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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Oh God I'm such a massive twat. I think stress/still trying to stay happy has resulted in me acting like a twat in some situations. One of those is probably posting activity here. I think I might sort some thing out. LOL THIS IS A POST ABOUT BAD STUFFS.
  2. I DO GAMES DESIGN LOL Fees are fine. How else are the people meant to be paid. Also things in shops cost money. So paying for a degree makes sense.
  3. I'm not going to lie, I don't know what non-plussed means. Thanks for your concern though J tot he3 Seven. I feel much better now. Threw up a little bit though.
  4. i r tired i r stressed words r hard
  5. Yeah it's mainly the cutting of jib in general that impresses me. Not even his. I avoided writing yours on purpose. Fuck his jib. Jib in general is awesome. It tastes so good.
  6. Oh phew, I just found the Polo's wrapper.
  7. I like the cut of jib.
  8. Isn't this actually being challenged by the courts?
  9. It's ok they had lots of sugar. Can I Just check, are you a doctor @Sméagol?
  10. I have the same problem! My course leader the other day suggested that I take do a masters. It will probably be a MRes and will involve doing some teaching/management in order for fees to be paid for me. But yeah... kind of wanna just... Have a job?
  11. WOAH. I was blown away by that last word.
  12. Is the cross word included? No? Oh... I'm out.
  13. I don't think I ate the packaging... But now I can't find it. So maybe I did? Is that better or worse? Do I get Spearmint again? Or a different kind to counteract what I just ate?
  14. Was this before the banking crisis? Because if Scotland was an independent country that would have CRUSHED you. Not you specifically. But you're kind. OH SHIT IM RACISTY!!!
  15. Is that really bad for me? Should I go to the doctors? EDIT: They were Spearmint, if that helps anyone.
  16. Whatever... you're so racist. Racist against... Wait. Who mentioned anything about racism being involved here? That was stupid.
  17. MY GOOD POST OF THE DAY: I found a store that sells Spearmint Polos. Out of interest, what do you include in that? I mean, apart from the stuff you decide not to use/partake in. For instance, when I was working I paid taxes that was spent on funding public transport, but I didn't use it. That doesn't really count because I still had the opportunity to. Where as when I was paying taxes I was (in theory) paying for a Scottish student's uni fees... But... there's no way that I can take advantage of that? If I went to that very same university and did that very same course, I'd have to just pay for myself?
  18. Hum... but that didn't happen at the student protests. Also, all you really found out is how police "police" when there are lots of student cocks smashing windows and throwing fire extinguishers from rooftops at police officers. Those, by the way, are two things that actually happened during the student protests in London; and not at a different event over 2000 miles away.
  19. I actually appeared as an extra in The Event.
  20. I had a pretty awesome day. I will post a picture for it will describe my day better than my; broken> words.
  21. I feel your anger @The Peeps. Let's just watch this together and hold hands.
  22. As in they did it for the advert, but actually killed a real dog for the advert. Apparently higher-ups cut it from the advert in production but it was still all shot. It's kind of hard to get the information as it's now a police investigation?
  23. Wesley


    What the fuck man? I thought we said we'd go see it together. Agh... you always do this.
  24. I'm kind of annoyed that they don't end/hang up sooner. Like the Prime Minister one... went on for ages. Especially annoying that I didn't realise but often when you phone 999 you're actually put on hold. A RELATIVE saw a pretty nasty car crash and was the first on the scene, THIS RELATIVE then phoned 999 and was on hold for about 5 minutes.
  25. Wesley


    I've been looking forward to this for a while. Shall we see it together @Ashley?
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