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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. That still from the trailer kinda spoils something that wasn't given....
  2. Hob, Cuphead and SteamWorld Quest have my attention so will probably buy them at some point. It's a busy month, though.
  3. This is so funny! Englishmen, thinking that everyone drives on the left side of the road. XD
  4. I just reached the boss yesterday night for the first time. Haven't been playing that much but had a good run - even got the Ram Rune this time around. I got the boss' health down to about 80 % before dying - so not so good.
  5. Four new commecials - as far as I can see there is some new footage:
  6. I saw that Mufasa won't die in the new Lion King due to animal rights. I found that rather funny.
  7. Have you tried the boss challenges? I think they might be somewhat difficult. I had hoped you would be the one to collect all flowers so I could see what that unlocks but I'll have to find someone else to ask. Hehe.
  8. I don't think I had trouble with the hidden clouds as Shy Guys are hovering around them, looking a bit perplexed or down or as if they are looking at something.
  9. My approach to the game was to avoid the missions in general - did one of then and then noped out of them. Then I collected what I could from a single playthrough of a level and if I liked the level or felt stupid for missing a flower, I would quickly go through it again. There are quite a few levels where I haven't found all 20 red coins (hint: there is almost always one in the background) but I haven't replayed a level to get all those coins. In general, that made the game far more fun to me because I dislike repetition and being forced to play the same level more than twice is just grotesque. Playing this way, I spent about 12 hours getting through the game. Still need 317 Flowers...! I also only played a few of the levels from behind but I liked the clock mechanic as that added a little pressure to the game. It's not like you can't ignore the clock and then find the pups anyways in order to take in the level. In the later levels (just before the fifth gem), I actually died but mostly because I wanted to collect a flower that I kept missing due to it being timed. I think you'll see which level I mean when you get there.
  10. Sorry, I haven't read your comments in general. Just came here to say that as a foreigner, this is looking more and more like a kindergarten. The way that discussion is carried out in the Parliament is just absurd - people shouting, mumbling in the background while May speaks, seems very rude and indifferent to the speaker. It seems as if most MP just don't want Brexit in the first place and thus do everything to obstruct it, even though they only end up getting a worse deal than what could be achieved if they actually worked together. I hope for you guys that this will end up in a new vote that will revoke the wish for Brexit but damn, how much money and time would then have been wasted, money and time that could be spend on more important things?
  11. Switch wasn't confirmed when this was revealed. It was just confirmed yesterday along with the release date.
  12. Oh. Didn't notice that it was there - I agree, it is s little problematic that they aren't displayed here as well. I don't care if this is deleted then.
  13. Just confirmed for a Switch release after long-going rumours. Out July 26th.
  14. Oy, Nelke & the Legendary Alchymists says hello! And Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (though digital) wants a word! oh.. Notable.
  15. On the contrary, I found Crafted World better than Woolly World. The game is far more streamlined and actually getting the flowers is challenging this time around. The downside is that you have to repeat the same level again and again to get everything. There is plenty of levels to go through, though, and some of the later levels are quite hard to get 100 %. I also enjoy the craft aspect more than the yarn aspect. I gave this 8/10 and would rate WW at about 7/10.
  16. The Death of Superman hit Netflix recently so watched that a couple of days ago. Definitely a good Justice League movie and now I'm just looking forward to the Reign of Supermen. That should be interesting!
  17. Heist is turn-based as well.
  18. It's exactly what the article says. From the article:
  19. 13 games in total and my second win.
  20. Tomorrow at 2 pm UK time, 3 pm CET.
  21. Never played it but I'm tempted now that it's on Switch. Actually, come to think about it, I don't think I've ever played an FF game before.
  22. After Half-Genie Hero, I'm not that fussed. They should trace back and look at what made Pirate's Curse so great or just convert to a tight platformer instead of Metroidvania.
  23. If you can't detach the JoyCons, some games will be limited in the way the are controlled - I can't see Nintendo making players unable to play Super Mario Odyssey without the JoyCons, just to mention a big game that a lot of people played with JoyCons only.
  24. A squat rack is for putting a barbell (long bar for weights) on so that if you want to do something where the bar is on your shoulders, you don't have to carry it all the way from floor to shoulders - very useful if you have 60+ kg. Also makes it easier to take the weights off again. I'm considering this model:
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