But they realised people were doing that so they've removed those and drilled in wooden things that take up the whole space. Annoying.
  19. I have window restrictors in my room. So I can't open them full whack. Ridiculously hot right now.
  21. Christmas morning. I thought that this is what everyone did up until I was about 12. I know it's a bit weird. But yeah it's a tradition. We start cooking food together, then while it's cooking/you have a spare moment, you put the tree up. Then you eat. Then afterwards people bring gifts and put them under the tree.
  22. So my real name is actually Colin. Don't ask why I have the nickname Wesley. Long story. Lots of sentences. So Colin actually means "young pup" I think?
  23. Thanks for making me depressed for the rest of today.
  24. I wouldn't bother. English is the best anyway.
  25. Guys, it's real yo. It even has little underscores between the name.
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