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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Dunno why I bothered to edit it. You ruined it. You made me look a fool. A FOOL I TELL YOU. A FOOL!
  2. That guy was a genius; ahead of his time.
  3. You guys should use shorter words With spaces between sentences. It's easier to read. And it helps lower your IQ. Which my doctor said is good for you.
  5. My friend likes Skyrim but not Oblivion. He claims that Oblivion's combat was too clunky. And that this isn't.
  6. Yeah I think it's still pretty good. Especially with all the price hikes I've seen from the big supermarkets.
  7. FUUUUCK I WANT THIS GAME SO BADLY. Just watch it for 3 minutes. You'll know when you've watched what you needed.
  8. Do we have a lot of call centre staff here?
  9. Awwwww... I'm not 19 or younger. I'll get pregnant. Then I get all the teeth for free.
  10. I haven't been to a dentist since I was about 16. How much do they cost? I'm woefully uninformed about this sort of stuff. Can I get something for free for being a lazy student?
  11. I thought you did something more along the lines of design?
  12. Srsly?00000
  13. Yeah, raining, she probably has a huge tooth fetish or something. Don't judge.
  14. How did you edit the quote? Hakzor!!!
  15. Woooooah, woah, woah boy. Greggs is alright. Part of the appeal is that it's super cheap. But let's not act like anything in Greggs can compete with... well... decent food.
  16. That's because I wasn't talking to you.
  17. Is the Game Help/High Scores forum really needed? There are threads from 2008 on the first page... Only 6 of the 31 (I think it's 31) threads on the first page are from this year... By making people post that sorta stuff in the main forums (Wii/Other) then you may get more people viewing/posting in the threads.
  18. The festive slices are aweeeesome!
  19. So Apple have decided they'll replace the first generation iPod Nanos (that was mentioned in the original post). http://www.engadget.com/2011/11/12/apple-to-replace-first-gen-ipod-nanos-in-the-us-due-to-faulty-ba/ http://www.apple.com/support/ipodnano_replacement/ My girlfriend actually has one that's valid. They said she'll get a new iPod but I don't know whether that's a replacement battery or a new Nano.
  20. Are you not even able to compliment a game without giving shit to another? You're a dick. But I agree with your first part, the fact it's quite same-y isn't a huge problem because no other game has managed to breech this field yet. Much the same with Batman. Obviously you can't keep relying on this/doing this though.
  21. I also made my way through Oblivion being a thief/assassin type character. Was fun. God I want this game.
  22. I want pictures of both this supposedly broken tooth and penis that you claim you still have.
  23. http://www.n-europeforums.com/showthread.php?t=27499
  24. Because lots of other people have a different a opinion to you. Not being sarcy, that's the genuine reason to what I assume is a genuine question.
  25. I forget that these mega threads (which supposedly died a death) are for simply splurting out a single post.
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