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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. So this was the big announcement... shocking.
  2. The Arrow-part was better but the ending was meh.
  3. Saved someone from serious back problems in the future today in the gym. He was deadlifting with a spherical back, yes, spherical!! 60-70 kg. I just said "Stop that!" to him and he put it down. Told him the problem, he was like "Thanks for telling me, it's my first time with this exercise." WHAT?! First time you should never go that heavy, and he was even doing it alone. He was young so would probably be able to handle it but better start early with the proper technique.
  4. I've had trouble motivating myself proberly for the last months. I still try to go four times a week but since quitting crossfit, my joy of training has gone down. The gym I'm now in just doesn't have anything that is close enough to the feeling that crossfit gives me and weight training has also staled a bit since I don't really go regularly for that anymore. I'm only doing strength exercises like once or twice a week which doesn't leave room for any progress. Coupled with my groin trouble it's just not looking good for the next long period. At least I am now free of pain in the groin in my daily life now. It seemed that my legs were not equally long (about 0.4 cm difference) which together with my hyper mobility had caused me to use my body in strange ways, as my physical therapist says it.
  5. That surprises me. Civil War is a must read for comic book superheroes fans. It's really among the best Marvel comic I've read. But I agree, the whole setting should be established in the movie, the trailer probably did a poor job with that. However, the trailer was really good, I'm really looking forward to the movie.
  6. You haven't read the Civil War comic? They are using this as a background for the movie though with the twist that it's about CA's old friend, Buck. In CW, Iron Man leads a group of heroes that do not oppose to the state government and the fact that the heroes' secret identities should be made public, while CA opposes this viewpoint with another group of heroes. Actually a really good comic book with great drawings and writing. Should read it again...
  7. Same in Denmark. In fact, in which European country does Nintendo games sell the best?
  8. To be fair, I have encountered a bit of lag on New 3DS in this. But other than that, I think this is either a business decision or lazyness - they don't want to redo the code for it to run optimally on the consoles.
  9. Ten episodes in now and I'm feeling that it should end by now. It's been dragged a bit too long the last couple of episodes and I still have three episodes left. It's a shame. Still alright but not near as good as Daredevil.
  10. I've watched the first three episodes now and am intrigued. It's not as action heavy as Daredevil but it's still quite good. It's interesting how the characters come to gribs with their powers and how to use them. The story seems interesting and the main villain is menacing even at this early stage. My girlfriend is also quite hooked, perhaps more so than me, so it's also catering to that audience.
  11. Then yes, we are one episode ahead. Unless it's the later part of said Batman moment? The latest episode was OK but not as good as Episode 6. However, I had completely forgotten about that villain so it was nice to see him return.
  12. The game only sold 56,700 copies in the UK so almost nobody is playing it. I really want to get it (for Xbox360) but my girl friend has forbidden me to buy it (or anything else for that matter) this close to Christmas - because I tend to do that and thereby making it harder for others to buy anything for me. :/
  13. Apparently this is out on Thursday in the US. So it might not have to be a December release over here! Edit: Ah, nope. They have changed it back in the trailer again. Damn.
  14. Finally beat Mom yesterday night (even after some beer). Then the dungeon expanded into 8 rooms and this morning I managed to be totally badass and beat Mom's Heart as well - so first Mom kill according to the stats! I had a great combination of tears - they were swarming out in circles from me, and I had eight heart containers so I could take a punch. However, I do believe that I didn't lose more than a single heart in the last fight so I think I did alright. This game is really growing on me...
  15. I think it's too early to judge it. They said they had made changes aside from the visuals to the game. If this only counts amiibo, then sure, it's a bit lazy but given previous efforts to Zelda-games I kind of expect them to have made further changes.
  16. No but in the footage Link was left handed which could suggest that it's the GameCube version they are using.
  17. It was indeed extremely good! However, I disliked that
  18. It looks really good and entertaining. Will definitely watch it.
  19. Spent an hour more with it yesterday. Still didn't get through the entire dungeon (the bosses surprise me most often - this time one of them moved super fast and I didn't, 4th floor) but at least I started getting a bit understanding about items and whatnot. And to my relieve, even though I don't go through the entire dungeon it still saves the items I've found.
  20. Thanks for the advice. It's good to know! However, I'm also a bit frustrated that there is zero item description and some items don't even have names. I've killed myself several times because an item suddenly calls down your mother's foot or something like that. This also makes it really hard to know when to pick up items or to just pass it. I've only managed to beat the game once (I think, see my first post), I've always died because I was not careful enough - an aspect of the game that I both like and dislike. I play on Normal which isn't quite easy for me so there is no way I'm going to attempt Hard as of yet. I feel that I have too few hearts generally (I think some of the unlockable characters have more?).
  21. I got Rebirth on 3DS and have only played it for an hour or so. There seems to be something off to me in some undescribable sense. I finally got through five dungeons and got to the boss. I think I beat it but I can't see the ending in the Endings section so now I'm worried that I actually died. The ending movie showed
  22. I (just) found out that this is also coming to Xbox 360 so no need to be jealous. So other than graphics, is it known that there will be other changes between old gen and current gen versions?
  23. Discount and free DLC this week. From NintendoLife article:
  24. Seems like there might be online capabilities after all: From NintendoLife and the officiel SFZ website.( http://starfoxzero.nintendo.com/ )
  25. I like it, though I don't understand why it needs to be "Shadow". Isn't Mewtwo evil enough on its own? However, I really hope they expand the roster even more for the Wii U-release. It seems a bit barren.
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